Chapter Thirty

Sneaking Around



Sneaking around Elena is difficult. Klaus and I don’t dare try anything in the office.

We keep our contact to a minimum of professional communication.

Even so, Elena suspects something. Her eyes narrow whenever we look at each other, no matter how innocent it is.

I jump a little when the alarm I set on my phone goes off.


Time to leave for my coven meeting. I’ve had to take a reduced schedule at Vamp investments since I’m required to go to coven meetings three times a week.

They’re actually not bad. Mostly everyone talks about the projects they’re working on. I’m still fine-tuning my control.

It’s been a long time since something drastic has happened, like the ceiling literally coming down, but I’ve had a fair few plates exploding and curtains catching fire.

I want to tell Arthur I’m leaving, but Elena is watching me. She always seems to be watching me. She’ll surely notice if I share a tender moment with Klaus.

He knows where I’m going, so I don’t really need to tell him.

I get up and leave.

I get to the coven meeting early. Sara is just putting down a plate of biscuits.

Ruby, thank you for coming early. I want to talk to you.

“Sure.” I sit down on the couch and grab a biscuit.

I still haven’t forgiven Sara for Kelly, but she did save me from being crushed by my own ceiling, which definitely counts for something.

What’s up?”

Now that you’ve assimilated back into Vamp Investments, it’s time to take the next step.”

“Next step?”

You can be with Klaus physically, but practically, Verity prevents your relationship from moving forward.”

“I know. I don’t really know what to do, though. We’ve barely seen each other since I came back. Elena is always waiting to go home with him.”

“You have to kill her.”

I gape at Sara. “What?’

“You heard me.”

I am not killing her! Do we seriously have to go through this again? You tricked men into killing Kelly. I am NOT going to kill for you again!

For me? Elena’s death has no benefit for me. This is for you.”

I’m not doing it. Why do you even care?”

“I’m your coven leader. Why do you think we have these meetings every week? It’s my job to ensure the happiness and success of the members of my coven. I’m trying to help



“I could order it.”

You know I wouldn’t follow that order. I know that gives you the right to take drastic disciplinary action, but I’d still take that over being a murderer.”

“Think about it, Ruby. You know who Elena is.”

She’s a rapist and a murderer. She’s only changed her ways because of Klaus. He forced her into it, and I can guarantee that if it wasn’t for him, she’d revert to her old practices.”

She’s not wrong there.

“That still doesn’t give me the right to kill her.”

Sara shakes her head, as though I’m being

unbearably dim.

“When you come around, come to me. I will show you how.”

The other coven members start arriving, but I spend most of the meeting glaring at the plate of cookies.

Who does Sara think she is, playing god? No one has the right to kill. She’s crazy…

The worst bit is that there’s a small part of my mind thatť’s actually considering it. I want to be with Klaus so badly…

But I can’t, not if it means murder.

When it comes to my turn in the meeting, Sara has me practice by levitating little balls through hoops.

It’s very difficult.

I can levitate the balls, but having enough fine control to get them through the small hoops is another story.

You’re doing well. It’s all about learning control. The better you get at this.”

Sara’s encouragement doesn’t improve my

mood with her.

She doesn’t complain when one of her couch cushions catches fire, calmly cleaning it up.

I just can’t wait to get back to work, to see Klaus. It’s not like we can discuss anything important with Elena there, but just seeing his face will be a comfort.



The moment I get back to VampInvestments, I can tell something is wrong.

The doors are locked and barred, and I have to beg to get inside. I hurry up to the top floor.

It’s pandemonium.

The roof seems to have caved in, leaving a pile of rubble on the floor. Klaus’s and

Elena covens are working to pull the rubble aside.

What happened?” I hurry over to Amelia, who is standing just outside the radius of flying debris.

An attack. We think it was a rival coven of Elena’s. They somehow got a bomb in the ceiling. I thought it was going to crush Elena, but Klaus jumped on top of her. He

probably saved her life.”

I inwardly curse Sara. I wouldn’t put it past her to have orchestrated this, somehow. She clearly doesn’t know Klaus very well, though.

Of course, Klaus would save Elena, even though his life would be a lot easier with her gone. That’s just the kind of guy he is.

I try to help with pulling the debris away, but my strength is nothing to match a vampire’s, and I’m just getting in the way. I reluctantly retreat to Amelia and wait.

Klaus and Elena finally emerge. Klaus’s body is curved over hers. He’s covered in scratches but fortunately seems no worse for the wear.

He gets up and offers Elena his hand.

She takes it and gets to her feet, visibly shaking. She throws her arms around Klaus. He murmurs soft words to her that I

can’t quite make out.

Elena nods and steps out of his arms, offering him one last grateful smile.

I stand rooted to the spot. I know that Klaus was just trying to be decent by comforting her, but… I don’t like that look.

I know that trauma bonds people together.

Klaus has every reason to want to be with Elena.

What if their relationship grows closer?

What if he decides he really does want her as a mate?

Ruby!” Klaus spots me and hurries over, pulling me into a hug. Right now, I don’t care about Elena seeing.

I’m so glad you were gone when it happened.” He runs his hands through my hair, still holding me close.

“This shouldn’t have happened at all. I thought the alliance was to stop this kind of. thing?

“There are bound to be some ups and downs. in the beginning. Soon enough, other covens will learn that we’re too strong to be messed with.”

We need to talk. There’s something I have to tell you.”

Klaus glances around. “I can’t leave now. I need to make sure everyone is ok. Tonight?”

Tonight,” I agree.

Klaus doesn’t get any work done for the rest of the day.

He instead goes from person to person, listening to their worries, and offering them calm, reassuring words.

He doesn’t differentiate between humans and vampires, or vampires of his or Elena’s coven.

Elena quietly watches him from the background. I can’t tell what’s going through her head, but she looks deep in thought.

When the workday finally ends, Elena catches Klaus just as he’s walking past my desk. “Shall we go home? I could use some wine and a hot bath.”

Tl has to meet you there. I still have some employee concerns after the attack.”

It’s a smooth lie, and Elena seems to believe it. “Don’t stay out too late. We have work tomorrow.”

She gives Klaus another strange look, devoid of the general hostility I’ve become used to seeing from her.

Klaus and I meet at a coffee shop, taking a table at the back where no one is likely to notice us.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

I don’t know how long we have before he’ll

have to get back to Elena, so I get straight to it.

Sara wants me to kill Elena.”

Klaus doesn’t look all that surprised.

“What did you tell her?”

What do you think I told her? I said no!”

How can he even ask me that?

Klaus nods slowly.

“This is turning out more difficult than I had. planned. Elena is… she’s different than I expected. I think she must feel the same. Her attitude is changing. She asked me on a date


What did you say!”

“What could I say? I told her yes. She’s my mate. I pledged myself to her.”

Klaus looks miserable, but that’s nothing compared to how I feel.

“Do you have feelings for her, Klaus?”

Of course not!”

Do you think you could have feelings for her in time?”

Klaus opens his mouth, but no words come out.

My heart falters.

What if after all this, Klaus falls for his mate? I don’t think my heart will survive that.

I stare at him, willing him to tell me no, that he’ll never have feelings for her, but Klaus just looks away, his lips pressed tightly together.

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