
Unshift 197

197 Ava: Do You Believe in the Moon 


“I don’t understand. How did you know about the necklace? And this book? How did you get here?” 

“Ah, yes.” Mrs. Elkins sighs, reaching over to pat my hand in a familiar gesture. “Do you believe in prophetic dreaming?” 

Vanessa steps forward now, her voice pitched high with incredulity. “Are you a clairvoyant, ma’am?” 

“No, dear.” Mrs. Elkins gives Vanessa one of her warm smiles. “But some dreams mean something. Do you believe in your Moon Goddess, child?” 

The guards‘ growls fill the air, a group offense at being questioned on their faith. 

Vanessa’s stern look silences them. She turns to Mrs. Elkins, her voice soft yet resolute. “I do believe in the Moon Goddess, yes.” 

Mrs. Elkins reaches for Vanessa’s hand, and though bewilderment 

flickers across Vanessa’s face, she allows the contact. The old 

lady’s eyes crinkle with warmth as she clasps Vanessa’s hand in her arthritic fingers. “I’m so grateful Ava has found a friend. She was far too lonely in Cedarwood.” 

Her words tug at my heart, reminding me how grateful I am to have Vanessa in my corner. But Mrs. Elkins continues, her voice 

taking on a dreamlike quality. 

“I’ve had strange dreams this year. One of a lonely witch, hunted 



197 Ava: Do You Believe in the Moon Goddess? 

by wolves.” Her gaze meets mine, and I feel a jolt of recognition. “I had the same feeling when I met you, Ava. I felt drawn to help, considering the history of witches.” 

Her explanation of the eradication of witches makes sense now- why she’d started to answer my questions with a history lesson. “I 


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“After you disappeared, the dreams stopped. For a long time. Until recently.” She pauses, her expression serene. “I dreamed of the Moon Goddess asking for my help. And when I accepted, I woke up here. In this garden.” 

Her words hang in the air, defying logic. How can she be so calm, so unfazed by such an outlandish claim? As if the Moon Goddess visits people in their dreams. 

And yet–here she is. 

Her words are truth

Selene’s firm belief rings in my head, and every guard studies Mrs. 

Elkins with both wonder and suspicion. There’s no scent of 

deception to mar her words. 

“How often do you have these… bizarre experiences?” one of them asks, his voice tinged with doubt. 

Mrs. Elkins chuckles, her eyes twinkling. “Never before, my dear. Never before. But when a goddess calls, do you ignore them?” 

How can she take this in stride? How can she have such blind 

belief? My instinctive reaction to learning how different I am… was 

much different. Paranoia. Fear. Frustration. 



الاري الأوحات والدايت 

107 Ava: Do You Believe in the Moon Goddis? 

To Mrs. Elkins, it’s some sort of blessing, something she accepts without gripe or grumble. 

As if sensing my thoughts, Mrs. Elkins squeezes Vanessa’s hand before letting go. “Interventions like this, they’re rare these days. But in the age of witches, they were much more common.” 

“Gods and goddesses coming to dreams?” 

“Or in person. There are old stories of such times.” 

Selene presses against my leg and I glance down at her, finding comfort in her steady gaze. 

When I look back up, Mrs. Elkins is watching me, her expression knowing. “You have a lot to learn, Ava. About yourself, about your heritage. I wish I could help more, but alas,” and she points to the book in my lap, “I only have what has been passed down to me.” 

Heritage. The word feels foreign, heavy with implications I’m not ready to face. The only heritage I’ve ever known is that of my pack, my identity as a wolf shifter. Even a defective one. 

Now, it’s like being invited into a new family. One where everyone’s 

a stranger. 

My fingers trace the worn leather, and I feel a spark of something- anticipation, maybe. Or fear. 

If Mrs. Elkins is right, and the Moon Goddess somehow intervened, why did she take so long? 

Why not earlier? 

Why not teach me my powers before Lisa was taken? Before lives were taken? 



197 Ava: Do You Believe in the Moon Goddiss? 

I don’t know that answer, either, Selene murmurs in apology. 

Mrs. Elkins touches my forearm, her grasp warm and loving, leaving me aching for those memories of life in Cedarwood. “Everything happens for a reason, Ava. You’re meant for great things. I’m sure of it.” 

Your destiny is what you choose, Selene murmurs. You chose your pack and your mate. This is now your fate

My eye twitches, just a little. Didn’t you tell me I have no great destiny

She sneezes, which I’m pretty sure is something she does when I catch her in little logical loops. That was before. This is a direct result of choices you made

So, if I had stayed in Cedarwood… My life would be different? If I had rejected Lucas? Avoided my family? 

Yes. Fate is fluid

“Ava? Are you okay?” 

Her wrinkled face peers into mine; she must have said something while I was distracted by Selene. 

“Thank you, Mrs. Elkins,” I manage, my voice steadier than I feel. “For the book, for… for everything. I’ve really missed you, and everyone in Cedarwood.” 

The dull pain of nostalgia, of regret, aches in my chest. I think I’m always going to miss that apartment, the first place in this world that was truly mine. Even now, I’ve spent my time either in Lisa’s apartment, or now at Lucas‘ lodge. 



197 Ava: Do You Believe in the Moon Goddess? 

The apartment was my safe haven. I miss it. 

And my job. 

And the people. 

The old lady beams, an expression I’ve seen on her face many times. “You’re welcome, my dear Always remember, you’re not alone. You have friends, both old and new.” 

Friends. The word wraps around me like a balm, soothing the raw edges of my soul. 

I glance at Vanessa, at Selene, at the guards who stand ready to protect me, with a rush of gratitude. 

It’s true. I’m not alone. 

Many things have changed in recent weeks, and not all of it is bad. 

You have grown, Selene agrees. 

“But how are you going to go back?” Vanessa asks, kneeling in front of Mrs. Elkins. “If you didn’t come here under your own power, I’m guessing you didn’t bring any identification with you?” 

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