
Unshift 235

235 Ava: Magic Training (1)

235 Ava: Magic Training (I)

Magister Orion clasps his hands in front of him and beams in my direction. “And now, we have you, Ava Grey. The first wizard in a very long time.”

Feeling the intensity of his gaze, I shift my weight, settling a little deeper into my chair as though that will somehow shield me from his excitement. “I don’t want

you to see me as something special. I’m just me.”

“You can’t get away from being special, Ava Grey.” He sighs. “It’s unfortunate, but you’ll never be able to escape that. Even without your magic, you’re mated to an alpha, correct?”

I nod.

“Then you were already special to begin with.” He spreads his hands with a little shrug. “Your magic is

like confetti on a cake.”


Oh. He must mean sprinkles.

“Sprinkles are disgusting,” I point out.

They are not. I like them. Selene’s little whisper in my




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mind has my nose wrinkling

Sprinkles are just crunchy wax covering delicious icing. They have no business being within a mile of a decent


“Yes, well, there are those who love their sprinkles.”

Magister Orion claps his hands. “So. Fire was your first element. I’m a little surprised. I thought it would be


Tilting my head, I ask, “Does it matter?”

“Matter? No. It’s a simple bit of curiosity. A personal theory, I suppose. Have you had any success with

other elements?”

“Water,” Vanessa offers.

“Oh?” That sparkling look in his eyes is back. “You

touched water?”

Shaking my head, I admit, “Not exactly. Nothing happened, but I could feel something inside.

Something that felt refreshing and cool, when I finally stopped trying to force it.”

“Interesting,” Magister Orion murmurs. “And were you having memories again, when you felt it?”

09:31 C

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235 Ava: Magic Training (1)

“Not like with fire.” Squinting, I think back. “I did think about water and its properties, but it felt like

something was missing. Like it wasn’t enough. Then Selene told me to stop trying to force it, and I tried to relax. Once I finally did, it came to me. It doesn’t really feel like I’m in control of it, but that it’s coming up to

me on its own.”

Babbling through my explanation makes me feel

awkward. I’m not sure of the words to use, or how to describe the feelings in my body. I don’t even know if it makes sense to him.

“It sounds like a partial activation. You felt your attunement with the element. This is still good, still good. Yes, indeed.”

Magister Orion bounces out of his chair, his massive frame surprisingly agile as he begins to pace. His lips move, but the words are too quiet for me to catch. I strain my ears, leaning forward slightly, but it’s no use. Whatever’s going through his mind, he’s keeping it to himself.

After a few minutes of this, he lets out a sigh so heavy I swear I feel the air move. “Red tape,” he grumbles. “Always with the red tape.”


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I’m about to ask what he means when he continues, his voice rising. “Florice can take her damn applications and shove them up her ass.”

My eyes widen. It’s jarring, like hearing a teacher


“I apologize for my crass language,” he says, noticing my expression. “I’m simply sick of how things are governed here. Did you know we even need to fill out paperwork to take a shit?”

A laugh escapes me, awkward and uncertain. Is he joking?

“I wish it were more of an exaggeration than it is,” he mutters, confirming my suspicions.

Before I can process this bizarre tidbit about Fae bureaucracy, Magister Orion’s demeanor shifts. “Follow me,” he says, his tone brooking no argument.

We trail after him to the back of the building. He stops in front of a blank wall, and I’m about to ask why when, like magic, doors appear.

No, not like magic. They are magic. The wall shimmers and parts, revealing an entrance where there was

nothing before

235 Ava: Magic Training (1)

We’re in what looks like a forested grove, trees stretching up towards… I blink, trying to make sense of what I’m seeing. The ceiling–if you can call it that— cycles between sun, stars, and wooden beams like a normal ceiling. It’s disorienting and beautiful all at


The magic here is palpable. It’s in the air, in the ground beneath my feet. I can almost taste it, a tang on my tongue like ozone after a lightning strike.

“Welcome to the training room,” Magister Orion


As soon as the words leave his mouth, the room shimmers. The trees melt away, replaced by sleek metal walls. We’re suddenly standing in what looks like a giant metal box.

“What just happened?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

“This room changes according to the needs of its owner,” Magister Orion explains. “But it won’t change at whim for others.”

I spin in a slow circle, taking it all in. The level of magic surrounding us is staggering It makes the hair



235 Ava: Magic Training (1)

We’re in what looks like a forested grove, trees

stretching up towards… I blink, trying to make sense of what I’m seeing. The ceiling-if you

can call it that- cycles between sun, stars, and wooden beams like a normal ceiling. It’s disorienting and beautiful all at


The magic here is palpable. It’s in the air, in the ground beneath my feet. I can almost taste it, a tang on my tongue like ozone after a lightning strike.

“Welcome to the training room,” Magister Orion


As soon as the words leave his mouth, the room shimmers. The trees melt away, replaced by sleek metal walls. We’re suddenly standing in what looks like a giant metal box.

“What just happened?” I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.

“This room changes according to the needs of its owner,” Magister Orion explains. “But it won’t change at whim for others.”

I spin in a slow circle, taking it all in. The level of magic surrounding us is staggering. It makes the hair



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on my arms stand up, sends a tingle down my spine.

“In this room, you should be safe to practice your magic,” Magister Orion says.

Marcus, ever vigilant, latches onto one word. “Should?”

Magister Orion nods, his expression grave. “It is

possible to break through the wards of this place,

given enough raw magic. But it would take an immense amount of power.”

I’m still reeling from the room’s transformation when Magister Orion drops another bombshell.

“Time flows differently here,” he says. “An hour here can be a minute in the Fae Ward, or ten. It changes, and even I can’t always predict it.”

My mind struggles to wrap around this concept. How is that possible? And then, suddenly, I’m aware of something else. An absence. A blankness in my head where Selene’s presence should be. This is worse than when we’re separated by distance. I can’t feel her in my head then, but this emptiness is different somehow. Deeper. More profound.

Panic rises in my chest, sharp and suffocating. I reach

out mentally searching for that familiar connection.




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Nothing. It’s like shouting into a void.

“Selene’s gone,” I whisper, my voice


Magister Orion’s face falls as he sees my expression. “I apologize,” he says quickly. “I should have thought of that before bringing you in here. This place is not

within the same plane as the Fae Ward. It interrupts your link with your wolf, since we didn’t bring her with


The panic doesn’t subside. If anything, it intensifies.

“I need to go back,” I say, my words coming out in a rush. “I need to be able to reach her. She doesn’t know what’s going on.”

Magister Orion holds up his hands in a placating gesture. “Of course. We can leave immediately if you wish. But please, consider staying for a moment. This room offers unparalleled protection and privacy for your training. It could be invaluable.”

I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. He’s right, I know he’s right, but the absence of Selene feels like a physical ache. Oddly, my mate bond is quiet in my chest. Not painful like the loss of Selene, like it

still exists.




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How can that be?

“How long will I be in here?” I ask, my voice still shaky.

“That’s up to you,” Magister Orion says. “We can start with short sessions if you prefer. An hour here might only be a few minutes outside.”


Thank you all for your patience with updates!

I am working on securing an office this week, where I can work in peace. (Super excited about this.) However, just as I’m doing these

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