To Hate My Stepbrother

Chapter 41

Ava’s POV

Tired and hungry, I made my way down the stairs to make breakfast for myself and I saw that Mason was down there already. The table was also set and breakfast was ready.

I couldn’t help but do a double take.

“Why did you make breakfast for two?” I asked, feeling dumbfounded. I still haven’t forgotten about what he said to me last night and I was still mad at that.

“Aren’t we two in here?” He asked while rolling his eyes and wiping his hands in a small towel. He had on a fitted but loose looking black top on a baggy pair of sweats, and his hair was all fluffed up, giving him an extremely soft look.

I shrugged as I walked past him, into the kitchen where I pulled out a pan to make scrambled eggs for myself.

I’m not about to eat the food prepared by someone who’d blatantly said I wasn’t worthy to be called his friend. Why did he even make breakfast for two when he doesn’t care about me?

Silently, I watched as he ate his food with a little bit of a side glance and pretending to not care about what he was doing. He soon finished eating and he came to drop his plate in the dishwasher.

He didn’t leave once he was done, and I knew he was definitely going to say something. He hadn’t said a thing when I didn’t join him for breakfast, but I knew he had been hurt by that.

Serves him right.

“You’re always being unreasonable,” He stated after a while of silence, “And not only that, you’re always being so fucking childish too.” He said, voice calm and when I glanced at him, I realised that a small scowl was sitting on his face.

I turned around to fully face him, but I chose to remain silent, folding my arms and pursing my lips.

Mason let out a sigh after about a minute, and I noticed that the scowl wasn’t on his face any longer.

“I had no idea why I thought I could be nice to you for once and you’ll return the gesture, but, no, you’re always being fucking childish and acting like you have no sense of reasoning.” He continued. “This is the exact reason why I’d always see you as a childish person.”

“This would be the last fucking time I’ll ever try to do anything nice for you again, mark my words.” He finally completed his sentence, sounding like he meant every word, and before I could even attempt to say anything, he stormed out of the kitchen.

I turned to look at him and I felt my conscience pricking my insides. I wasn’t really that mad at him this morning since I knew damn well that I’ve also told him that I don’t see him as a friend material countless times, I had just wanted to act out.

And even though I had felt too proud this morning, I liked the fact that he cooked for me as well, but I just hadn’t been sure of how to show it.

I’d only ignored the breakfast because I had thought he’d ask why I was doing that so we’d be able to talk things out, but it seems like he genuinely hates me now and that wasn’t a part of the plan.

Wanting to follow him and apologise, I thought against it after a few moments, choosing to wait behind in the kitchen, he probably doesn’t even want to see my face right now.

By the time my food was ready, I’d lost all appetite to eat so I decided to read a book and watch television until evening.

My phone buzzed and I picked it to see that it was a reminder for one of the restaurant reservations our parents had made for us.

I didn’t feel like going, or hanging around Amazon, especially after what happened between us this morning. I wasn’t looking forward to letting Mason see my face talkmore of going out with him and pretended like we were cool with each other outside.

He definitely hates me now since I had ruined everything already. Me going out with him would only make me more uncomfortable.

“Yeah, I’m stuck on an island babysitting a moron, man I just can’t wait to get out of here.” I overheard Mason talking to someone as I made my way to my room, and anger curled in my chest.

Not wanting to hear anything more because I knew I was the moron he was referring to, I ran into my room as I held back my tears.

I’d wanted to bail out on going to the restaurant but I remembered my mother told me Danny had paid a huge amount of money for the reservation.

“I’m not going to let that go to waste,” I said to myself as I opened my closet to pick out some casual clothing.

“Moron? Not worthy to be called your friend? I wonder who the hell wanted to be friends with him in the first place. Definitely not me, that’s for sure.” I thought to myself as I threw my clothes on.

Once I was done, I realised just how casual the clothes were because it looked as though I was only going for a simple evening walk.

Well, I wasn’t about to dress up for a dinner I didn’t want to go to, especially with someone I’m mad at. I sceptically got out of my room to see Mason already dressed up.

I couldn’t help it. I did a double take.

He cleaned up extremely nicely, being dressed in a pair of deep blue suits, and the top part of his hair was also slicked back.

It’s the first time I’d be seeing him in a suit and I hated to admit it, but he looked absolutely breathtaking right now.

Meanwhile, I had on a stupid gown that made me look like I was going to the church.

I stood out poorly compared to Mason and I trust Mason to not let it slide.

“Why on earth are you even dressed like an old woman?” He demanded with an unimpressed look and even though my face coloured from embarrassment, it didn’t stop me scowling at him.

“Mind your own business.” I shot back at him and he scoffed before stepping out of the house, not bothering to help hold the door open for me.

Not like I wanted him to.

He was right though.

On getting into the restaurant, it hit me square in the eyes how extremely underdressed I was. I glanced around and everyone had luxurious dresses on except me and I regretted my decision of not bothering to dress up for dinner in that moment.

Dinner was the prefect definitely of awkward.

It was thankfully over hours later. I was glad I came even though Mason and I ignored each other throughout the dinner and barely said a word to each other.

Once we were done, we got in the car and Mason started driving us home and I looked out the window, thinking back to the suggestive look the waitress had given Mason.

Absolutely disgusting.

As we drove home, I stared outside the window pointedly. I’ve always loved the stars and I was happy at the fact that the stars were a little bit more brighter tonight.

“The stars are so beautiful.” I breathed out without thinking, with a small smile on but my smile instantly faded as soon as I watched the window gradually roll up,

Bastard mason has shut the window.

“Why would you do that? I was watching the stars, you son…” I was about to cuss him out when the roof of the car went down moments later, stopping my sentence midway..

My eyes widened and my mind swelled up with so many emotions when I looked up and real that I could have a better view of the stars. I shrieked and my grin widened when I realised I could watch the stars without having to stress myself.

“Thank you.” I muttered with a smile and he only nodded. He’d said he wouldn’t do anything nice for me anymore but this is the nicest thing ever.

I looked back up to stare at the stars and I couldn’t help the grin that formed on my face as I watched them. He slowed down and started driving really slow and I knew it was because he wanted me to have more than enough time to watch the stars.

“Beautiful.” Mason said after sometime and I immediately turned to look at him, the smile still wide on my face.

“The stars?” I asked and he only shrugged in response.NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

He was definitely referring to the stars… right?

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