Unwanted Heat

Chapter 167


My leg is bouncing, and my hands are shaking as I think about seeing Harper again. I’m filled with anger, rage, frustration and so many other emotions that I can’t even name. As I look out the window at the scenery passing us by, I know we’ll be arriving at the county jail in only a few minutes. This is the last place I want to be going-I’d give anything to be back at my parents’ cabin where I woke up only a few hours ago with the woman I love in my arms.

“Sir, we’ve arrived,” Carter pulls me from reliving how I woke up to Kenzie only a few hours ago.

I take a deep breath and step outside, truly dreading what is about to happen. If there were any other way around this, I wouldn’t be here. I’ve spoken to both my attorney and the detective assigned to the case: both agree this is the only option to quickly get the answers we need. They will both be observing the meeting along with Carter, as both felt it was best that no one be in room with us. Carter wasn’t happy about that, but when I pointed out that she’ll be in handcuffs and shackled to the table, he reluctantly agreed with the plan.

The plan… what a joke this is. Essentially, I need to find a way to get her to open up and tell us everything. Most importantly, we need to figure out how much of Westbrook’s plans she knows. That is the only reason I’m here-if this were just about me, I wouldn’t have wasted my time. But with Westbrook in the picture, this is no longer about me. All those months ago, when I found Kenzie crying in the bed from her nightmare, I promised her that he would never hurt her again. With him in New York now, this visit may be the only way I can keep my promise.

“You ready?” The detective asks, as we go through the intake process at the prison.

Carter arranged a private meeting and screening area with security, so we can try to minimize the chance of the press learning of my being here today. I take a moment before answering, to wrap my head around what I’m about to do. I need to think about this as a business transaction: I am simply here to gather information.

“I’m ready,” the CEO mask I put on before a big meeting is firmly in place. I’m on a mission and I will not fail.This is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“The prisoner is being escorted in, it will only be another moment while we secure her,” the warden confirms.

“You’ve heard from Hunter and Johnson?” I ask Carter.

“Yes, Mrs. Parker has not left the condo and has had no visitors,” he confirms.

I wanted Kenzie here with me; I didn’t want her alone at the condo, not that she’s really alone, but still. I figured how much safer could she be than inside a prison? Of course, she wouldn’t be in the room with me during the meeting, but still, she would be safe here right? Carter argued that it was safer to keep her at home until we know what is really going on. I’ve warned him though, after today I’m done putting my life on hold.

I need to return to PFS this week-I will not let this bitch control my life for one more minute. She did enough of that after she tried to destroy me, I won’t let her do it again. So before we returned home from Montana, Carter made some changes. We now have two CPOs per person when we leave the building. When PFS reopens this week, extra security posted at all entrances. Business dinners, functions and events are still being discussed, as Carter reviews the security for each venue before we decide whether or not to attend. With Christmas approaching I have received several invitations, however I’m letting him decide which, if any, Kenzie and I attend. If I need to miss a few dinners and events, I won’t complainI hate them anyway.

“The recording equipment is in place and ready to go,” Carter confirms before lowering his voice. “Just remember, nothing we obtain-” “I know, I know,” rolling my eyes as we approach my attorney who is waiting ahead of us.

He absolutely refused to allow recording equipment in the meeting today; without offering Harper the right to have her lawyer present, we can’t use anything she provides in court, as it would be immediately thrown out. Understanding his point, Carter and I decided against following his advice. I’m wearing recording pieces that will transmit every word spoken back to Asher, who is seeing that it is backed up to prevent it from suddenly “disappearing.” Our goal is not court-I’m not worried about getting evidence to put Westbrook or Harper away. My lawyers will see that justice is served. Recording today’s session is to ensure that we don’t miss something that is said that could give us a clue to where Westbrook is or what his plan is.

“You ready, Mr. Parker?” Mr. Brown asks as we approach.

“I’m ready,” I answer confidently. It’s true… I may not want to be here, but I’m ready. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep Kenzie safe, even if that means facing her to do it.

“Remember, play into her obsession of you. As much as you’re not going to want to, let her believe that if she helps you she’ll have a chance with you. It’s the only leverage you have over her,” the detective we’ve been speaking about the case joins us.

“I know,” I reply before taking a deep breath and following the warden into the room. Sitting at the table, hands cuffed to the top of the table is Harper… thankfully, this time, she is at least fully dressed.

“Nicholas!” She gives me a huge smile and even tries to stand up to greet me before remembering she is attached to the table.

“Sit down or you will be taken back to your cell,” the warden reminds her, and she immediately sits back in the chair, but still smiles at me. She actually looks thrilled to see me I realize… which should play right into the plan.

“Harper, how are you? Are they treating you, okay?”

“Oh, it’s not so bad,” she shrugs. “I’m hoping I won’t be in here that much longer.”

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