Unpredictable Betrayal : A Sweet of Revenge

Chapter 120

Over the past three years, Aurora has thoroughly enjoyed her new role as a mother. While continuing to dedicate herself as a pediatric specialist, Aurora has not neglected her other responsibilities, including fulfilling her duties as a wife.

Every day, before heading to work, Aurora bathes her sons. She ensures that Azka and Alula have breakfast, drink milk, and meet all their nutritional needs.

Luckily, Alden also helps out. He willingly shares the tasks with her. If Aurora is busy bathing and dressing the children, then Alden helps prepare breakfast.

Usually, when Aurora and Alden are working, Elenna helps take care of and watch over their children. At first, Aurora hesitated. But, because Elenna insisted under the guise of being a companion to stave off loneliness, she allowed her mother to be assisted by one assistant in handling their children while she was at the hospital until the evening.

“Are you sure you want to take Azka and Alula out by yourselves?” Elenna asked Aurora over the phone.

Today, Aurora isn’t working. She intentionally takes Alula and Azka to the mall for a walk.

“Sure, Mom. Why wouldn’t I be sure?”

Elenna’s question wasn’t without reason. Usually, when Aurora goes out with her twin children, she always brings along an assistant to help. But today is different. Her daughters decide to go out without bringing an assistant.

Elenna worries. Especially since Alden is in a meeting outside. Her husband isn’t accompanying Aurora and the grandchildren for a walk. She’s afraid that Aurora might need something or encounter trouble without anyone to help.

“You usually bring an assistant. Mama’s just worried you’ll end up overwhelmed.”

Aurora just smiles. Her car has even arrived at the mall’s parking lot and is ready to get out. “Don’t worry, Mom. Aurora can handle Azka and Alula. Besides, it’s just for a little while. After Alden finishes his meeting, he’ll come and join us right away.”

“So, everything’s fine, right? If you need a companion, Mama can come to you.”

“Oh my, Mama really doesn’t trust me. Seriously, Aurora is perfectly fine. So, don’t worry too much.”

Elenna looks resigned. Seeing Aurora so confident, she tries to believe.

“Well, okay then. Just if you need anything or want to ask for help, just call Mama right away.”

Aurora smiles. She reflexively nods. “Okay, got it. I’m done. We’ve arrived. Aurora wants to get out first. Later, when Alden catches up, Aurora will let Mama know.”

Once the phone call ends, Aurora quickly gets out of the car. Holding her sons’ hands, she takes them for a stroll around the mall area.

At first, they browse through toy stores. After buying a few items, Aurora takes Azka and Alula to the bookstore. They spend quite some time there. Aurora even sits for a while because Azka, who was buying a book, asks her to read it immediately.

“After we finish reading this book, we’ll leave, okay? Promise? If we stay here too long, Papa will come looking for us.”

Azka nods, seemingly understanding the conditions Aurora sets for him.

“Yes, Mama. Azka promises. But, please read the dinosaur book first.”

Aurora reads the book that her son picked out. After finishing, she takes them to a restaurant.

“Azka and Alula, wait here for a moment. Mama will pay for the food first. You mustn’t wander off. Okay? Papa will be here soon.”

Both of Aurora’s children nod in understanding. Making sure they sit calmly in the chairs she reserved, Aurora goes to the cashier to pay for the food she ordered.

Aurora intentionally pays first because she knows that on weekends the lines can get long, especially since it’s almost lunchtime.

After paying and intending to return to her seat, Aurora’s eyes immediately widen. She doesn’t see Azka in his chair. Meanwhile, Alula is still happily sitting there, reading the book she ordered.

“Lula, where’s Azka?”

Aurora tries to stay calm. She asks her sitting daughter nicely.

“Azka chased after a ball, Mama. He went there,” the little girl points to the right side of the restaurant.

“Alula, wait here. Don’t go anywhere. Mama will look for Azka first.”

Aurora then waves to one of the servers, asking for help to accompany Alula for a moment while she looks for her son.

Aurora searches around. She goes to every corner, trying to find him while scanning the area. Occasionally, she calls out his name.

“Azka… Azka…” Aurora keeps calling. Looking left and right, hoping to find her son.


Hearing the voice she believes is Azka’s, Aurora quickly turns. True enough, she finds her son walking towards her from outside, accompanied by a man she knows well.

“Azka. Where have you been? Mama told you not to go anywhere.”

“Sorry, Mama. Azka chased after the ball until outside.”

“What if you got lost? Mama doesn’t like it!”

“Sorry, Mama.”

“Aurora…” the man calls out.


It’s indeed Alex whom Aurora meets. After several years of separation, today she meets her former husband again. There hasn’t been much change in him. Still neat and handsome. Just like when he was Aurora’s husband.

“Earlier, I saw this little kid running outside. Then, he seemed confused. I approached him, then asked him where his parents were. He pointed to this restaurant. I didn’t expect him to be your son.”

Aurora nods. She carries Azka then.

“Yes. He’s my son. Thank you for bringing him back here.”

“You’re welcome. Are you with Alden?”

Aurora shakes her head.

“I’m with the kids only. The plan is to meet Alden here later. Have you been in Indonesia for long? As far as I know, you moved to Turkey, right?”

Alex nods.

“Yes. I’ve been in Indonesia for a week because there happened to be work.”

“Alone?” Aurora asks again. “Or with Mama Savana?”

This time, Alex shakes his head.

“I’m not with Mama. But, with my wife and daughter.”

Aurora is surprised to hear Alex’s admission. Moreover, the next moment, a foreign woman approaches while carrying a tiny baby.

“This is my wife, Denisa, and my daughter, Sofia.”

Aurora awkwardly accepts the handshake from the woman in front of her. Then, she is stunned to see the tiny baby that Alex is holding.

“I know you must be confused and wondering, right?”

Aurora doesn’t deny it. She is indeed puzzled and wonders in her heart if the baby Alex is carrying is really his child or perhaps Alex is the stepfather of the baby. But, upon closer inspection, from the eyebrows, lips, and nose, the baby looks very similar to Alex.

“This baby is indeed mine. After a year in Turkey, I met and became close to Denisa. She suggested I seek treatment. And this baby of ours is the result of IVF.”

Aurora nods in amazement. She never thought that Alex would eventually have children.

“At first…” Alex continues. “I wasn’t sure this method

would succeed. But, who would have thought that God would still graciously give me the opportunity to have children even though the journey wasn’t easy.”

Aurora then smiled, sharing in Alex’s joy as he told her his story.

“Congratulations. I’m happy to hear your story,” she said.

Then, Alden appeared. He approached Aurora while carrying Alula.



Alden then glanced at Alex, smiled, and greeted him.

“How are you? It’s nice to see you here.”

Alex nodded.

“Good. Let me introduce you, this is my wife and my child.”

Alden nodded.

“Alden. Do you want to have lunch together? It’s just the four of us with the kids.”

Alex declined politely. Not for any particular reason. He still felt uncomfortable, especially considering his past behavior towards Aurora.

“No need. Denisa and I will leave directly.”

“It’s okay. We may not meet again tomorrow.”

Alden kept insisting until Alex finally agreed. They spent lunchtime together. Although awkward, at least there were no longer any feelings of resentment or anger over what had happened in the past. They forgave each other and chose to forget.


“It’s late. It’s time to sleep.”

“But, Azka still wants to hear a story, Mama.”

Aurora smiled. She kissed both of her son’s cheeks.

“Tomorrow, okay? Mama promises, tomorrow I’ll read more books to Azka.”


Aurora nodded.


“Alula wants it too, Mama.”

Then Aurora turned to Alula. She tied her daughter’s previously loosened hair. Then she helped her lie back down.

“Done. Tomorrow, Mama will also read the books Alula wants.”

Then, Aurora pulled the blanket to cover her children’s bodies. After guiding them in bedtime prayers, she kissed Azka and Alula alternately. After making sure they were asleep, she went to join Alden in the study.

“Is your work not finished yet?”

Alden, seated, looked up. He smiled and waved his hand, asking Aurora to come closer.

“It’s almost done.”

Then, as Aurora approached, Alden pulled her onto his lap. He hugged her tightly and then resumed his work, which was almost finished. He didn’t let her leave his side for even a moment.

“Have Azka and Alula already fallen asleep?”

Aurora nodded.

“Yes, for a while now. Fortunately, they never make a fuss about bedtime. Just like you. When told to sleep, they’re very quick.”

Alden laughed.

“Well, that’s good. They’ve never troubled their parents with staying up late. Since they were little, they’ve been disciplined with their bedtime.”

“Yes. It’s good that they’ve been disciplined with their bedtime since they were little. It’s also thanks to you.”

Believing his work was finished, Alden closed his laptop. Then, he hugged Aurora again while kissing her neck.

“Thanks to you too. I should be grateful for being blessed by God with a wife who’s smart, kind, and almost perfect.”

“Oh, come on, flatterer.”

“Why flatter? I’m serious. To this day, I still ponder. And I never forget to be grateful because God has been so kind to our marriage. I always pray that we can always be together through thick and thin until we’re old.”Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.


Then, Alden hugged her tightly. Without a word, he lifted Aurora, intending to carry her away.


Aurora squealed. She was surprised by what her husband was doing. “Put me down. I might fall! Besides, I can walk by myself.”

Alden shook his head. He didn’t care and continued to carry Aurora to the bedroom.

“Why should I put you down? Besides, it’s nice to carry you like this, right?”

In the bedroom, Alden gently laid Aurora on the bed. Just as Aurora was about to sit up, he stopped her. Pulling her back, he embraced her tightly once again.

“Where else do you want to go?”

“I-I want to drink.”

“Drink later,” Alden stopped her. He didn’t allow his wife to move away.

“Why later? I’m thirsty now.”

“Yes. Besides, even after having fun later, you’ll get thirsty again.”

Aurora turned her head. She widened her eyes. She was sure her husband was teasing her right now.

“Cheeky,” she said.

“Why cheeky? Is it a sin to invite your own wife to have fun? Besides, after thinking it over, it seems that Azka and Alula are ready for a new sibling.”

Aurora immediately widened her eyes.

“Don’t be ridiculous. There’s no way they could have a sibling. And don’t forget, I’m using contraception for several years to come.”

Alden seemed unconcerned.

“No matter what kind of contraception you use, if God wants to give it now, what can you do? Huh?”

The next moment, without giving any room for response, Alden silenced Aurora with a deep kiss. Until she surrendered and finally reciprocated what Alden did to her.

Upon reflection, looking back, there were many obstacles that Aurora and Alden had to overcome to live happily as they do now.

It wasn’t easy for them to come together. Starting from misunderstandings, to Aurora marrying someone else. Then, the scandal of infidelity that Aurora had to endure, which left her marriage with Alex in shambles.

Alden once thought that perhaps the infidelity that occurred in Aurora’s marriage was a manifestation of the prayers he offered to God for Aurora to return to him.

However, even after officially divorcing, Aurora and Alden couldn’t immediately be together. They still had to go through many obstacles. Until finally, God trusted and gave them the opportunity to be together. Plus, they were given the surprise of two tiny babies as the fruit of their patience over these years.

Truly, Aurora never regretted the path that God had laid out for her life. With an open heart, she even waited for more surprises that God might give to her family in the future. -END-

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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