Vampire King’s Little Killer

44. Dread

Depressed: (of a person) in a state of general unhappiness or despondency.


My heart was beating so fucking fast. Humiliation poured like cold freezing water when I realized that I told everyone my life story. What humiliated me the most was the look on Tessa’s face. Fuck. I hated her pity expression. I didn’t want it. Not from her, not from anyone.

But then I was left alone with the vampire I met earlier. Aldrich carefully unbound my cuffs from the chains linked to the wall. Though he kept my wrists bound when led me out of the underground dungeon and upstairs. I didn’t put up any resistance, I was done. Whatever they’re going to do to me, I was not going to fight them. I was just hoping it’ll be fast and that they’re not going to let the torture drag.

The room we entered was clean. Aldrich showed me the ensuite before telling me where clean clothes were, then giving me the first aid kit.

“I will have your meal delivered, you should shower and tend your wounds. You’ll be staying here in this room until King Nero decided what to do with you. My instructions are to keep you safe and healthy, so please do not make me fail.” His voice was stern, he sounded annoyed that he was assigned to babysit me and I couldn’t blame the guy.

I didn’t reply to Aldrich, but I let him uncuff my wrists while telling me that I was confined to the room. “This room will be locked from the outside and don’t bother with the windows. It is in your best interest to stay here as you have been told.”

I nodded and didn’t try to reply since I was out of words. I’ve talked too much already. He had learned everything about me. I was okay to end it all when they deemed it was time for me to be done. I’ve got nothing left. It’s either the Russians or the Vampires, and I didn’t have anything to live for anyway. I wondered why I’d stay alive this long. I didn’t understand why I didn’t just end my worthless, miserable life earlier. It would be easy enough. I could jump off a bridge, step into busy traffic, hell I could end my life in the comfort of my mother’s house.

The door was closed after Aldrich stepped out of the room and the loud click indicated that he was telling me the truth. I was locked inside. After he was gone, the bathroom called out for my attention and I started stripping naked and went under the shower.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

The open wounds from the cuffs on my wrists still sting like a bitch, but being in pain was nothing new for me. The disappointment I have from just being me had deflect the pain and numbed the hurt. It was not much more painful than being punched in the gut repeatedly or getting your skull smacked, or your nose broken.

The bathroom was nice. The room itself looked more like a guest bedroom than a room where you kept someone as a prisoner. I decided to take a long hot shower, cleansing all the filth and the dry blood. Then, I put on borrowed clean pants while checking out the bruises on my torso in the bathroom mirror.

I was holding on to the small scissors from the first aid kit, playing with them thinking how easy it would be just to get it over with when the door unlocked from the outside.

“What are you going to do with that?” Aldrich asked, his eyes bore into mine as if he knew exactly what I was going to do with it.

I shrugged, not wanting to explain myself to him. I didn’t owe the man anything. I was just so tired when I threw the small scissors back in the kit and decided to forget about my wrists. It’ll heal. Just like every numb part of me.

“Sit,” He placed a tray of bloody steak on the table and pushed the small table in front of me after I took a seat on the edge of the bed. “Eat.” He ordered and my stomach actually growled when presented with the juiciest steak I’ve had in probably never.

I relented and do as he tells me to do. The steak was delicious and I kept on eating until the plate was clean and I shoved it all down with a bottle of water all while the vampire watched.

“Rest, don’t try to kill yourself or I will be forced to revive you.”

There was nothing else I could do but nodded. Then, I looked at him, like really looking at him. The vampire was attractive. He had a certain allure of himself, he looked confident and strong and everything that I was not. I shifted, thinking why do I even envy the vampire?

He left with another audible click to the door and of course, he took the steak knife and also the small scissors with him. I’d laugh if it was not too pathetic for me. Instead, I look out the windows calculating would the fall from the second floor kill me instantly or if would it just make me break some bones. I sighed knowing with my luck I’d probably live and break some bones from the fall.

There was another click from the door that indicates someone was entering the room. I didn’t even know how long I’d been standing in front of the windows when someone started talking.

“Aldrich said you like sharp items, but now I’d say you also like heights.”

It was the other vampire, Aldrich’s lover, Vesper. I think he’s also one of the King’s Princes if the previous talk I overheard between him and Tessa was correct.

I turned around to see him. Another attractive male. He had a nice smile that made me struggle to look away from him. The same as Aldrich, I didn’t reply to his comment.

But unlike the other Vampire, he introduced himself. “I’m Vesper, and I’m not sorry about tricking you to get you here. Though I didn’t think that you were this suicidal. Let me know if I can help you out on that matter, I can always drink you. It’ll be a very good death experience. Or, so I’ve been told.”

“Sure,” I stepped in front of him and presented him with my still-open wounded wrists.

“Wow, you don’t hesitate at all, don’t you?” He asked, looking all too amused by me.

I tilted my head to look into his eyes, studying him. “I don’t,” I replied and the man chuckled. The sound was strangely calming. It was a deep, manly laughter that of course, he’d let out in full confidence. I should not be opening myself more to him, but somehow he pulled me out of my mind and make me spill my thoughts. Again.

“I’m tired. I’ve no one anymore. I’m good to go.” I shoved my wrists in front of his face, inches away from his lips.

The man looked at my bloody wrists hungrily and he took my hand and licked my wrists, it stung a bit but I bit back the feeling. A devilish smile formed on his lips and then I saw them. His fangs elongated when his hand reaches for my neck. “I like to drink from the neck. It’s the best part of the body. I can taste the warmth, smell the scent, and feel the fear. Though I’m not feeling any of the usual fear from you.” His lips pressed against the column of my neck and I let out a relieved sigh when I feel his fangs break my skin.

My hands were holding onto his shirt and I let the vampire take me to bed and lay me on top of the covers. It was a nice way to die and I’d thank him if I could. But I was too focused on how his body engulfed me and his mouth latched onto my neck. I could feel myself floating and I was feeling the high the second he started drinking me. Slowly.

“So good,” I breathed out. I didn’t know if I said or think of it. It didn’t matter, I thought. I’d be dead soon enough.

“Thank you…” My voice was so weak that I think I was starting to dream everything. I was floating, I feel weightless and my eyes were so heavy that I closed them.

“Sleep now, Wolfie, rest for me.” His voice was the softest and it lulled me to drift further while feeling his arms wrapping around my body pulling me into the vampire’s cold embrace.


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