The Wright One

William Chapter 11


Mia is acting weird. I really hope I didn’t do something wrong suggesting that I stay here for a couple of days. I thought she would appreciate the added security of having me here. Plus everything I said makes sense. I don’t want Brock to find us because I keep going back and forth.

While we are all eating I try to test the waters. “So did you like the clothes?” I ask Mia. She starts coughing and sputtering.

I’m a little worried that she might be choking but she clears her throat. “Um, yeah.”

“Good, I got my sister to help. I had her stop by your place to get your size and then made her shop. She is a bit extreme sometimes so I hope she didn’t go overboard.”

She seems to sigh in relief. “Your sister bought my clothes. Oh, I was kind of curious.”

“I know it seems a little out of character for me to buy you clothes when I could have had my sister pack a bag, but I figured it would look less like you were bailing if someone wasn’t leaving your apartment with bags. My sister was as discreet as possible. She just popped in and popped right back out. Like she was just checking on a friend.”

“Won’t people just realize that your sister was at my apartment and connect the dots.”

I shrug. “Not really. My sister just got into town last year. She is really low key. She doesn’t really run around town. My parents have kept her pretty busy trying to marry her off. But she isn’t really easy to spot as a Wright. For one she doesn’t dress like any of us. She dresses more like a punk rocker.”

“Where was she before?”

“College. Jasmine is what we like to call a free spirit. She has a degree in Music but she can’t play an instrument. She wants to work for a non-profit, but my parents don’t exactly think she is qualified, so they don’t want her running one of theirs.”

Mia nods. “She is the youngest.”

“Yeah, She’s still a good person. She has a really big heart. She is one of those people that doesn’t take shit and she isn’t afraid to put someone in their place if they are doing something wrong.”

Joe smiles. “Sounds like my kind of person.”Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

I agree. “Yeah, I am sure you two would get along. She’s a little older than you though.”

Everyone gets quiet for a minute. I want everyone to feel comfortable. “Mia, what do you plan to do about work when all this is done?”

She cringes a little. “I have no idea. It’s not like I can work for a bank again. I don’t know what kind of reputation that I will have. I might have to think of moving towns. That is if I can’t find work. I just don’t know. I was lucky to have that job. I don’t have a college degree.”

“Well, I am sure there is still something in town that you can get. I know a few people. I can make some calls when this is all over. You don’t have to leave town.”

She shakes her head. “No, thank you, but that would just be too much. I mean after all of this, I couldn’t possibly let you do that too. I don’t even know how to pay you back for this.”

Joe grunt. “Mia, take the win for once. You always do that. Push people away that are just trying to help. He isn’t giving you a pity job. He just said that he would make a few calls. You would rather uproot our lives than to take the help.”

I pat Joe on the shoulder. “It’s alright, if your sister doesn’t want any help I can respect that. I just want her to know that the offer is there if she needs it.”

She rolls her eyes. “It’s not that I don’t want help. I just don’t want to have to need it. You have already done so much. I can’t even figure out how to pay you back for that.”

Giving her my most sincere smile. “You don’t have to pay me anything. I am just doing my job. You needed help, you were being railroaded and blackmailed. I just pulled you out of the ditch you were stuck in.”

“You are the only one that believed that I didn’t do it. The rest of the department was ready to arrest me and call it a job well done.”

I just smile. “Well, I am not like everyone.”

Is she blushing? I don’t know, she turns her face away. “I’ll clean up.” She stands up and moves away from the table.

Joe sighs and leans in. I lean in too because it looks like he wants to share a secret with me. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I think she likes you. She is just stubborn.”

Chuckling, I lean back. “I’m not worried about it. Your sister has been through a lot of stuff. I wouldn’t hold it against her. When things calm down, maybe she will call. Or maybe she will find another job. But really it’s up to her.”

But part of me is curious about what he means about her liking me. Is it just because I am helping her? Or is it deeper? Like does she look at me the way that I sometimes look at her? I’ll be honest a part of me is having a little difficulty keeping this professional. The curves of her body call to my hands and I have a really hard time keeping them in line. I do my best to remember that she is a victim and she doesn’t need me thinking those things about her. Especially after what happened with Brock.

Joe stands. “Oh, I didn’t say thanks, but thanks for the clothes. I actually don’t remember the last time I had brand new clothes. Well, except for underwear.”

My eyes widened. Oh, shit. I just realized why she was uncomfortable. I am sure that Jasmine bought her underwear. She probably thought I did. God she must think I am a creep.

“Um. Mia.”

She looks over at me. “Hhm?”

“You know that Jasmine bought everything right? I didn’t even look at it.”

Mia turns to me. “Well, at first I thought you did it. I’ll be honest, I was a little embarrassed. But now I know and it’s all good.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that you would think that. I feel really stupid now. That must have made you uncomfortable.”

She blushes again. “A little, but I’m fine now. Thanks for worrying about me.”

Joe starts laughing. “I get it now. She thought you bought her underwear.” He laughs even harder. Now I am the one blushing. Joe thinks this whole thing is hilarious.

Mia’s voice raises to one of embarrassment and aggravation. “Joseph, it isn’t that funny.”

He shakes his head. “It is.”

I stand ready to get out of this conversation. “I’m going to go make a phone call.” I blurt out as I make a beeline for the door.

It’s not like I wouldn’t mind seeing her underwear, but I was trying to leave the delicate stuff to another woman. I didn’t think she would automatically think I did that. God, what did Jasmine buy? I never asked. I just figured that she would get basic things. I should have known that Jasmine wouldn’t do anything basic. Is it like lingerie? I think about calling Jasmine to find out, but it is better that I remain in the dark, if I know too much then I will act differently. I know I will. I am already itching to know what is under her clothes before this.

I dial up Dex to get more on the case. He answers after a few minutes. It seemed to take him longer tonight. “Yeah.”

“Did I call at a bad time?”

“They put me back on beat tonight. I just had a run in with the asshole that is trying to take my family. He whined and complained to Mia that I was at his office. Little asshole.”

“I am assuming there is nothing on the case?”

“Well, I didn’t say that. I can multitask. So this Gus guy is a lying fucker. He was shot in his house. I got some footage from a doorbell camera across the street. The owner was more than happy to give it to me. Says he hates the dude. Something about parties at all hours of the night and unsavory people stopping by. I asked him if he had seen the guys in the video before. He said that they come by a lot. So my guess is either business gone bad or all part of the plan. I went on a hunch and looked up some mugshots. I got a Brock Danford, he has a laundry list of priors. Then a Donavon Smith, he is a big ass dude that is regularly seen with Brock. Last but not least a Marco Lopez, he was a little harder to find because he hasn’t been in as much trouble, but whenever he was it was with Brock. You can clearly see the shooting on the video. We can bring them in whenever you are ready.”

“I want to bring in Gus first. Is he still in the hospital?”

“Yes, he won’t be discharged until tomorrow. I already checked with the hospital.”

“Then I’ll be there in the morning. You going to meet me there?”

“Shouldn’t have a problem with that.”

“Then, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

When I end the call I can’t help but feel sorry for him. He is going through hell to get his family back. I don’t exactly know what happened. I know that he didn’t cheat, but he was gone for a while. I don’t know if they had some fight or something, but he is torn up about it. I hope it all works out for him.

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