Unexpected Reunion: My Baby Daddy Returns

A death trap

“You should forgive her already, she has pleaded. So what she made a mistake?” Aaron had requested immediately they entered Antiono ‘s office.

” I will talk to Charlotte about giving her the job back. That’s the only thing I can do .”

” How about the little girl? Would you let her suffer for this mistake?”

” Her father will take care of her. ”

“By that you mean, yourself right?”

“Don’t be ridiculous Aaron.”

“Have you wondered why she wants you close to her daughter?” Aaron asked.

” I don’t care, I met with the real father of the child last night.”

“I don’t believe he’s the real father of the child.”

” I don’t really care about that. Please don’t talk about it now.”

“Okay, if you wish but think about what I’ve said.”

Aaron picked up a file from the desk and went away immediately, leaving Antiono to his own thoughts.

The first person Aaron met as soon as opened the door was Charlotte. He quickly shut the door and moved to meet her.

” Good morning, Charlotte. How do you do?”

” You know I’m fine. Is Antiono around?”

” Yes of course. He’s Inside his office but why are you here?”

” I want to see Antonio for important work. I have something to discuss with him.”

“Can I ask a question?”

“Sure, ”

“You know your sister Mia, why inform the Manager to fire her?”

” I had personal issues with her.”

” Can you solve the issue maturely, you have to call her back Charlotte.”

” Why should I do that? We can just employ someone else.”

” What if she’s the only one who has the experience and knows too much about the project?”

” You can’t be serious, Aaron.”

” This isn’t one of my jokes.”

” Fix your issues with Mia, so we don’t run into debts.” He left, hoping his words were enough to change her mind.

As he left, he went straight to the Manager’s office to inform him about getting Mia back to work.

He met Evelyn first and stopped for a conversation.

” Good morning Sir,” She greeted politely and that too with a smile.

” You look more beautiful each time I see you.” He complimented at the same time trying to flirt with her

She blushed and muttered a thank you.

” Are you free for dinner or you have a busy schedule?”

” I can always turn my schedules around for you and you know that.” She said in a seductive tone.

” Meet me as usual.” He winked at her before leaving.

She wasn’t his mistress nor his girlfriend, just someone who he used. They shared the same opinion of not being ready for a relationship so they were perfect for each other.

Not wanting to waste any more time, he called up the managing director and he took the call immediately.

” Mr. Aaron, you’re here.”

” Call Mia back to work and it’s an order.” The call went dead after that.

Aaron thought of having something to eat, he had skipped breakfast since he was hurrying to leave together with Antiono. Right now, rubbing his rumbling stomach, he regretted why he hadn’t eaten.

“Aaron.” I really don’t know much of the He heard a voice call him, he knew it was Charlotte.

“You changed your mind about letting her stay?” He asked.

” No, and why will you go again my orders. Even Antiono doesn’t have a problem this.”

“, Don’t bring Antiono Into this. His not in his right senses.”

” Why what happened.”

“I really don’t know much of the story.” He lied.

“If not that I know you too well I would have assumed you have something to do with Mia.”

” You know it’s not possible. I really have to leave now. I have something to do.”

He left immediately leaving Charlotte grinning in joy. Everything was going to her Favour now, thanks to Wilson. When he talked about his plans the previous day, she had not bothered to listen to him, now seeing the evidence made her excited.

She was going to use this opportunity wisely, but then she needed to call Wilson to finish the second phase of the plan.

Once Mia was out of the way, she could get married to Antiono. Take over his wealth and be with Wilson who she had always loved since Childhood. Unfortunately, her mother had requested Mia marries Wilson since she felt he loved her but the truth was that. Wilson wasn’t in love with Mia, he had loved Charlotte from the very beginning.

Now she was excited that she was going to get everything she ever wished for but first she needed to use Mia’s absence to get closer to Antiono. Once Mia and her child were out of the way then she could have more access to the Antiono ‘s family wealth.

Her phone vibrated and she saw it was a text from Wilson. It read,

“Target in place, expect to see you by 4pm.”

She smiled as she kissed her phone, once it was 4pm she was going to kill Mia herself.

She won’t let Wilson do that, not at all.

***”Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

“You’re being unfair to your mum, Ariel.”

” I didn’t do anything, Emma. She lied to me.”

” I agree but she did that for a reason.”

” Can I ask you a question?”

“Is Wilson my real daddy?” She asked.

” No my dear, he’s not.” Emma assured Ariel said nothing as she went back to sleep.

Meanwhile, Emma was worried about Mia who had left the house without telling her exactly where she was going. She didn’t know why but she felt a strange feeling about it, and she hoped Mia would be fine wherever she was

She had just gone out to do her normal routine of watering the plants when she saw Wilson.

In anger she went Inside to get something she could use to hit him but when she came back, he was gone and she found no one on the porch.

“Stupid fool.” She muttered under her breath vowing to teach him a lesson when she sees him.

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