
Unshift 318

318 Ava: Waiting For Him to Wake

Out, Selene says simply.

The journey into his woll’s mind was long. It was a turbulent sea, every inch taken a victory.

Getting out is much easier.

Between one instant and the next, there’s nothing more than a distinct yank from Selene’s mind, and it’s as though I’m sucked through a vortex and thrown back into my own head. There’s enough force that 1 pitch forward and almost hit my face against the ground before my hands fly up to save myself.


My body’s soaked. There’s only a small light on in the kitchen; the rest of the house is dark, the windows showing evidence of nightfall.

I’m a used dishrag, flattened to the floor, struggling to push myself to my knees and check on


Grimoire’s hands grab onto my arms, pulling me up. He’s huge again, his flames higher than normal, his eyes red instead of silver.

Where his hands touch me is odd; pressure without temperature. Not cold. Not hot.

My legs wobble as I struggle to my feet, grateful for Grimoire’s steady grip on my arms. The room spins for a moment before settling, and I blink away the disorientation. My gaze lands on Lucas, sprawled across the couch.

He’s asleep, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. But something’s off. Sweat glistens on his skin, running in rivulets down his face and soaking into his hair. His hands, resting on the couch, tremble visibly.

My stomach knots. “Is he okay?”

Grimoire’s grip on my arms tightens slightly. “His wolf is attacking the barrier.

The grim tone in his voice sends a chill down my spine. I turn to look at him, searching his fiery face for any sign of reassurance. There is none.

“Isn’t that what we want?” I ask, dreading the answer.

Grimoire’s flames flicker, casting dancing shadows across the room. “The wolf is already feral. Completely focused on reuniting with its other half. The moment he felt evidence of the breach,

he went wild.”

But Selene-” I start, turning to where I last saw her.

My words die in my throat as I spot her curled up on the floor. Her eyes are closed, nose tucked into her tail. She looks peaceful, but something feels terribly wrong.

And that place in my head where she rests is empty.

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31B Awa: Waiting For Him to wake

“Breathe, Ava,” Grimoire interrupts, his voice firm but gentle. “Selene is fine. She’s fully immersed in Lucas and the wolf’s psyche right now.”

I take a shaky breath, trying to calm my racing heart. “But why can’t I feel her? She’s always. there, always…

“She’s not here. She’s there. He gestures toward Lucas. “We have to watch and wait

There’s nothing I can do except sit by his side and wait.

Sometime in the carly hours of morning, there’s a knock on the door.

I ignore it.

Grimoire’s long since reverted to his book form, the heavy leather–bound paper resting on my lap as my eyes never once leave Lucas‘ sweating form. He occasionally thrashes and even moans, but he doesn’t open his eyes.

Doubt creeps in, whispering that we’ve made a terrible mistake.

That Lucas isn’t coming back.

That we’re going to lose him.

His face contorts in pain, sweat beading on his forehead. My heart aches to reach out and comfort him, but Grimoire made it clear: Physical contact might cause more issues.

The door creaks open, and Kellan’s voice breaks through my haze of worry. “Ava? We need to


I tear my eyes away from Lucas to see Kellan and Lisa enter. Kellan’s usually composed demeanor is frayed at the edges, his hair mussed and dark circles under his eyes.

“The pack is going wild,” he says, running a hand through his disheveled hair. “I’ve spent the last. several hours breaking up fights between all the younger males.”

His gaze drifts to Lucas, concern etching deeper lines on his face. “What’s going on here?”

“We’re trying to get his memories back,” I reply, my voice flat and lifeless even to my own ears.

Kellan falls silent, his eyes widening slightly. After a moment, he speaks again, his tone softer. “I wish you would have called me here for it.

“You’re right. It might have been better to have you here. I take a deep breath, forcing myself to explain further. “Lucas‘ wolf has gone completely feral?

Kellan nods slowly. “Sister Miriam explained some things to me. I somewhat understand the


I return my attention to Lucas, watching as he twitches and mumbles incoherently. My fingers itch to brush the damp hair from his forehead, to offer some small comfort, but I remain frozen in place.

Silence stretches.


318 Ava: Waiting For Him to Wake


“Yes,” I whisper, clinging to that connection like a lifeline.

“Then don’t look so down,” Kellan says, his voice gentle but firm.

I try to smile, to show some glimmer of hope, but it feels forced and brittle on my face. Suddenly, Lucas bolts upright, his eyes wide and unseeing. We all jump, startled by the abrupt


Then it’s Selene. She’s no longer curled up into a placid ball of fur, but standing, hackles raised and a low growl rumbling.

The air in the room is thick and heavy with oppressive energy, all emanating from Lucas. It’s as if all the oxygen has been sucked out, leaving me gasping for breath.

Lucas‘ eyes are open, but they’re not his. Not really. The warm golden hues I’ve come to love are now a blazing, feral amber. His gaze darts around the room, unfocused and wild. The sheer power emanating from him is overwhelming. Exclusive © material by Nô(/v)elDrama.Org.

“Lucas?” I whisper, my voice barely audible even to my own ears.

He doesn’t respond. Doesn’t even look at me. His chest heaves with rapid, shallow breaths, and his muscles are coiled tight, ready to spring at any moment.

He can’t hear you right now, Grimoire says. Stay quiet. This is Selene’s fight.

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