
Unshift 223

223 Ava: The Fae Ward (V)

223 Ava: The Fae Ward (V)

Magister Orion storms around, his heavy footsteps shaking the floorboards. Agitation rolls off him in waves as he gesticulates wildly. “Absurd! Your magic is a part of you, girl. It’s not some accessory you can cast aside when it’s inconvenient!”

Marcus steps forward, pulling me behind him in a protective stance. His eyes narrow as he watches Magister Orion’s erratic pacing.

Layla darts between us, her hands raised in a placating gesture. “Magister, please calm yourself. We don’t want a repeat of the last time you set the library on fire.”

Tinker groans, her mechanical wings drooping. “It took a decade to duplicate all those ruined books. Please, Magister. Let’s not go through that again.”

Magister Orion freezes, a sheepish expression crossing his face. He takes a deep breath, his shoulders slumping as he turns to me. “My apologies, Ava. I let my passion get the better of me.” He sighs, running a hand through his salt–and–pepper hair. “I must confess, I had an ulterior motive in agreeing to teach you. I had hoped that once you were introduced to our world, you might choose to stay here as my student. You see, the magic we share is dying out. It’s been centuries since I’ve found someone to teach.”

Glancing at the books flying in the air, lazily flapping their pages like wings, a frown tugs at the corners of my lips. “How is that possible? There’s magic everywhere here.”

He shakes his head, his eyes wrinkling at the corners with sadness


223 Ava, The Fae Ward (V)

and the harsh passage of time. Centuries, he said. Centuries. I can’t imagine being alive so long. Just like Sister Miriam, he’s lived a life I

can’t fathom.

“The magic of the Fae and the magic that humans can wield are separate entities. They come from different sources, follow different rules.”

“I don’t understand. How-

Magister Orion cuts me off with another shake of his head. “It’s a long and complicated history, one we don’t have time for now.” His gaze shifts to Vanessa and Marcus, his nose wrinkling in disdain. “Are these the pack you speak of?”

He smells like a burning forest when he looks at them, Selene observes. There must be a history there. Fae can be hostile to any non–Fae, but this goes beyond that.

Anyone with eyes can see that Magister Orion has no respect for them, but I wonder at the history behind his dissatisfaction with their presence.

Still, feeling the frustrated tension in the two who followed me here, it feels dirty to hear how he speaks to them. Not wanting it to go on any longer, I wait until his eyes once again meet mine, leaving my face blank, trying to imagine myself as someone stern and unyielding.

The best that comes to mind is my mother’s face, a vision that

makes my soul cringe from the baggage that comes with it, even as I can feel my face settle into the expression that I think mirrors her personality the best.


209 Eva The Tas Want

Bracing myself for his reaction, at the possibility that my demands will cause friction between me and the man I’m hoping can keep me safe from my own power, I speak.

“Magister Orion, we have an issue that needs to be addressed.

His thick brows wing up in surprise. “An issue? By all means, tell me, child.”

My lips are dry, and I take two attempts to clear my throat before continuing.

Confrontation has never been my strong suit.

“I understand I am a newcomer to this world of Fae and vampires, and I appreciate your generosity in bringing me here under your protection. However, Marcus and Vanessa have been my steadfast protectors. Your attitude toward them and my pack is concerning. Regardless of any history between shifter and Fae, mutual respect is crucial if we’re to work together.”

Marcus‘ tense presence beside me relaxes, and Vanessa takes a step closer to my side. Their approval of my words is clear.

Shock flickers aross the Fae’s face, followed by a grimace. Intense eyes glower at the two who’ve followed me into this strange world, the two tasked to keep me safe even at the cost of their own lives.

Finally, he grunts, throwing his head back to stare at the endless expanse of this strange cottage–tower above him. “Very well, Ava Grey. I cannot argue with your words.”

Tinker stares at me, her mouth open in surprise and those

mechanical wings of hers open as wide as they can be. Knowing that she controls them with a remote, it makes me wonder how


223 Ava: The Fae Ward (V)

long she’s had them, that she’s expressing her emotions through them so fluidly. I wonder if she even notices when she does it.

It could be a hundred years, Selene says thoughtfully. Though, it could even be longer. Time can flow differently in the Fae Realm, though I’m not well–versed on such matters.

How can time flow differently? A second is a second. An hour is an hour. Except, I guess, when it’s not

I’m not certain, either. The Fae Realm has always guarded their



Magister Orion steps forward, toe–to–toe with Marcus. Despite dwarfing him in physical size, Marcus‘ sheer level of iron will has his presence holding its own against the Fae’s. Magister Orion leans in to inspect Marcus‘ face, before finally giving a slow, approving nod. “Yes, I can see why they would choose one such as you. Welcome to the Fae Ward, Market.”

“Marcus,” Tinker hisses.

“Marcus.” Magister Orion scowls at his tiny winged secretary, before turning to Vanessa. He doesn’t move, only inspecting her from afar, before giving another nod. “A strong she–wolf. Rare to see these days. Welcome to the Fae Ward, Vamoose.”

“Vanessa.This time, it’s Layla, who looks at us with apology. “I promise he’s like that with everyone. So it isn’t discrimination, just all–around jackassery.”

Magister Orion scowls at the gnome woman, drawing himself to his full height. “To all a mighty wizard a donkey-”



023 Ava: The Fae Ward (V)

-is accurate,” Tinker cuts in, ignoring his immediate deflation. She smiles at me, with an edge of desperation. “Please don’t let his personality deter you from his teaching. We all gave up on him centuries ago, and it’s only made him worse.

Magister Orion settles into a chair with an aura mostly reminiscent of a sulky child. It’s hard to get a read on the man. He’s aggressive and yet seems kind. Overly passionate about his magic. And kind of… silly.

The Fae are an interesting people.

Selene sneezes again, catching everyone’s attention. This time it’s five desperate ah–choos in a row, and even Marcus‘ normally blank face is pinched with worry.

“Is she going to be okay?” Vanessa asks, reaching out to rub Selene’s ears.

I’b pfine.

“She says she’s fine, but it’s even affecting her voice up here.” Tapping my head, I frown. “How’s that possible?”

Vanessa rubs Selene’s head as my wolf leans further into her caresses, milking the situation for attention.

Ab not. Ab miserable.

Her voice is like typos in my head.

“Psychosomatic, maybe?” Vanessa ventures.

“Unlikely. The effects of the wards reach farther than the physical plane.” Magister Orion points at the wolf. “It’s likely even her mental faculties are somewhat slow and befuddled. She’ll be fine



223 Ava, The Fae Ward (V) Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

after some time away from the wards.”

If Selene’s so deeply affected by this place, there’s no way we can

stay here for my training.

Can, she insists.

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