To Hate My Stepbrother

Chapter 31

Ava’s POV

I got up as early as I could to get ready for my class. I walked to the kitchen silently to pour myself my usual glass of milk and I almost shrieked when I saw a blurry figure beside the fridge. I flicked the light on to see that it was Mason.

He had a bowl of Ice cream with him and was eating it silently. His eyes narrowed down at me but he didn’t say a thing as he scooped another spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.

“The least you could’ve done is switch on the lights,” I muttered as I walked past him, “it’s dawn already and you scared the shit out of me.” I added as I picked up a glass and poured my milk in.

“Why are you all dressed up so early in the morning?” He demanded but I ignored him, “On your way out to go fuck that guy you claim to be tutoring, right?” He added, answering his question by himself.

“Mind your own business.” I mumbled with an eye roll.

“Typical answer.” He scoffed out.

“I’m not you and will never be you who would do anything to get laid,” I spat out at him in irritation, eyes widening in shock on realising that a few milk drops had splattered over his face.

“Why would you spit on me?” He demanded and I scoffed.

“It was clearly a mistake.” I responded with an eyeroll as I proceeded to rinse my cup.

“I’m going to the library to get my assignments done and also study before my morning class, if you must know.” I finished as I wiped my hands.

“You should apologise for spilling milk over my face.” He demanded but I pointedly ignored him.

“Oh, I’m gonna get you back for this.” He added, walking past me in what I’d term as irritation and I watched as he made his way to his room.

Moments later, I walked out of the house and made my way to the library and once I was done with everything I needed to do, I made my way to class hurriedly. I didn’t want to be late for the lecture.

Getting into class, I looked around and Xander was nowhere to be found. I shrugged as I made my way to a seat in the middle of the class. He probably has something to attend to and that’s why he’s not in class.

The class went well and it wasn’t long before the professor finished with what he’d intended on teaching us. Packing my books in a bid to leave, I heard my name and turned to see my professor.

“How’s the tutoring lesson going?” He asked and I smiled as I explained to him that Xander was catching on even faster than I expected him to.

“Great, I’m glad you’re both doing well. Keep up the good work, Ava.” He responded warmly and I smiled again.

“I will, thank you.” I answered and watched as my professor left the class.

I exchanged a few words with a few of my course mates, walking with all the way to the busstop where we ended up boarding different buses.

I knew I could get an Uber to wherever I needed to go, the money Danny was frequently wiring into my account was more than enough to cover the expenses, but I still saw Uber rides as unnecessary especially when I can easily board a bus.

On arriving home, I buried my head in my books since I needed to study. When I heard my mother yelling my name about half an hour later, I scampered out of my room as I wondered why she’s currently yelling I and Mason’s name that way with such urgency.

Getting downstairs, I squealed when I saw that she’d got a puppy dog, she knew how much I loved dogs and I rushed to pick it up and soon started petting and kissing it while Mason only stared at me disdainfully.

It was obvious he hated dogs.

Can he get any worse than he already is?

“I was thinking you can both decide on a name for it.” Mum suggested eagerly.



We hadn’t let my mum complete her statement before we both yelled out different names. I shot Mason a dirty glare, if he hates dogs then why does he want to name her?

Knowing him, he only wants to do this to spite me.

“I thought you hated dogs, why are you naming her if it’s not to obviously annoy me!” I shot at him while hugging the dog tightly, as If protesting it from Amazon.

“Who names a dog Bella? What the fuck is a Bella?” He scoffed out and the glare on my face got more prominent.

It didn’t take long for us to almost eat each other up and yank our heads from off our respective necks, but Danny came in at the right time to stop the argument.

“Will you both stop it and get a grip on yourselves!” Danny yelled and the house fell silent, “I and your mother are sick of always having you both fight and brawl like little kids, aren’t you guys tired?” He said and my gaze fell on the floor.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Even the neighbours are tired of your fights and they keep telling us to put you both on a leash or they’ll have to get you both arrested for disturbing the peace of the neighbourhood.” Danny continued and I heard Mason scoff beneath his breath.

“We only got the dog so you both would get closer since a dog is man’s best friend and also the best wingman. We really are tired of seeing you both fight each time.” My mother said and she sounded exhausted and tired.

“We’re calling her Coco and whether you both like it or not, you’re to bathe, feed and walk the dog together.” My mother said firmly and I opened my mouth to disagree with her when she shot me a stare that made me shut my mouth at once.

“The next time I find you both arguing or doing anything stupid, Mason, I’ll take your car keys and you’ll be grounded without the privilege of having any friends over.” Danny said and Mason only scoffed at that. He was obviously annoyed but of course, his annoyance brought me joy.

I was laughing beneath my breath when my mother began to speak.

“And Ava, you’ll be banned from talking to Nicole, you’ll also be grounded without any electronic gadget if you don’t behave.” She said and my face fell.

The sound of Mason’s quiet laughter made my stomach churn and I just wanted to bite him like a dog would.

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