Unwrap Your Desire



WHEN WE arrived at Ellie’s boutique, we were welcomed by one of her polite staff. We went to her office on the second floor, and we were greeted by the familiar faces we saw yesterday.

Ellie was all smiles when she walked up to me and gave me a hug.

“It is good to see you here, Reese. I thought you would not be able to come because of the news,” she said, and then released me. The way her eyes stared at me made me feel her concern about my situation. “How are you holding up? I hope everything is well.”

I offered her a thin smile and I nodded. “I am alright, Ellie. Thank you for your concern. Rest assured that whatever it is that’s showing on the news won’t affect my task for the project that we will work on.”

Ellie let out a sigh and smiled at me. “You are such a brave woman. I admire how well-spirited you are, Reese.”

Even Sam and Eunice had greeted me and Mia. I looked around and did not find Elizabeth anywhere. My brows furrowed as I glanced at Ellie.

“Where is Elizabeth?” I asked curiously.

Ellie shook her head while she crossed her arms against her chest.

“She said she would be here any minute. I swear I wanted to terminate her contract because she showed unprofessionalism at work yesterday. If not for your request, Reese, I would have hired someone to replace her,” she explained.

“I didn’t mind what happened yesterday. We already talked and I assure you that we can work together without killing each other,” I assured them.

All of them laughed. I chuckled a bit, and admittedly, the sour feeling I had inside of me because of the rumor regarding Chase had finally subsided. It would be really helpful if I kept myself busy at this point… My anxiety would not have a chance to get through to me.

“We can wait for Elizabeth for fifteen minutes, and then after that, with or without her, we will start,” Ellie announced.

All of them nodded. We settled ourselves on the long table and had a chit-chat for a bit. Sam and Eunice shared some of their clothing designs with me and Mia. I was totally amazed at how people could draw stunning designs by using their creative minds. Hands down to those who brainstorm and exert a lot of effort to deliver amazing output. Not all people are born with such talents.

I kept checking my phone while interacting with them. Mia noticed it, and so she held my arm and squeezed it lightly. She smiled at me afterwards. It was comforting to have a friend on whom I could rely. Even though she did not say a word, I knew that she was soothing me in the best way she could.

“So everyone is here, I see,” said by the familiar voice of a woman who entered the conference room.

I glanced at Elizabeth, who was wearing a grim expression as she approached the seat next to Mia. After settling herself, she glanced at everyone, including me.

“I apologize for being late. I was caught in a traffic jam,” she said.

“That’s alright, Elizabeth.” Ellie’s voice was a bit cold towards her.

“That’s so kind of you, Ellie…”

I wasn’t sure if Elizabeth was trying to piss off Ellie, but her tone sounded so provocative. Ellie did not mind it and went ahead to introduce the project to us.

“This new project aims for us to start a small company, with a new brand and products that will come from the fashion designers we have that are incorporated into the aesthetic vision of the brand…”

All of us were listening carefully to Ellie as she discussed everything she had in mind for how to carry out the new project. I was amazed as to how she shared her vision for it, and her optimism was definitely infectious. Mia and I glanced at each other, wearing satisfied smiles on our faces as we did not see any issues with Ellie’s proposed plans.

Even Sam and Eunice shared their thoughts and had already come up with ideas regarding the branding they wanted to incorporate with the designs they would create.

“So as for the Fashion Creative Director, I would like Reese Jones-Maxwell to have the honor of filling this position as I believe she has the ability and capability to handle the project and supervise the fashion house in a proper way. Given that she has a unique fashion sense, I have high hopes that she could be a great leader to handle the team.”

My hands landed in my mouth as I gasped, completely taken by surprise with Ellie’s announcement. Mia, Sam, and Eunice applauded, seemingly so happy about the role that was given to me.

“Congratulations, Reese!” Mia exclaimed.

“We are looking forward to working with you, Director!” Sam teased me.

“Oh my goodness… Are you sure about this, Ellie?” I asked Ellie in disbelief.

I never expected myself to be a leader of this project at all. I thought I was going to work with them and familiarize myself with how business works in this field. My hands were both sweating because of excitement and fear. Despite being so ignorant about how to handle a team, I knew that I would do my best to lead them and be part of the project’s growth.

“I am confident in your capability, Reese. Believe me when I tell you I’ve seen potential in you.” Ellie smiled at me and then clasped her hands together. “And for the Assistant Director role, I would give it to Elizabeth Risto.”

We applauded and glanced at Elizabeth. My brows instantly furrowed when I noticed that she did not look very interested in the discussion. Her face turned grim even more as she looked at Ellie.

“I don’t seem to understand why you would give the director role to someone who hasn’t worked in this field in her entire life,” she commented.

Her statement made Mia gasp. I was taken aback too, but I tried to control my emotions. The entire room was engulfed by silence. For a brief moment, I wanted to talk, but I wasn’t sure what to say, and so I decided to remain quiet.

I thought Elizabeth and I were already in a civil relationship, at the very least… But I guess there were some wounds that were not meant to heal so fast.

“Like I mentioned earlier, I’ve seen potential in Reese and I know that her determination and willingness will drive the team to do better, even if it’s just starting out,” Ellie explained to her.

Elizabeth sighed. Shaking her head, she said, “It’s not always about determination and willingness, Ellie. Reese must have the talent and creativity to lead the team. Do you think it’s fair for me, who has experience in the field for four years now, to be given an assistant role for the director who doesn’t know a thing about fashion?” She clicked her tongue and jerked her head to the left. “I apologize, but I can’t seem to get a grasp and badly want to understand what criteria you have considered.”

“Elizabeth, for once, can you please shut-”

“That’s alright, Eunice. As I mentioned, I’ve seen something in Reese and I want her to lead this project as I believe she is capable enough to get all of these started up,” Ellie explained.

“Don’t you think it is a big slap for me who worked so hard to get into this project? Look, I am trying to be kind enough to hear your thoughts, Ellie. Please don’t fail my expectations.”

“If it hasn’t sunk in, I will tell you that behavior has a great impact when it comes to leadership, Elizabeth.” Ellie let out a huge sigh as she stared at Elizabeth. “You may have the knowledge of the technical stuff in the field, but you might want to reflect and check your behavior first.”

“Ellie, that’s fine with me,” I interfered.

Their eyes went to me. I sighed heavily before I spoke, “Elizabeth is right. I have no clear knowledge of the field, and I am afraid I would only cause an issue in the future. I think it would be best if we changed roles, Ellie. Having a leader who knows everything about fashion is way more productive than settling with someone who hasn’t had a deeper understanding of the work.”

“Stop belittling yourself. We are not here to downplay your ability,” Mia said in hushed tones.

“That’s alright,” I said to her.

“Are you trying to mock me, Reese?” Elizabeth raised her voice.

Everyone was shocked at her sudden reaction. I stared at her intently. Her expression turned even more cruel. It was as if she was ready to burn me alive. I didn’t know why my mere existence pissed her off. I really thought we already had a mutual agreement towards this partnership.

But then again, I was wrong…

I couldn’t help but question why some people disappoint me when I least expect them to be…

“Don’t overthink it, Elizabeth. I was only trying to agree with you because you’re right. I have no experience yet and it’s appropriate if you’ll be the one who will supervise the team, ” I explained.

She looked at me as if she was totally confused about what I said.

“Whatever it is that hit your head, it literally changed you into someone who gave me the creeps,” she said, standing up and then walking away.

“Elizabeth, hold on!” I stood up and followed her.Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

Sh*t! I must convince her!

She was already exiting out of the boutique when I grabbed her arm to try to stop her. She spun around and shot me a glare as she shoved my hand away.

“What the hell are you doing?” she asked, sounding so pissed at me.

“I should be the one asking you that, Elizabeth. I thought we had already agreed to work with each other? I don’t understand why you are disliking my idea of switching roles with you,” I said.

She smirked and crossed her arms against her chest.

“Are you trying to mock me right now? Let me tell you this,” she paused and walked up to me. “You can have the director role for as long as you want. I don’t give a damn about you or this project.”

“At least help me understand why you are acting this way. I can’t figure out why it is so hard for you to accept my offer. I want you to be the director of the-”

“Don’t make me laugh, Reese!” She said as she cut me off. “You are never a kind person. Do you think I’d fall for that act? No…” She shook her head. “I don’t understand why you’re acting as if you are a different person. It’s sickening.”

I inhaled sharply. She continued to glare at me as if I was a total villain in her life. Was she acting this way in front of me because she had never won Chase’s heart?

Was it really a good enough reason for her to throw away this opportunity that came her way?

“To be honest, I don’t get why you have the energy to work right now given your husband is facing a top-rated rumor,” she said. “Aren’t you bothered that he is with Nathalie right now? Aren’t you supposed to go ballistic and throw a fit? Your husband is cheating.”

I couldn’t help but swallow so hard because of her statement. I looked away as I fisted my hand. She didn’t have the slightest idea how the rumor slowly wrenched my heart until I was breathless. But what more could I do other than keep going on?

Sure, the rumor made me angry as hell. The fact that Chase hadn’t contacted me added to the anxiety I was feeling. With the picture Lara had sent me, I knew I was close to believing that Chase and Nathalie really did something in Singapore together… but I still need to talk about it with my husband once he gets home.

I needed to hear everything from him, and from that point, I’d decide whether I’d go ballistic or not. For now, the least thing I could do was wait and keep going.

“See?” She grinned from ear to ear. “Did it already sink in that your husband is cheating?”

“My marriage has nothing to do with our work, Elizabeth,” I said firmly. “The only thing I want to do right now is to convince you to work with us. Like I said, I am willing to change roles with you. Why don’t you reconsider?”

“Why are you putting so much effort into convincing me, Reese? What’s in it for you? Tell me.”

“Because I know you are more capable than I am. Regardless of what happened in the past, I wanted to start anew and bury all the bad memories. I wouldn’t be able to do that if I knew someone was holding a grudge against me. I want to end this, Elizabeth. I hope you find it in your heart to believe me.”

Elizabeth clenched her jaw. She looked at me as if she was trying to read my mind. After almost a minute, she spoke.

“Fine.” She rolled her eyes and went back inside the boutique.

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