The Wright One

William Chapter 15


Gus rolled over faster than a catfish on the deck. He told us that he had screwed up something and Brock said that he owed him. So he shot him and told him that he had to tell the story that he had sculpted. We assured him that for his testimony we would ensure that he got a separate prison from Brock.

The whole plan was laid out. He would use others to force his way into the bank. Rob the place then leave reasonable doubt as to whoever had robbed it. If there is reasonable doubt then there is no conviction. Especially if we don’t find the money. However with him shooting Gus we have a reason to search his place now. I am absolutely positive that we will find the money.

Dex follows me into the station and we try to find the Lieutenant to let him know what we found and that we need an arrest warrant for Brock. Only the Lieutenant isn’t in and we have to go to the Chief. After we lay it all out to him he issues the warrant for the shooting and the search of his property. But not the robbery. He said find the money and then we’ll talk about those charges. This has all taken days. We just got the ok from the Chief and are itching to put this case behind us.

Dex and I suit up to issue the warrant, but we aren’t stupid enough to go there just the two of us. So we rounded up a few of the guys. There aren’t many since this town is so damn small. All in all we have about ten guys. I know the Sheriff would be down, but I heard he is at the hospital with a new baby on the way. So I take the lead.

We stopped about three blocks from his place. I know he will run and there is a possibility that there are guns on the premises. I make sure that all the men are suited up. Ok, not sexist here there is one woman and she is suited up too.

“We go in fast and we go in hard. Assume that everyone is armed, keep your guard up but don’t shoot unless you see a gun. We don’t want any casualties if we can help it. Honestly I don’t think Mr. Danford is going to go in quietly. Stealth is going to be our ally here. The less noise the better.”

We arrive in front of the house that looks way better than the surrounding houses and keep the sirens off. But that doesn’t stop three guys from coming out the door as soon as we have our feet on the ground. They do have guns in their hands. Using our doors as shields we shout for them to lower their weapons and get down on the ground. They hesitate, but see our numbers and decide that jail is better than death. Tossing their guns to the side they lay on the ground. A few officers approach to cuff them while the others watch their six.

Once those three are detained and out of the way, we approach the house. The door was left wide open, but we still approached with caution. There is a guy passed out on the couch, he looks doped out of his mind, but an officer quickly cuffs him and rousts him out of the house.

That’s when the shots start. It’s from down the hall. A big man that looks like he could be three guys in a suit. He’s shooting down the hall, clearly blocking our way to getting to his boss. We return fire, but I don’t like this. It’s like he is stalling for time rather than just trying to kill us. I turn to Dex. “I’m going around back, this doesn’t feel right.”

“You got it.” He returns fire to the big man in front of us, catching his right leg. “I got this. You head around back. Radio if you need backup.”Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

I slip out of the malay and run around back. Sure enough there is a back door there. I just hope we aren’t too late. Kicking open the door, I raise my gun ready for anything. The cold metal against my palm is enough of a comfort for what I am about to face. There he is, the proverbial monster sitting behind his desk. He looks like he was just packing a bag like he had all the time in the world.

“Well, damn I figured Donovan would have you boys busy for at least another fifteen minutes.” He looks so cocky and sure of himself.

“I hate to disappoint you, but we had an invitation for you that we really didn’t want you to miss. Mr. Danford, you are under arrest for assault with a deadly weapon.”

He laughs. “Is that all? I thought for a second you had way more than that.”

“That’s all for the moment. As soon as I get the chance I’ll be adding a whole list of other charges. Including the robbery that you are trying to pin on Mia.”

His mischievous grin fades into anger. “You’re the one that took Mia. You son of a bitch. Where is she? Where is my girl?” He slams his fist on to his desk, like he is demanding answers from a child.

“I don’t think her location is any of your business. You never had her. You only thought you had put her in a cage.”

“She is my angel in a cage. She will always be mine. I don’t give a fuck what you think.”

“I should warn you before you spout anymore crap, but you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney if you can not afford one, one will be provided for you. Do you understand your rights as I have read them to you?”

His grin returns. “Oh, I do, but I will never see the inside of a courtroom. Mia will be mine. She is my Angel. You may have clouded her mind, but she knows who she belongs to.”

“She doesn’t belong to anyone, Brock. She’s a person not a possession. Now how about you come on over here away from the desk like a good little convict and let me cuff you without a fight. I would really hate to shoot you.” Not really, I would love to shoot him. He’s a grade A prick.

Brock is faster than I think, he pulls up a gun and gets off a shot before I can get off mine. His bullet lands on my shoulder, close to my neck. I didn’t use the full tactical because I wanted to be able to move around. I can’t even fathom where my bullet landed, the pain is blinding. I fall to the ground before I can even think of what to do.

The door to the office burst open and Dex is the first one through the door. He spots Brock and quickly points to another officer to him, but his focus is on me.

“We need an ambulance. Shots fired. Officer down.” He speaks into the radio. Then he is putting pressure on my wound. “Hang in there. You just make a career bust you can’t die yet.”

I think I am losing focus. “Call Luke. He knows where Mia is.” That’s the last thing I remember before I black out.

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