White Wolf’s Curse

Chapter 34

We pull in front of the school gym. Several cars are already there, including mine. We slide out of his car and head in. I looped my arm through his. We just smile at each other.

When we come in I see there are a bunch of older people here. Like graduated older, not teacher age. Justin sees me first he swoops in and hugs me. “There you are, I was starting to think that you were bailing on me.”

“Why are there so many college people here?”

Justin shrugs. “My stepdad always does this. He ropes in as many college aged kids to chaperone as possible. The teachers are more free that way, so they don’t care. I didn’t care because I wanted to be here.”

Ethan tugs on my arm. “I’m going to get something to drink.”

“Ok, I’ll be there in a second.” At least I think I will, Justin pulls me closer. I am not so sure he is letting me go anytime soon. I turn to look at him. “You know Ethan is my date, sort of. I can’t leave him hanging.”

“I am sure he will live. He doesn’t even like dances.”

“Still he is my best friend and I can’t bring him here and then ditch him, what kind of person would that make me?”

“A bitch.” He sighs. “Alright, but you are dancing with me. You promised.”

“I don’t remember ever making any such promises.”

“Oh, you did. Do you want me to jog your memory again?” He leans forward, I am sure to kiss me.

I put my fingers on his mouth. “Nope, sure I got it.” I smirk as he groans. Slowly he removes his arm from me. “I’ll see you later.” I wave as I walk away.

I see some guy I don’t know come up on his left. He nudges him a little and points at me. He’s blushing a little. That’s kind of cute.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

I turn away from the friends and head toward Ethan, he’s at the cooler getting us both some soda. He likes his lemon lime. I see Calab and Willow. He is holding her close while they dance. She is blushing up a storm but has a huge grin on her face. Good, he makes her happy. Ethan turns and sees where my gaze is. “They look good together.”

“I know right? I am so glad. Calab seems so content with her, I have never seen him so happy.”

Ethan laughs. He points over to Crissy and some of her squad. They are glaring at Willow. “It looks like some people aren’t happy about it.”

“They can shove it. Calab is happy, I doubt any of them could turn his head.”

“Yeah, he is the new hot thing in school. I am sure that is what’s pissing them off. He picked the nerd over them.”

“He is a bit of a nerd himself.” I laugh with Ethan.

“I don’t think they care.” He rights himself a little. “So, what’s up with Justin? He’s going to steal you away?”

“I guess he plans on dancing with me. I don’t really know.”

Ethan smiles. “Come with me.” He takes my hand and leads me out to the floor. Before I know it he has his arms wrapped around me. He pulls me close enough to whisper in my ear. “Make them sweat.”

I laugh lightly. “You are so bad.”

“Hey, they need to earn you. You aren’t going to roll over for either of them.” I would have found this odd if he wasn’t my best friend, but he is so I just roll with it. I know he doesn’t want me in that way. He just wants to make sure that I don’t get hurt again.

“Thanks Ethan. You are a great friend.”

“I know.” He smiles.

We dance and talk for a while, laughing at other couples who look strained or way too comfortable on the floor. There were a couple of people that I didn’t know that had to be led off the floor, they got way too comfortable. I don’t see too many teachers, they must have really just had the college people chaperone for this thing. I don’t know if that is scary or refreshing. At least it’s not overbearing but at the same time maybe a little too laxed.

Justin comes to me first. He asks Ethan for my next dance. “May I take the lady for the next dance?”

Ethan gives him the stink eye. “Aren’t you supposed to be working?”

“Aren’t you only her friend?”

“Answering my question with a question. Evasive. I don’t think you will get your dance.” Ethan makes me laugh. Like he is defending my honor.

Justin rolls his eyes. “I have my partner covering my section of the floor.”

Ethan nods. “Alright. I am sure you can be spared for one song.”

I can’t hold it in anymore. I let out a chuckle. Ethan does too. “Are you done yet?”

He continues to chuckle. “I couldn’t help it.” He walks off leaving me alone with Justin.

Justin doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around me. “If he wasn’t your best friend I would be worried.”

“Yeah, why is that?”

“You guys are so comfortable together.” He kind of shrugs a little. Like it isn’t a big deal but I can tell that it is to him. “It just seems like you relax with him. With me you are always kind of guarded.”

“Gray kind of made me that way. I don’t want to get hurt again, you know what I mean right?” I look up into his beautiful blue eyes.

He looks down at me, half smiling. “Yeah, I get it. Still wish you were that way with me.” He bends down, giving me a soft kiss.

Suddenly I feel him pushed away from me. I am stunned, until I look over and see Trey. He looks like he is fuming. “Don’t you dare touch her.”

Justin staggered a little, but caught his balance. “Jealous Trey. Thought she was your girl?” He is smirking a little.

“She will be. Leave her the fuck alone. I know you are just playing games and she is going to get hurt. So back the fuck off.” Trey isn’t backing down and we are drawing a crowd.

“Will both of you just knock it off?” I scream. I am so pissed.

Instead of knocking it off, Justin tackles Trey. Both are throwing punches on the ground. I don’t even stop it. I just walk around them and find Ethan. He is laughing his ass off. “If I had known that school dances were this fun I would have gone to more.”

“Well, we are leaving this one.”

He keeps laughing all the way to his car. “You know what, they are going to be so fucking lost when they stop fighting and neither can find you.”

“Good, the assholes deserve it.” I plop down in his car seat as we see them both come bolting out the front door. “I will take pictures with your mom if you get me the hell out of here.”

“I would never subject you to that horror. But I do have a better idea.” He smiles as he pulls out of the parking lot. Both guys were chasing after the car. God don’t they have any tact. I am just glad that it is over and I am not going to any more social events until I meet my mate.

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