You’re Still My Man – English

Chapter 34


“The most painful thing is saying goodbye to someone you don’t want to let go. But It’s more painful to ask someone to stay if you know they really want to go.” This was her favorite saying that always plays her mind as she walked back and forth in a small interrogation room at the NBI office, because the Bureau collaborated with the CIA in arresting Brando. Walking back and forth was all she did during the four hour wait. Because earlier Ace offered her to take her home but she did not agree. She was afraid that Ace might not come home now that she knew his real job. She also has a lot of questions from Ace that he needs to answer, it doesn’t matter if she waits for a long time. At least this way, he had to face her.

She didn’t even touch the food that was prepared for her, she was losing her appetite because of what was happening to her. Her intake was only soft drinks since she arrived at the office. She still hasn’t gotten over what happened, especially the near explosion of the bomb, but it’s a good thing her husband is a bomb expert because if not, she would probably be torn to pieces.

She was tired from walking so she sat down on the chair there. She was really bored. Until the door opened. She sat up straight and watched Ace came quietly into the room and shut the door. Then he pulled a chair on the opposite side of the table.

“How are your injured hands?”

She looked at the bandage on her hands that were injured because of Brando’s tight ties to her. “It’s okay. How are your bruises?”

“It’s nothing. I’ve had an x-ray.”

He’s like a different Ace she is facing now. He looks intimidating. She also felt the awkwardness between the two of them. Maybe because until now she is still ashamed of what she did by recording him while he was talking in his sleep. Even though Ace hasn’t talked to her about it yet.

“Is Brando Nicolas done spilling his guts?” She changed the topic, trying to stay as cool as she is.

“As of now, he’s not yet cooperating. But we have an ace against him. He’s afraid of his father-in-law, especially since Roman finds out that he killed his daughter.”

“Brando Nicolas killed his own wife?” She asked in shock.

“Yes. And until now his father-in-law did not know about it. His wife was not the only one he killed. There were three other women he raped and murdered. But because he had strong connections, most of the witnesses kept silent. Sometimes, people’s silence is often bought with threats. There are some people who want to witness against him, but they are found dead in the next few days. Did you know that Brando Nicolas is part of an international terrorism and a big time drug and arms dealer as well?”

“OMG! so this is a big case?”

“It didn’t start that way. It all started when Maryam’s niece, who is also Brando’s wife, had disappeared. No one knew where she was, she had been missing for three weeks. Months later, she called Maryam, asking for help because Brando took her to an island and locked her there. The next day, they were happy to receive the news that Nala had been found, but the only sad thing was that she was found dead.”Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

She leaned forward. “Why didn’t Maryam report to the police immediately?”

“Because she was afraid to report to them, she might get caught up with Brando’s connections. She didn’t know who she could trust. So she just kept what she knew to herself. Until–”

“She called your office?” She guessed.

“No. She contacted the only person she could trust.”


“Judge Soler.”

“How did she and the Judge meet?”

“They met before, when he was still a public defender. So the Judge himself called us. By that, we invited Maryam to the headquarters. Maryam’s testimony against Brando gave us the way to investigate again this case. We have been monitoring him for a long time, because Brando is involved in the sale of illegal firearms, explosive bombs and drugs in different countries. And not only that, he is also a suspect in the case of rape and murder. The evidence against him for killing his wife would have been strong if the only star witness – Maryam – hadn’t been kidnapped.”

“That’s why you and Maryam know each other. How did Maryam get away from her kidnappers?”

“She managed to escape because she’s getting helped by one of Brando’s men. Since then, she didn’t want to testify and secretly went to another country. That’s why we couldn’t find her.”

Her gaze drifted over him. She wished she could soothe the weariness from his face. She wished she would hold him and tell him that everything was going to be all right.

“How are you involved in Brando’s business?” She asked him instead.

“It’s not true that I came here to the Philippines because of my father. I already found him before. The main reason why I’m here now is because of my mission. We found out that the Philippines was a new market for Nicolas. He got careless, thinking himself to be unknown here, so he met openly with people known to facilitate money laundering. Some of them are members of club fama.”


“We already had an asset at club fama, he was also a businessman and a member there. That’s why I joined the restaurant as a waiter to monitor him. Later on, we convinced one of our contacts to recommend me to Brando as a facilitator. But Brando Nicolas wouldn’t be a member there if it wasn’t for you.”

“Huh? And why because of me?” She asked in surprise.

“Because Brando Nicolas likes you so much.”

“Gosh. I’m so flattered.”

A passing smile crossed his lips and it tormented her. “What if I did agree to his marriage proposal? What would happen to me? Wouldn’t he get tired of me, too?”

“I don’t know. That’s probably it. You’re so attractive that Brando is obsessed with you.”

“I didn’t do anything to attract him.”

“Because you’re so beautiful, that’s why Brando is fascinated by you. It’s not just Brando who likes you, other members of the club fama are also attracted to you. That’s why Brando has the courage to get you by all means because he’s afraid of being overtaken by others.”

“Oh stop it, Ace. I can’t take all this flattery at once.”

“You’re smart and–” he paused, then he continued. “Maybe he sees something different in you, Gina. I was going to tell you something, too. But I guess, this is not the right time to tell you.”

“About what, Ace? Tell me?”

“I don’t think there’s any reason to pretend anymore, Gina. You know how dangerous my job is.”

“How long have you been a CIA agent?”

“Five years. After getting a business degree at Harvard. I studied again in LA taking up criminology. After I graduated, I worked in a crime lab analyzing data. And then, someone offered me to come in as an agent. I didn’t hesitate to agree because I was really looking for a thrill in life. Good thing that I was accepted to the agency the first time I applied, then I undergo rigid training.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were an agent?”

“I was undercover.”

“Surely other agents are married and go undercover. Their wives must know.”

“I believed that the less you knew, the safer you were.”

She shook her head.”You just didn’t trust me.”

“I can’t share my work with you. It could have jeopardized the entire operation. But I also realized that you can’t hide all the secrets.”

“But I’m your wife Ace, you shouldn’t have kept it a secret from me.”


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