Twisted Fate

Chapter 43:Are you qualified?

Alex removed his shade. His eyes were focused on Greg’s hand. He was holding his wife and somehow, he agreed with himself that he was jealous.

Ella pulled her hand off. Greg should show her some respect. He can’t possibly be holding her hand right before her husband. Who does that?

“Why shouldn’t I be with him? Isn’t he a man?” Ella demanded. At this time, she knew that she had to be by Alex’s side.

The place of a woman is by her husband. Whatever happens, Alex has been good towards her during this period of their marriage.

“Of course he is. He is a man who takes everything feminine to bed. You can’t possibly settle with a man who has a reputation for being a flirt…” Greg was furious.

“What about that? Did I make a complaint to you that I have a problem with his past life?

For your information, the idea you had about my husband were things that happened in the past. He is my husband now, and that’s what mattered” Ella snapped at him.

Greg just stood stupefied.

What happened? Something definitely must have happened that would make someone so good hearted like Ella to get entangled with this casanova.

“He doesn’t deserve you Ella. I could help you make a lawsuit and divorce him. You deserve a better marriage with a decent man not Alex Foster ” Greg was perplexed.

Without another word, Ella walked away and Alex held her hand and started walking towards the car.

Greg still stood there, watching them go towards Alex’s car. When they got to the car, Ella opened the car and slipped in.

But Alex paused, turned back and glared at Greg. Ella doesn’t know how long it took, but eventually he got in and shut the door.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

The car suddenly became cold. It was air conditioned already, but the coldness that Ella was experiencing was not that of the AC, it was emanating from Alex.

None of them said anything to each other. Ella sat on the other end, staring out at the busy street while Alex sat with his gaze straight ahead of him.

The car had gone a little farther when Alex ordered the chauffeur to park by the roadside. He further told him to excuse them.

Ella swallowed hard. He was furious with her already. But whatever happens, she would try to be reasonable and not add fuel to his already burning fury.

“Why did you leave the Mansion without my consent?” Alex asked, his voice was hoarse and filled with resentment.

And not waiting for Ella’s response, he continued “And to know that you are with another man is most infuriating to me” this time his voice was high, like he was yelling at her.

“I wanted to go out on a date with him yesterday but…” Ella was trying to explain when Alex interrupted her.

“I am not comfortable with the word dating. I have also told you that before, right?

You were supposed to be resting, and recover fast from the effect of the poison. But no, you would rather go and be with another man.

Tell me, have you been dating him? Are you cheating?” Alex demanded. He had gone beyond being concerned about her health to be jealous.

Ella turned and glanced at him but this time, it was Alex who looked away. She sighed, why does she feel he was jealous over her like a lover over his woman?

There were no emotions attached to their marriage. They had also agreed not to interfere in each other’s life. Why this fury in him?

“How does it concern you if I have been dating him? Talking about cheating, are you qualified to ask me such a question?” Ella demanded.

That was how the conversation ended. Until they got home, neither of them uttered a word to the other.

Alex knew he acted too odd but he couldn’t help it. He tried to conceal his reactions but he had to vent a little of it to make her know he detested her from messing around with other men as his wife.

When they got to the Mansion, Ella alighted from the car but Alex did not. As she got closer to the door, she heard Alex’s car driving out of the Mansion.

She squinted. If he wasn’t ready to stay in the Mansion, why then did he come over to interrupt her date with Greg?

Date? That’s the word he said he doesn’t want to hear. But she doesn’t interfere with him and his relationship with other women.

They were married and he still sleeps with Lisa Anderson and possibly, those numerous girlfriends he had out there.

There aren’t many people in that city that don’t know he is a playboy. They probably would have thought she’s one of his play things.

When she got in, Ms Cooker had a worried look on her face “I’m sorry ma’am, I tried to be quiet but you know how hardhearted Mr Foster can be?” She tried to explain

Ella nodded and asked “did he threaten to fire you?”. Ms Cooker said no. He only told her that she’s not reliable and he doesn’t think they would work together for a long time anymore.

Ella smiled wryly. Her husband will not let any opportunity to usurp authority over others pass by him.

“You don’t have to worry about anything. Alex is my husband, we have sorted each other out” Ella assured her and smiled.

Meanwhile, Alex told him his chauffeur to drive him to the company. Festus called him and he told him he was going to chill off.

The latter told him to meet him at their usual spot. He immediately told his chauffeur to drive him to Pacific bar.

Alex paid for a reservation and went there. He just felt unhappy. How can Ella be seeing someone else?

Women want to be close to him but his wife doesn’t want to be. What can he do to impress Ella? What should he do?

When Festus arrived at the bar, he already knew where he could find Alex. But the latter was already gulping down alcohol when he arrived.

They parted ways when he went to get Ella back. “Hi buddy,” Festus said, helping himself to a seat.

“You found your wife easily right?” Festus asked, pouring wine into a glass and gulping it down.

“Yeah, I did,” Alex answered flippantly. The memory of seeing Ella, holding hands with another man and feeling relaxed about it flashed through his brain.

Festus paused. He glanced at Alex and saw him in an unpleasant mood. He knew that something had gone wrong.

“What is wrong?” He asked.

“Ella is seeing someone else. I know our marriage is not a proper one but I expected her to be faithful.

She’s been seeing Greg Wilson, a lawyer with the Mark’s Chambers. I knew she went to that Chambers and once, she requested for a copy of the Marriage certificate.

Is she so eager to get divorced with me? Tell me, don’t I look cute enough for her to admire?

She said I am not qualified to talk to her about cheating. I know I tripped, but I no longer do it.

I don’t have any woman except Ella. I practically adjusted my character to impress her. I ensure I don’t annoy or infuriate her.

And guess what Festus, it worked. We are at peace with each other. We have adjusted to tolerate each other and ensure our union is what it could be.

But Ella is dating someone else. I feel like sniffling life out of that bastard for coming anywhere close to her…” Alex Foster funed in fury.

He gnashed his teeth and Festus saw him fisted his palm. His displeasure was written all over him.

Festus sighed softly. This was too much for Alex to take personally. They had both agreed that they would not interfere with each other’s private lives.

Why was he feeling so offended because he saw Ella with another man? He also slept with Lisa Anderson when they just got married and travelled with her at a time he was supposed to be having his honeymoon with Ella.

He didn’t ask Alex, but he knew Ella would behave as if she didn’t see nor hear anything. But now, he was feeling so furious.

“Alex, you want Ella to notice you rather than going to be with another man, right?” Festus asked.

“Yes. I am her husband after all. I should be the only man she’s interested in and having a crush on” Alex Foster affirmed.

“I’ve asked you this question before, and I will ask you again. Are you in love with Ella Smith?” Festus asked.

Alex glanced at him briefly and looked away.

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