The Wright One

William Chapter 2


I am so screwed. Brock said this was not going to come back on me. But there were cops at my house this morning. I managed to hide in my neighbor’s house, but that doesn’t mean that I can keep doing it. I don’t have the resources for that. My brother, Joseph, got into some trouble with part of Brock’s gang and suddenly it was his life in Brock’s hands. The only way I could save Joseph was to do what Brock wanted. I get nothing else out of it. So I can’t even leave town with Joseph and try to make a run for it. But the way it looks, I am suspect number one.

I know there is possibly a cop stationed at my apartment so I make my way to the school to take Joseph out. Hopefully this small town is slow enough that they won’t have pulled him already. Only when I get to the school do I see a patrol car out front. I am so fucked. If they have Joseph then I am sure they have my plates on my car. I have to ditch it.

Not only do I have to find a place to hide, but I might have to rely on the one person that got me in this situation in the first place. I ditch the car about ten miles from Brock’s place. He has a place that he uses for business, not that it is really business, but a thug operation. Brock is in charge of most of the drug operations in this town. Not to mention the extortion that he and his boys do. There isn’t anything in this world that Brock wouldn’t do to make a buck.

I managed to walk the rest of the way to Brock’s place with a hood covering my face. When I knock on his door, one of his thugs answers the door. I don’t remember his name but he is definitely here because of his muscles. He looks like he ate a house. He glares down at me. “What do you want?”

“I want to talk to Brock.” I state clearly, even though I am scared for my life. This guy with one word from Brock could bend me in half.

Instead he grunts. “Brock was expecting you.” I fucking knew it. He planned on all this to come back on me.

Big and burly moves to the side and leads the way through the house towards where I am assuming Brock is. It’s in a back room that has its own back exit. I guess that is convenient if the cops show up. Brock is sitting behind a desk in a big bulky office chair. I honestly never figured that a gang leader would have an office setting in his place, but I guess Brock takes this seriously.

He smiles up at me like we are old friends. “Mia, Dearling. How can I help you?”

I can see stacks of the money that he made me help steal piled on the desk. “Brock, they think I did it. The cops are all over me. They have been to my house. They were at Joseph’s school. I don’t know what to do.”

He looks at the burly man and gives him a small nod and suddenly we are locked in the room alone together. I don’t know what to expect next but it isn’t Brock pulling out a gun and pointing it at me. “How stupid are you Mia?”

I hold my hands up out of fear. “I don’t understand. You said that I would be safe. That they wouldn’t suspect anything.” I am crying. I can’t die now. I still have to take care of Joseph, even if I am doing a shit job so far.

“The cops are all over you and you fucking come here. Were you followed?”

I violently shake my head. “No. I dumped my car and came on foot. I kept myself covered. No one saw me I promise. I am not trying to bring the cops to you. I am just trying to avoid going to jail.”

Brock grunts and tosses the gun on his desk. “Mia, you are a beautiful woman, but sometimes I think you have stuffing for brains. I made sure there was no evidence to convict you. They may suspect you, but they don’t have any proof that you did anything. If you just say that you were held at gunpoint by masked robbers and dumped outside of town then you will be in the clear. They have no way of knowing anything different. No witnesses. Nothing. They can’t convict you without any evidence. As long as you keep your pretty little mouth shut you are fine. However if you fuck this up, I will make sure you lose your freedom and your brother will be my bitch is that clear?”

I nod grateful that he hasn’t turned the gun on me again. “Ok, so I will do that. I will keep my mouth shut and you will leave me and Joseph alone, Right?”

The grin that spreads on his face is evil. He looks me over. Before answering my question he moves from behind his desk and comes around it so that he is right in front of me. “Now, Mia, did you really think it was that easy?” His hand reaches out and caresses my cheek. “I own you Mia. Joseph would be dead now if I didn’t step in. Is your brother’s life really that little to you?”

I can’t stop the tears that start falling as I shake my head. “No, Please. Joseph is a good kid. Please.”

He leans in closer. “You really are a beautiful woman Mia.” He wipes away a tear. “You don’t need to cry. I’m going to take care of you. I will make it all better. You just have to surrender yourself to me.”

I blink up at him through tears. “What?”

“Once all this blows over, you will come right back here. You will be my woman. I need things to cool off first. I will take care of you and Joseph. You won’t have to worry about anything but taking care of my needs.” To make his point his other hand wraps around my waist and pulls me to his manhood. “You can do that for me, can’t you do that Mia.”

Suddenly prison seems like the better option. But if I am not here for Joseph then who knows what he will do to him. “Yes.” I answer with a slight hesitation. Not much of one because I love Joseph enough to know that I would do anything for him. Even be with this devil of a human being.

I don’t know how but his grin becomes even more evil. “I knew you were smart in there somewhere.” His lips press to mine and I have to repress the vomit that wants to come up. I have to act like I am enjoying it. It is about the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. I have never been an actress so this is a feat I have never experienced. However when I respond to his lips, I must be a better actress than I thought because he growls and pulls me closer. Pulling me up so that my feet aren’t touching the ground anymore. I feel my stomach lurch, but I push it back down.

Once he has had his fill of my lips he releases me, setting me back on my feet. He cups my cheek again. “Your face is flushed, baby. I am glad that you enjoyed it. There is so much more to come. But for now, I need you to go to the police, give them the statement that I told you to. After things die down. You are going to come back to me. I promise to take care of everything.”Content is © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“Ok, Brock.” I don’t know what else I am supposed to say. Until I can get Joseph out of this town, I am sold to this devil. I don’t have a choice.

When I leave the burly man glares at me. I have no idea what the hell his problem is with me, but he clearly has one. I just want to be rid of all of them. I want to be free. At this point it doesn’t seem that I ever will be.

I make it a block before I fall to my knees and hurl everything in my stomach, which admittedly isn’t much since I have been so stressed about this whole thing that I haven’t eaten much in the last week. The tears don’t stop either. I don’t know what the hell I am going to do. If it was just me I would go to prison and say the hell with it, but it isn’t. I have to be here for Joseph.

I just don’t see another way out of this.

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