Unwanted Heat

Chapter 47

“You okay?” he whispers in my ear as he wraps an arm around my waist.

“I’m fine,” I take a deep breath as Nicholas leads me through the crowd. We stop a couple of times for pictures but his arm remains around my waist as we stand next to each other for the press. What surprises me is that it doesn’t feel uncomfortable to have him touch me like I expected, since we are practically strangers only really met twice before this. After a few minutes, he leads me to a tented area where he nods to the security team at the entrance before we are permitted to enter.

“Wow,” I gasp taking in the view in front of me. Even though I had seen a few pictures from the previous events, nothing compared to seeing the area that had been transformed in front of me. There are several tents set up on the grass with candle-lit tables under them; off in the distance a lighted fountain sprays water from a large display.

“My parents go all-out for this every year,” Nicholas looks around almost as if he is seeing it all for the first time.

“It’s beautiful.”

“Mr. Parker! It’s so nice to see you again,” a gentleman in a tux approaches us.

“Mr. Jacobson, I’d like to introduce you to my date, Ms. Mackenzie Rose.” “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Mr. Jacobson offers his hand.

“It’s nice to meet you as well. I understand you are doing some amazing things at the university…”

“Yes… yes I am,” he is clearly surprised that I am aware of who he is. “Without PFSs generous support we would not be able to fund our projects, one of which is up for an award this year.”

“Yes I read about that one. Your department patented a way to transform dirty water into drinkable water without electricity, right?”

“Yes! We have developed a PFS funded program and have sent the pilot plans to several foreign countries, we are planning to use the proceeds to send out many more and eventually publish our findings.”

“I believe we have a meeting in a few weeks to review the data collected so far if I’m not mistaken,” Nicholas speaks up.

“Yes Mr. Parker, you will be meeting with our research team in two weeks. They are eager to present you with our findings thus far.”

“Wonderful, I look forward to it. Now if you will excuse us, I see someone who is trying to get my attention.”

“Of course, it was good to see you again Mr. Parker and to meet you, Ms. Rose.”

For the next two hours we mingle, well mostly Nicholas mingles and I trail along, every so often contributing to a conversation when something comes up. Most of the discussions surround politics but those that don’t are focused on projects PFS is currently working on, none of which are public knowledge yet so they weren’t included in any of the reading material I found online. I don’t mind though-I’m learning more than I thought I would about the key political forces in New York.

“Ladies and Gentleman, if you would please take your seats dinner is about to be served,” the DJ announces.

“Please excuse us,” Nicholas tells the person he was talking to, though I had to admit that I’ve already forgotten their name.

“You’re doing great,” he whispers so no one else can hear as he leads me to the table we were assigned.

“Thank you.”

“Nicholas!” A young woman jumps from the table we are approaching and runs towards him, embracing him in a hug. His arm drops from my waist so he can catch her; he twirls her around in a circle before placing her back on the floor in front of us.

“Cara, I would like you to meet Mackenzie Rose. Kenzie, this is my younger sister, Cara,” Nicholas introduces.

“It’s nice to meet you Cara.”

“I love your dress!!!! It’s absolutely stunning!! You’ll have to tell me where you got it from!”

I immediately feel at ease with Cara-she is probably the easiest going person I’ve ever spoken to. Once we are at the table, I am introduced to Nicholas’s parents, his brother and his date, Cara’s date and Nicholas’s grandparents. I desperately try to calm my nerves as I sit across from Nicholas’s parents, truly hoping I don’t do anything to screw this up. I think I’m more worried that his parents will see right through our charade than I am about the press or Nicholas’ colleagues.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“So Kenzie, what is it you do?” Nicholas’s dad asks me.

“I am currently working at Sweet Dreams Bakery over on-”

“I love that place! They make best muffins, I absolutely love the apple cinnamon ones,” his mother cuts me off.

“Well, thank you. I actually make most of the muffins and breads each morning.”

“You do? Wow they are so good!”

“The owner developed each recipe on her own; she has owned the shop for the last twenty years. It’s a shame that someone else is going to take it over-”

“What do you mean take it over? “Nicholas asks.

“Ginny, the owner, is retiring so she has put the business up for sale. She suspects a chain place will likely purchase it but she isn’t sure yet.”

“I hope it’s not that donut place that is around the corner from the bakery. They’re donuts taste like they are days old.”

“Chances are they are a few days old. Most places will make large batches in advance and sell them over the next few days. Ginny insists that we make everything fresh every day-anything that doesn’t sell by the end of the day is donated to a soup kitchen.”

“Good for her,” Nicholas’ dad smiles.

As dinner is served, I feel much more comfortable around Nicholas’s family than when we first sat down. They are all very easy to, talk to allowing the conversation to flow easily around the table as we eat. I learn that Nicholas and his brother Austin, who works with their father at an architectural firm, are teaming up on a project to revitalize a large building downtown for a local nonprofit organization. Austin’s date is very quiet and barely says a word throughout the course of dinner. She looks like she feels very uncomfortable and out of place. Cara’s date on the other hand is very talkative and has engaged Nicholas’ dad in a debate about a recent call at a baseball game. Cara and Nicholas’s mom discuss everything that went into planning tonight’s gala and already seem to be making notes of things they want to change for next year.

“Kenzie, would you be able to help with the dance auction? One of the girls that was supposed to help me… well let’s just say she had too much wine before dinner and needed to be taken home,” Cara asks.

“Oh no. Of course, I’ll help out,” I agree not really sure what I’m agreeing to but I figure how bad can it be?

“Wonderful! Thank you!” she beams.

“You don’t have to help out,” Nicholas whispers.

“I know, it’s fine-I really don’t mind.”

“Ladies and Gentleman, it’s time for the annual dance auction! If the ladies helping with the auction could please make their way to the stage. In a couple of minutes we will get the auction started. Gentleman get your wallets and checkbooks ready!”

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