Through The Eyes Of My Alpha

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 69

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 69

Through the eyes of my alpha Chapter 69

NADIA. Riley has refused to talk about the incident since last night. We made love and cuddled the whole night, and talked about us and our pup but I didn’t dare ask about Zahra. I would let him handle it this time, at his own pace. By morning, he went back to work like nothing happened and was back in his Alpha mode.

It was not that I was complaining, but I was worried because he wasn’t letting me in on his emotions.

His walls were up except when we discussed our pup, then he would let me in on what he felt.

But I dared not push him to say anything.

I could wait.

And Zahra too.

I spent the rest of the afternoon with Jenny and all the other expectant females doing simple routines to strengthen our pelvic muscles.

But to be honest, we spent more time just talking and swooning over our own mates.

I thought I was the only one, but apparently, pregnant women find their mates’ scents more alluring.

I finally figured out why I always have the urge to jump at my mate just at the mere sight of him.

I thought it was because I missed him too much.

By the time I was done with my session with Jenny and the other females, I was already missing him.

Since after breakfast, he had been on the other side of the territory, and I was eager to see him now.

I went looking for him inside the packhouse, but he was nowhere around.

I bumped into Gamma Sebastian and he told me he was at the archery range.

With steady footsteps, I made my way to the back of the training grounds and found him sitting on the boulder facing the target heads.

He was just sitting there, no bows and arrows around him.

He might have just chosen this place to think, and now that I thought of it, I didn’t know if I should approach or just leave him alone for a while.

“Are you having second thoughts about whether to approach me or leave me alone?

” His voice echoed around us.

He didn’t turn around and remained fixated on the view in front of him, but I could imagine him smirking as he said those words.


Those were exactly my thoughts.

Would you rather be alone?

Or do you want some company?

” “Come here, Nadia.

” He tapped the space beside him before he continued.

“You’re always welcome to invade my solitary moments.

” I smiled as I walked forward, my eyes raking his whole back.

My mate was ripped with muscles in all the right places, and I couldn’t keep my eyes from swooning over him.

And instead of sitting beside him, I stood in front of him, my hands reaching for his face before I gave him a long and deep kiss.

“I miss you today…” He gave me a weak smile while his hands brushed against my hips.

“Me too.

Sit here.

” He parted his legs and moved backward, making room for me in between his thighs and I eagerly scooted my ass onto the boulder, resting my back against his hard chest.

“How was your day?

” He asked.

“It was fun.

I spent the whole afternoon with Jenny and the other pregnant females.

We tried to do some exercises, but we ended up just chattering for almost the whole session.

” I giggled, squeezing his arms wrapped around my body.

“I saw that.

I passed by the training grounds to check on you before I came here.

And I didn’t see any training sessions going on in there.

” “Oh!

If I knew you were home already, I should have gone with you here right away.

” “It’s okay.

You’re here now.

” “Are you okay?

How was your day?

” I asked him back.

“As usual, boring without you.

But there has been a lot of improvement on the construction site where I went.

In a few weeks, they can start with the finishing touches and it will be ready to launch.

” “That’s good to hear.

Can I come with you next time?

” “Maybe when it’s not that dusty and muddy there.

” “I’m not that picky.

” “You’re pregnant.

” “So?

I’m not that sensitive.

And besides, I won’t be eating the dust there.

” “Hmmm… Really?

” He chuckled.

Last night we talked about a condition where some pregnant women have cravings for non-edible things such as dirt, clay, and the likes.

“I’ll probably just smell and get aroused by the smell of cement.

” “Nadia…” He grunted before placing a soft kiss on the crown of my head as I giggled.

“You and your mouth.

” I didn’t say anything more.

I could sense the sadness in his emotions.

“Did you know when I was seven, I received a bow and arrow from my aunt, Luna Graciella?

She told me how fascinated Zahra was with archery when she was pregnant with me.

So she thought maybe I should give it a try.

” I held my breath and tried to keep my heartbeat steady.

He was starting to talk now, and I wished he would continue until he poured out everything inside of him.

“And my young self thought that if Zahra discovers that I excel at archery, she might come to see me compete or perform somewhere.

” So I asked my father to find me the best coach for this sport, and he complied.

I trained almost every fucking day, and after a year, I was already excelling in my age bracket.

My father was proud, but he had no idea why I wanted this sport so much.

But Zahra never showed up, not even once.

I should have quit when I realized she would never show up, even if I turned out to be the best archer in the world because even then I would still never be good enough for her.

At eight, I stopped expecting that I would receive gifts from her.

I stopped expecting she would show up and surprise me.

I stopped expecting it at eight years old.

While all the other pups would tell me what they told their parents they wanted for their birthdays, I just kept my mouth shut.

Because I stopped asking Dad for the gift I wanted.

But I never stopped trying to excel.

Not for her anymore.

But for myself.

I thought maybe, if I turned out to be better than my father, if I excelled at something or everything, then perhaps my mate would never have a reason to leave me.

” My heart was crushed at his words.

He was still too young, but he was thinking of ways not to be left behind.

“I was only eight years old, yet I grew up that fast because of her.

And then Andrea was around.

She was the exact opposite of my mother.

She’s an Omega.

And Omega they say is the most submissive and loyal.

So I thought maybe with her, I would never have to be alone.

Maybe she won’t hurt me.

But I didn’t know pain could come from all ranks.

I know you already know by now how fucked up I am.

But I swear, there’s more to me than these fucked up things I’ve done.

And that I’m trying my best.

” I turned my body around so I was sitting sideways on his lap, my hands cupping his jaws as I urged him to look at me.

“Quit trying to be better so people will like you.

Or so people will stay.

Because whenever someone leaves, it doesn’t always mean that something is wrong with you.

Sometimes, it is just how life is.

Andrea didn’t leave you because you’re not good enough.

She left because her heart belonged to someone else.

The same reason I left Elliot, or Benedict.

I didn’t accept them because I know my heart will always belong to my mate, to you.

And if even for a second you think you’re not good enough for me, stop it.

Because you, Riley Adams, even without your Alpha badge, even without those bows and arrows, even without this territory, you and Hunter, you’re all I ever want and need.

I’ve told you before, and I’ll tell you again, and I’ll never get tired of telling you: I’m yours.

I’ll stay if you do.

You and me against everyone else.

The only time I would leave you is if you pushed me away again.

” He shook his head, his hands cupping my cheeks.


It will never happen.

Not in his lifetime.

Not on the next.

And not in all our lifetimes together.

” My eyes welled with tears at his words.

“Then I’m yours.

In this lifetime.

And all the lifetimes after this.

You’re more than enough for me, Riley.

You have no idea how much bigger you are than what I wanted in a mate.

Not because you’re an Alpha, but for the way you made me feel special.

” “Because you’re special.

Don’t forget that.

” I flung my arms around him as I pressed our bodies closer, letting his warmth envelop me.

“I love you, Riley.

” “I love you too, Nadia.

” We stayed hugging each other until I finally had the courage to open my mouth.

One try, if he didn’t want it, then I would stop.

“Did you know that those gifts from Zahra that you waited to come were just kept in her storage room all these years?

” “What do you mean?

” “She sent you gifts on your birthday, year after year after year.

And they always come back unopened.

” I waited for him to say something, but he didn’t.

“I never received gifts when I was younger,” I added, my voice almost inaudible.

“Tell me about it, if you want to.

” “My uncle and auntie never gave me one.

I thought it was ordinary.

Not until I met Katarina.

On my twelfth birthday, she gave me three boxes of gifts.

And then she would shower me with more in the coming years.

Before I turned sixteen, I told her one gift was enough.

And she complied.

That year she gave me one box only.

But I should have known better.

Inside that box were multiple gifts wrapped into one.

” “I never really knew Katarina, but I’m glad she was there for you.

” “She was.

And she still is, until now.

” I smiled at the memory of her arriving here a day after I came back, bombarding me with her lectures on how stupid I was to run away without letting her know and without a concrete plan.

“And I promise you, I will shower you with gifts from now on.

” Riley’s words snapped me out of my own thoughts.

“I already have the best gift, Riley. © NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

The one in my stomach.

I don’t think you can top that.

” “It’s the best gift I received too, after you… But I still want to promise you that you will never ever feel that you’re not important or that nobody cares about you, as long as I’m here.

As long as I’m alive.

” “Thank you…” I answered meekly before I pulled away from his body and coiled my fingers on his collar, fixing and twisting them while biting my lips.

“You want to say something?

” He asked.

“Those gifts that Zahra kept all these years, I was wondering if you wanted to have those?

Maybe you can open those gifts with me, and we can re-live our childhood together?

At least we can have one memory we can share, something we both didn’t have when we were younger …” I bit my lower lip as I held my breath, trying not to look at him.

He let out a sigh and curled a finger on my chin, tilting my head up.

I met his piercing blue eyes as they bore deep into mine.

“Will it make you happy if we open those gifts together?

” I nodded my head.

“But how will we get it here?

I’m not going there.

Not yet.

” “I understand.

But I can arrange that.

” “Okay.

But don’t stress yourself with that.

And Nadia, I know you want me to meet Zahra but I’m not…” “Shhh.


” I placed a finger on his lips to stop him from talking.

“In your own time.

Zahra and I can wait.

Take your time.

Her love for you won’t change no matter how long it takes.

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