You'll Fall For Me, Today or tomorrow

You’ll Fall For Me, Today Or Tomorrow Chapter 143

You’ll Fall For Me, Today Or Tomorrow Chapter 143

Clarissa pouted unhappily, confirming his earlier guess.

Matthew ran a hand over her back to comfort her and chortled.

“Do you still need me to deal with the fish?”

Clarissa giggled along with him and rubbed her cheek against his chest affectionately.

“Back then, after my dad died and my mom left us, Uncle Jacob didn’t want to take care of Grandma and me. Aunt Gloria dared not defy his wishes. I don’t mind, but she’s Grandma’s daughter. How could they abandon her?”

Back then, they had to struggle to survive.

Clarissa remembered how her grandmother took care of her. They cut off ties with Gloria’s family. Gloria would only show up with some food during holidays and such.

The reason Clarissa despised Gloria was because the latter refused to take care of her own mother.

After that, life got better, and they even bought a new house. Gloria and her family kept showing up in an attempt to mend their relationship, but Clarissa had never welcomed them.

As Catherine only had a daughter left, she had no choice but to allow them to visit her grandmother.

Even so, Clarissa refused to treat them nicely.

After listening to her explanation, Matthew felt sorry for her.

Previously, Ellie told him how Clarissa was brought up by her grandmother. The latter had experienced many tough situations in life, so there was a flaw in her character.

He didn’t really believe Ellie until they had a fight and broke up later. Matthew finally understood why Clarissa reacted that way.

Even so, he felt his heart shattering into a million pieces when she told him her story.

She went over her experience briefly, but Matthew could imagine how much trouble she and Catherine had gone through back then.

I wonder how they managed to survive.

Matthew tightened his arms around her and planted a kiss on her hair.

Suddenly, someone barged into the kitchen. Matthew and Clarissa hurriedly jumped apart.

“Clare, Matthew,” the unwanted visitor greeted them with a grin. “My mom told me to come help you.”

It was Clarissa’s cousin, who was still in high school. The young girl had put on thick makeup, so she didn’t look like a teenager. Her clothes were revealing as well.

Even though she claimed to be here to help them out, her gaze was fixated on Matthew.

“Mimi Lester, if you’re here to help, we’ll leave. You can take over.”

Clarissa wasn’t about to talk to her cousin nicely.

Mimi snorted and stepped forward to grab Matthew’s arm, but the man swerved out of her reach.

“Hey, Matthew. Don’t bother Clare when she’s cooking. You should head out. We can’t let our guests cook, can we? By the way, I heard you’re from D City. I’m planning to enroll in the art college there. Do you have…”

Mimi’s enthusiasm annoyed Clarissa immensely.

She stood in front of Mimi and declared icily, “Get out!”

“Clare, what are you doing?” Mimi whined.

Clarissa continued glaring at her angrily until Mimi pouted and left the kitchen reluctantly.

As she walked out, she grumbled silently.

Matthew caressed Clarissa’s cheek gently and kissed the corner of her lips.

“Darling, don’t be mad. It’s not worth getting mad at someone like her, hmm? You have your grandma and your Uncle Matthew, right?”

Clarissa smiled at his words.

She shot him a coy glance. “Mind your words. What if Grandma hears you?”

Uncle Matthew? Hmph!

That’s how I call him in private. If Grandma overhears him, that will be so embarrassing!

Immediately, the tension in the kitchen was lifted.

Meanwhile, in the living room, the Lesters and Catherine were engaged in polite conversation.

“Mom, is Clary’s boyfriend from D City? Does he have a house in D City? He looks handsome. Is he reliable? Clary is rich. What if he tries to trick her?”

“Mom, that’s utter nonsense. Matthew seems like a fine man. He’s a gentleman!”

“Hey, shut up when the adults are talking.”

Mimi’s father, Jacob Lester, sat aside and smoked without a word.

Catherine replied coolly, “Matthew is from D City. It doesn’t matter whether he has a house as long as he’s a nice man. Besides, who told you Clary is rich?”

“Mom, I’m your daughter. You don’t have to hide it from me. I know Clary paid for this house in full. You also told the old neighbors Clary earned so much and would be able to survive even if she stops working now. Of course, she’s rich. Mimi also told me about the novels she wrote. Most authors are rich.”

Immediately, Catherine regretted boasting about her granddaughter in front of her friends. But she did that to find a boyfriend for Clarissa.

I didn’t know Gloria would find out about that.

“Even if she’s rich, she spent it all on the house. She doesn’t have any money now.”

As Catherine insisted Clarissa had spent all her money, Gloria’s lips twitched and stopped pressing on. Well, I still think she’s rich.

But judging from how she treats us, she might not agree to lend us money.

After bringing the dishes to the table, Clarissa didn’t kick the Lesters out.

She was in a good mood as Matthew was present.

However, the Lesters couldn’t relax on the dining table.

It wasn’t because of Clarissa’s unwelcoming gesture; it was because of her boyfriend.

When he swept his gaze across them, all they wanted to do was to escape at once.

He looks scary.

Luckily, Matthew didn’t keep staring at them. He helped Clarissa with the shrimps and removed the thorns in the fish for Catherine. Gradually, the Lesters relaxed. He seems like a nice man.

“Matt, you adore Clare, huh? My mom said you’re from D City, right? What do your parents work as? Which area are you staying in? What is your job?”

“That’s none of your business,” Catherine interrupted bluntly. “Just eat.” NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

Gloria stopped, feeling humiliated by her mother’s rebuke.

Jacob spoke up. “Yes, stop asking. Matt, come, let’s drink. If Clary’s father is still alive, he’ll drink with you, too.”

Matthew had no choice but to clink glasses with him.

Clarissa didn’t stop him and chatted with her grandmother over dinner.

“Clare, I’ll head to D City to attend the college entrance test soon. Can I visit Matthew there? Oh, can I stay at his house?”

“Yes, that sounds great. We were worried as Mimi has to go to D City alone. As Matt lives in D City, he can take care of her. Matt, thanks for your help.”

Matthew grunted in acknowledgement and didn’t reject them immediately.

Clarissa expression darkened, but she said nothing.

It was Catherine who voiced out. “There are plenty of people taking the exam. Do they all have relatives in D City? Mimi is taking the test with her friends, right? Where will her friends be staying then? Don’t trouble Matthew. He’s busy with work.”

“Grandma, my friends are staying at the hotel with their parents. I want to join them, but Mom and Dad are busy, so they won’t be joining me in D City. They won’t allow me to stay in the hotel alone. As Matthew lives there, I can stay with him. Matthew, can you take me in for a few days?”

Mimi gazed at him expectantly.

She was sure he wouldn’t reject her request.

After all, she was still Clarissa’s underaged cousin. He won’t say no to me.

Matthew parted his lips to reply, but Clarissa cut in. “I’m also in D City. Why would you need to go to Matthew? I can stay with you at the hotel.”

“Why would you be in D City?”

“Ha! My boyfriend is in D City. Why would I remain here?”

“Oh, okay. There’s no need to stay in a hotel. I can join you and Matthew to save some money—”

“Matthew doesn’t have a house. He shares a place with his colleagues. You want to join them?”


The Lesters were shocked to hear that. They gazed at Clarissa suspiciously.

Gloria chuckled. “Clary, are you joking? Matt lives in D City. How could he not have a house under his name?”

“He doesn’t. If Mimi wants to come, she has to stay with me.”

“Well, that works. As long as there’s someone to take care of her. Mimi, remember not to trouble Clary, alright?”

Mimi nodded reluctantly.

She shot Matthew a disdainful stare.

She might despise him, but he was still a hunk. What a pity. He’s just a kept man.

Mom told me Clare wants to marry someone who’ll take her last name. Well, if the kept man is as handsome as him, that’ll do.

I’m not as foolish as her, though.

Soon, she looked away. Her attention was focused on her phone during dinner.

Both Gloria and Jacob stopped talking to Matthew.

After dinner, Mimi left to meet up with her friends. Jacob and Gloria remained to talk to Catherine. To stay away from them, Clarissa brought Matthew to her room.

In the room, Matthew sat on a chair while Clarissa sat in his lap.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she straddled him and trailed kisses from his cheek down to his lips.

Flashing a seductive smile, she asked, “Uncle Matthew, are you mad at what I said about you?”

After hearing what she said about him, the Lester family thought he was a loser.

Matthew pinched her cheeks in amusement.

“Nope. But your Uncle Jacob said you want your husband to take your last name? Do I fit your requirements?”

Clarissa’s lips twitched helplessly. Why is he asking that?

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