Using Baby Daddy For Revenge

Meeting his son

Hearing Tommy identify Mark as his father, they both looked at him in surprise.

“You are my dad right, I saw your picture in a magazine that my classmate brought to school. They all said we look so much alike.”

“Yes son, I’m your dad.” Mark said smiling at him as he sat beside him.

“Do you have a lot of money as they say?” He asked touching Mark’s wristwatch.

“I guess I do.” Smiling, he held Tommy’s hand feeling so proud to have an intelligent child like he was.

Being close to the three year old boy was like a dream. He never thought of having a child and there he was, a grown boy he couldn’t stop looking at.

“That’s awesome, now mum won’t have to work so hard for long hours to provide for me.” Tommy stated excitedly forgetting his injury. “Will you marry my mum?”

“Ha ha ha, yes I will marry your mum and she won’t have to work so hard again.”

Looking at the two planning her future, Melissa felt proud and betrayed by her son at the same time.

“Wow young man, you can’t plan to sell me off without asking if I want to.” She looked at the two staring at her.

“Oh mum, I know you can’t say no to daddy. Look he is handsome and has lots of money.” With Tommy’s argument, she couldn’t really say much.

“Well, can’t win with you two. I’ll go get the doctor to check on you son.” Kissing his forehead, she left the room giving them space to get to know each other.

Tommy always acted like an adult with her but seeing his father made him so excited, he forgot he was hurt, acting childish as he hugged his dad tight laughing at his jokes. Standing at the door watching their interaction, she was smiling but tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

Seeing her son smile responding so well as the doctor checked on him, made her so happy and grateful they found him alive and well.

“He will be fine.” Seeing her so emotional, Mark took her hand holding her close.

Gazing into his eyes, Melissa smiled nodding in response thankful to have him there supporting her.

The doctor had said Tommy’s injuries were not serious but Mark insisted on transferring him to his family hospital for more tests.

Knowing the danger they were in, he couldn’t risk leaving them in the province, and since it was not safe to leave her aunt either Melissa got someone to take care of the flower shop and moved her to the city.

It had been long since Betty left her career and life in the city to live a simple life in the province. When she moved twenty years ago, she had sworn never to return as the memory of her son and husband overwhelmed her, seeing them everywhere she went.

When the accident that claimed her husband and son happened, Betty got depressed and lost her will to live. She almost lost her life at that time but her sister, Melissa’s mum helped her get back on her feet, and now looking at Melissa and her grandson, she was glad she survived since she would take care of her niece and grandchild.

All those years living in the province, she only came to take Melissa when her parent died but now she had to live in the city for their safety. She would never leave her niece alone again and though Melissa had not told her what or who was after them, she knew that it was not safe to live in the province.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

In the car driving to Johnson’s villa after coming from the hospital, Betty couldn’t help but remember the last day she had spent with her family. It was supposed to be a happy day for them, as her husband and son were to pick her up from the office to go visit his adoptive family but after waiting for hours they never showed up.

“Aunt are you okay? You look pale.” Seeing her aunt gazing out the window lost in thoughts, Melissa asked worried about her health, though the doctor had confirmed that there was nothing seriously wrong with her.

Her blood pressure had gone up due to the shock and stress in those few days, but she was well, yet Melissa still feared it might get worse and more difficult for her to move from her shop and the life she had gotten used to in the province, but she had to move her since was more afraid that her investigation would put her aunt in more grave danger.

“I’m okay my dear just a little tired. It has been quite hectic, with Tommy’s kidnapping, then staying in the hospital, and now moving to the city.” She sighed turning to look at Melissa. “Maybe you should have left me back in the province, I don’t want to intrude while you’re starting a new family with Mark.”

“No aunt, you are my family and I have to keep you safe. After what happened to Tommy, this is the safest place we can stay. Mark’s security personnel is efficient, we will be well protected here.” She smiled holding her aunt’s hand.

“But my dear what about his family, are they okay with us living there?”

“Don’t worry about them, none of his family live with him and on the contrary, we are not starting a family.”

“You are not, but Tommy told me you are getting married?” Betty asked with raised eyebrows. “How do you live in his house yet you’re not together?”

“Oh aunt, he is just accommodating me and now because of Tommy, he would like us to live with him.”

“I don’t get young people today.” Betty stated shaking her head. “For sure his family won’t like it and that fiancee I heard of might cause you trouble.”

“Don’t believe those gossips aunt. As for his family, we will wait and see what they have to say, and if the fiancee shows up, Mark will deal with her. I’m not in any relationship with him and I’m not planning to get into one.” Melissa said thinking of his marriage proposal but she couldn’t tell her aunt.

“Easier said than done.” Betty said in her heart smiling at Melissa praying that the Johnsons accept her.

She had seen how Mark took care of her niece and only a man in love would be so caring. Though Melissa had turned down all the men that showed interest in her, Betty had noticed how welcoming she was to Mark, agreeing with his every word. Now hopefully she would open her heart to him. “Only time will tell.” Betty thought as they got to the Johnson villa.

With sleeping Tommy in her arms, having been cleared from the hospital, Melissa stepped out of the car as the household employees came to warmly welcome them.

As she introduced her aunt and son, Mary looked at Melissa’s aunt feeling a sense of familiarity but she was not quite sure where they had met before. The employees were all happy to see Mark’s son and Mary hoped that the Johnson family would accept them.

Having worked in the Johnson family for years, she knew how traditional old Mr. Johnson was, and to him, social class was more important.

He had arranged his grandson’s marriage so they would create a strong business relationship with a stronghold in the business world and now his grandson brought another woman and child going against him.

He had once stopped his adoptive son from marrying his secretary just because his good friend had entrusted him to take care of his son before he died. His friend had asked him to see to it that his son marries from a wealthy family they had chosen so he could manage their companies and estate but the young man had defied them choosing his secretary instead but later he was forced to marry his parents choice after his wife passed on.

Now looking at Melissa and the child in her arms, Mary didn’t want the same thing happening to them. Not after she saw how much Mark loved her and the child had to grow up with both parents.

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