
Unshift 212

212 Ava: The Challenge of Being Luna

Jericho’s words leave me reeling. “No, he hasn’t said anything.” I can’t keep the surprise from my voice. “But I’m aware it’s not normal. How can any of this be normal?” I wave a hand over my body in frustration. “It’s unknown territory for all of us, but Lucas. says we can get through it together.

His eyes narrow. “Witches aren’t well regarded in history. There will be pushback from those who want nothing to do with a witch, even one born from a pack.”

Kellan shifts uneasily, conflict etched on his face. “Ultimately, the Westwood wolves will accept their alpha’s mate.” His words are confident, but his tone is not.

If Lucas is hell–bent on forcing Ava down their throats, there will be alpha challenges.” Jericho’s words are a grim warning.

And he’s not wrong.

Alpha challenges are a right of any wolf in the pack.

If Lucas chooses an unsuitable Luna–me–there will be outraged wolves ready to challenge his status within his pack. It’s why I can’t take the responsibility lightly. Why I can’t take the title as my due, even when some of the guards use it for me.

I don’t want to be Lucas‘ weakness.

I want to be his strength. His partner.

A Luna isn’t just their alpha’s mate; she is a leader in her own right.

“I’ve never wanted to become Luna until the pack accepts me. That



212 Ava: The Challenge of Being Luna

doesn’t change.”

Jericho’s expression softens slightly. “I’m not trying to hurt your feelings, Ava. But I need to know if you’re willing to fight for your place in the pack despite all odds.”

“Jericho, stop borrowing trouble,” Kellan interjects, but Jericho rounds on him.

“We wolves are superstitious and loyal to our lore. With everything. going on and the increase in vampire presence, a witch won’t be looked at kindly.”

“Why would it be a problem when wolves once worked with witches? They called them magicians.” I can’t hide my confusion at the history I’ve learned from Selene.

Jericho shakes his head. “I’ve never learned of witches working with wolves, only of those who wished to gain control over humans

and wolves.”

Glancing at Selene, I ask, “How do vampires see witches?”

“I don’t know.” Jericho’s admission hangs heavy in the air. “The Unregistered communities have been around for a long time, effectively segregating many from our world. Common knowledge. is no longer common.

“Have either of you ever been there?” I ask, looking between them.

They both shake their heads. “We’ve lost several scouts trying to learn more about it,” Kellan admits

I can’t shake the feeling that we’re missing crucial information. Why do Sister Miriam and this unknown person seem so sure I’ll




212 Ava: The Challenge of Being Luna

enter the city? “How much does Steve know about the

Unregistered city? She seems familiar with it, even calls it by a different name.”

Kellan frowns. “She’s told us she has no information to give.”

Latching onto those words, I cling to them like a lifeline. “That doesn’t mean she doesn’t know anything. It’s just that she doesn’t want to give you the information you’re looking for.”

“That’s… possible,” Kellan concedes after a moment.

“We should visit Steve.” I’m talking to Kellan, but Jericho interrupts again, bringing us back full circle.

“Ava, do you intend to fight for your position by Lucas’s side?”

I meet his gaze unflinchingly. “I will never give up my place as

Lucas’s mate.”

“What will you do if you have to choose between your magic and your mate?”

“Lucas.” There’s no hesitation in my answer.

Jericho nods, seemingly satisfied, but Kellan rounds on him, fury in his eyes. “Stop interfering. This isn’t even a concern yet. Ava isn’t a witch. She’s a shifter, just like the rest of us.”

“The position of Luna is a concern of every wolf in the pack.”

Jericho’s voice is steel. “I need to know that the Luna will work for

the pack over all others. No Alpha and no Luna can lead a pack with split loyalties.”

His words settle uneasily in my gut, a disquiet I can’t quite





10 Ava: The Challenge of Being Luna

“I won’t put the pack in any more danger. I can’t do that again.Meeting Jericho’s gaze, then Kellan’s, I add, “I’ve learned my lesson. I want to fight with all of you. I want to keep every Westwood wolf safe. What power I have, I want to wield it for a better tomorrow for my pack. For my mate.”

“I know that, Ava,” Kellan says, but Jericho just grunts.

“Remember that resolve. You’ll need to stand by it when the challenges come.”


The ride to Steve’s office is silent. It’s a different kind of silence to

our normal, and Kellan seems distracted as he drives.

“Jericho seems convinced there will be challenges if Lucas

announces me as his Luna.” May as well address the elephant in the


He glances toward me out of the side of his eye, before returning his attention to the road. “Jericho’s a paranoid old man.”

“Is he?” Jericho’s always seemed to have good advice.

Kellan sighs, shifting in his seat. “Jericho was once a beta who followed his alpha’s orders blindly. Unfortunately, he ended up causing the deaths of the previous pack leaders, Lucas‘ parents. Ever since, he’s been hip–deep in conspiracy theories, and devoted his time to training the younger generation in case of war.”

“How did they die?”

Kellan shakes his head, his knuckles white on the steering wheel. “That’s for Lucas to share, when he’s ready.”



212 Ava: The Challenge of Being Luna.

Tilting my head, I say, “It isn’t like it’s a secret. I can ask anyone in the pack.”

Kellan glances at me, his gray eyes unreadable. “You sure you’ll get the actual truth that way?”

The official story may not match the facts, Selene murmurs in my mind. Somehow, her presence feels stronger today, despite being

so far away.

“I don’t even know the official story,” I mutter, rubbing my temples. The more I learn about Westwood, the more questions I have.

“Good.” Kellan’s voice is firm. “There’s nothing wrong with not. knowing. It doesn’t affect how you perceive Jericho. He’s a good man, Ava. Loyal to a fault.” Yet his voice is bitter and cold, at odds

with his words.

I study Kellan’s profile, the tension in his jaw. “Why do you hate. your father so much?”

Kellan’s laugh is humorless. “I don’t hate Jericho. I just… I’ve heard too many conspiracy theories, dealt with too much paranoia and false alarms. It wears on you, after a while.”

I nod, letting the silence stretch between us. It’s clear Kellan. doesn’t want to discuss it further.

But Jericho seems to be the most knowledgeable of all of us.

Dismissing his concerns as paranoia seems wrong–but I haven’t seen him over years. My experience is not the same.

I can’t keep the silence going after all. “You believe him now though, don’t you?”


212 Ava: The Challenge of Being Luna

He sighs, leaning back against the seat and steering with one hand. “He’s brought up valid and logical concerns.”

“These are also valid and logical, aren’t they? Being a fit Luna- risking alpha challenges…”

“Alpha challenges are already rare. For a young wolf to risk death by challenging a reigning alpha, it requires a lot of courage.” Kellan throws me a reassuring smile. “It might be rough, but they’ll accept you. They trust Lucas. And in our fated mate connections.”

Letting the subject drop, I stare out the window, unable to stop the vague feeling that Kellan and Lucas are making a giant mistake by brushing off Jericho’s concerns as paranoia.

It feels a little like Jericho’s the only one who seems to understand a little of what’s going on, who’s seen the world past our sense of normal, and I wonder if Lucas and Kellan are too blinded by their NôvelDrama.Org: text © owner.


Or is it me, making bad judgments again?

The uncertainty makes my head hurt.

Wolves have always been insular, even as Lycans, Selene’s voice echoes in my mind, a hint of sadness coloring her tone. It’s in our nature. Sometimes to our downfall

Kellan pulls the car into the familiar, dilapidated parking lot. The cracked asphalt and faded paint lines stand in stark contrast to the sleek, powerful SUV we’re in.

We stand out like sore thumbs.

It’s amazing Steve doesn’t get unwanted visitors after we come by.



212 Ava: The Challenge of Being Luna

It’s like our presence screams, “There’s something important in here!” If she wanted to operate in hiding, working with Kellan and Lucas seems to be the worst way to achieve that.

There’s something different in the air. It’s a subtle thing that sends a prickle down my back, like an itch that doesn’t want to leave. Helpless, I scratch at the side of my neck, easing a little bit of the feeling as I follow behind Kellan, my legion of guards behind me.

For a moment, the entire neighborhood seems to flicker, like a glitch in reality. Rundown buildings and overgrown lots shimmer, replaced by gleaming storefronts and manicured gr

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