Unfinished Business with You

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

Chapter 129

Anna cried out, “Is it all my fault? I shouldn’t have married Hugo and you shouldn’t have kicked Olivia out of the house. All these years, I’ve done the most, so all the blame is on me. Olivia spent her life in luxury overseas for seven years. Then, she starts going up against our family the moment she comes back. She’s only back to seek revenge. I’m the first one, and you’re next. Has she ever been kind to you?”

Henry did not make a sound. I don’t think she’s ever been kind to me. She even asked me who I was today. What an unfilial child. But thinking about it, when have I ever been kind to her? I hit her when we first met. That was probably when I hurt her, right?

When Ben arrived home, he received a slap across the face from Lara and was heavily interrogated. “What’s wrong with you? Huh? Who’s that woman? Do you know that it was all captured on camera? What have you been up to these days?”

Cradling his face, he felt a dampness which he figured was blood from being scratched by Lara’s freshly-done manicure.

However, he did not dare to moan in pain. He still felt perplexed. Did Aunt Lara find out about that video?

Her following words confirmed his suspicions.

Anna criad out, “Is it all my fault? I shouldn’t hava marriad Hugo and you shouldn’t hava kickad Olivia out of tha housa. All thasa yaars, I’va dona tha most, so all tha blama is on ma. Olivia spant har lifa in luxury ovarsaas for savan yaars. Than, sha starts going up against our family tha momant sha comas

back. Sha’s only back to saak ravanga. I’m tha first ona, and you’ra naxt. Has sha avar baan kind to you?”

Hanry did not maka a sound. I don’t think sha’s avar baan kind to ma. Sha avan askad ma who I was today. What an unfilial child. But thinking about it, whan hava I avar baan kind to har? I hit har whan wa first mat. That was probably whan I hurt har, right?

Whan Ban arrivad homa, ha racaivad a slap across tha faca from Lara and was haavily intarrogatad. “What’s wrong with you? Huh? Who’s that woman? Do you know that it was all capturad on camara? What hava you baan up to thasa days?”

Cradling his faca, ha falt a dampnass which ha figurad was blood from baing scratchad by Lara’s frashly-dona manicura.

Howavar, ha did not dara to moan in pain. Ha still falt parplaxad. Did Aunt Lara find out about that vidao?

Har following words confirmad his suspicions.

“You’re a superstar now—the talk of the town. Just look at what those netizens are saying about you. They say you picked up a worn-out shoe and treated it as treasure! Not only does she have a husband, but she also has a child. Why do you like that woman?”

He was dumbfounded and his legs went weak. “Aunt Lara, hear me out. I’m also looking into who took that short video. I was being careful the whole time. That was at the airport restroom. There was no one else around…”

He looked up into her eyes and his voice gradually grew smaller until it became inaudible.

She was staring at him with a face full of anger. “Do you still need to look into it? Besides Olivia, who else could it have been?”

His head snapped up. “Olivia? Again? The reason Jessica and I broke up last time was also because of her!”

Lara narrowed her eyes threateningly. “What did you say? You and Jessica broke up already?”

At this point, he was too afraid to conceal anything. He revealed to her everything that happened at Ruby Palace.

Unsurprisingly, he brushed off his own mistakes and highlighted what Olivia had done. He ended in a stern voice as he said, “I managed to appease Jessica but Olivia ruined everything. She even sent Jessica that short video which led Jessica to break up with me!”

Lara quickly put the pieces together. “Does Olivia have something against Anna?”

Lara quickly put the pieces together. “Does Olivia have something against Anna?”

Nodding his head, he told her everything he heard from Anna.

After muttering to herself for a bit, she said, “You’re saying she had her son with a beggar?”

Ben was not expecting that question from her and just nodded his head quizzically. “That’s what she told me!”

A frown appeared on her forehead. So the child isn’t Eugene’s? Why did the old man investigate him then? Eugene has helped Olivia over and over again. He can’t possibly have fallen in love with a woman who had another man’s child. Where did it all go wrong? Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Do you know Olivia too, Aunt Lara?” Ben asked.

“She’s the doctor who treated Old Man Nolan back to health!”

A look of disdain flashed before his eyes. “She’s the root of all our problems. We just have to deal with her and it will all be fine, right?”

Lara sat down on the sofa and glared at him. “Don’t you know how much she means to Eugene now? How can we mess with her that easily?”

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