The Wright One

David 4


Justin quickly went over what he expects me to do and I got right to work. This is my dream job. Ok, not really. My dream job would be Justin’s job, but this is the next step down. This is what I went to college for. I studied hard, worked to be the best in my internships. I was born for this job. When I saw the opening for this job on the job board for this company I jumped at the chance to throw my hat in the ring. Honestly I never thought I would be selected which is why I didn’t tell Jasmine about it until after I got the job. I didn’t want her to tell her brothers about my application. I wanted to get the job on my own. And I did. That gives me a sense of pride that I haven’t felt in a long time. Sometimes I have to look at my own accomplishments and feel that pride, because no one else really points them out. Sometimes Jasmine, but that’s it. Ok, Jasmine is more of a cheerleader for me. She has supported me more in my life than anyone else and I love her all the more for it.

I am going over the last five years worth of quarterly reports when I see a shadow loom over my desk. I figured it will just move on and then I can keep working. But after a minute I can see that it isn’t moving. Maybe it is just a fellow employee that wants to introduce themselves. When I look up with a smile on my face, it quickly vanishes. Of all the people to see on my first day, why did it have to be him? I figured I wouldn’t see him for days, he’s too important to just be wandering around the office.

David looms over me with a frown on his face. He actually looks really pissed. Like I personally pissed on his grave or something. Not that he looks dead in the least, but I figured that would be something that would insult someone the most. Except for the angry scowl on his face he actually looks really hot. I mean yesterday he looked laid back and comfortable, but still hot. Today in a charcoal gray suit and tie he looks good enough to eat. “What the hell did you honestly think you were doing?”

I look around confused. I have no idea what the hell would have done to irritate him this much. I mean I just started here and I haven’t even submitted my report so I don’t understand what I could have done to piss him off. “Um, my job.” I might sound a little irritated. Ok, no I am super irritated. He treated me like mud scum yesterday and now he is going to harass me at work. I didn’t do anything wrong. That is bullshit. I guess Jasmine was right when she said that her brothers were nothing like her. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body.

“You weisled your way into this job through my sister. Do you honestly think you are qualified for this job?” He glares at me and leans on my desk like he can intimidate me. His fists are clenched and he looks on the verge of exploding. I didn’t do anything that he is accusing me of, so he can blow it out of whatever blowhole he has and leave me alone.

There is no way in hell I am going to let David Wright diminish what I worked hard for. I am proud of what I have done and I am not going to let him tear me down about it. I have had enough of that crap in my life. I stand up leaning on my desk too, meeting his stance. I might be shorter but I will be damned if I will stand down to him. “For your information, I earned this job. Maybe as CEO you should get all your information before you go casting accusations. I never once used my relationship with Jasmine to get anything. I have worked hard to get here. If you have a problem with my job, please take it up with Justin. As far as I am concerned we don’t need to speak again.”

His glare gets more intense. “You really don’t value this job do you. Yelling at the CEO isn’t the best way to keep your job.” Yeah, like he can just throw that around. As far as I am concerned, I can leave this job and it wouldn’t bother me one bit because I know that I earned it. He will be the one to lose out. I got this job and I can get another.Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Well maybe the CEO should think a little bit before attacking his employees.” I am trying really hard not to shout, but I think I failed. I am not usually argumentative, but this guy just brings it out of me. It’s like he automatically knows where all my buttons are and he plans to push every single one.

Justin steps out of his office. He looks concerned, but then he sees his brother and he looks pissed. Good someone is on my side. “David, what the hell are you doing?” He seemed like a pretty easy going guy when I met him this morning, but right now he looks like he is going to tackle his brother. It’s not like he wouldn’t deserve it. He is being a total jerk right now.

He glares at me. “Just dealing with the problem in the company.” Oh, hell no.

Justin marches over and punches him in the shoulder. Honestly I didn’t expect him to do that, but it is his brother so I guess they probably do that sort of thing all the time. “Do you even know what the fuck you are doing?” Thank God for Justin because I am pretty sure I was one word away from quitting.

David points at me. “She used her relationship with Jasmine to get this job.” The accusation was clear on his face. He thinks I just had Jasmine get me the job. Like I didn’t apply like everyone else.

Justin glares harder. “You moron. I didn’t even know she knew Jasmine until this morning. She got the job because she is the most qualified. All of her references couldn’t stop giving her praises. If I didn’t hire her I am sure she would have been picked up by another company in a matter of minutes. We are lucky that she applied here.” I can tell that Justin is insulted. He doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to raise his hand to a fly, but he seems to want to rearrange David’s face right now.

David looks at Justin, then back at me. “You really didn’t drop Jasmine’s name?” He looks absolutely shocked. Like we both have to be lying because there is no way that I actually got the job. I find this incredibly insulting. I want to punch him, not for the first time in that attractive face of his. Thank God I have never acted on my impulses. I don’t think it would be good for my career to punch the CEO in the face.

“No, I didn’t even use her as a reference.” I glare at him. Just as pissed as he was, because of his assumption. Why the hell would I even use her name, except for her to actually just give me the job and I am not that type of person. I would never use Jasmine like that. She is my best friend. I love her just like a sister. As soon as I met her she was like this angel to me. I would never use our friendship.

His face drops clearly seeing the errors in his conclusion. “I am so sorry. I really feel like a jackass right now.” I almost feel sorry for him, Almost.

I fold my arms over my chest. “As you should.” He had no right to make that assumption, he hasn’t even seen my work yet, just because I happen to know his sister is no reason to assume that she got me the job. That is just rude.

Justin scoffs. “As if I would hire someone because Jasmine asked me too. What the hell kind of a person do you think I am? I am not an idiot. No matter what you think. Jasmine doesn’t even know what we do here. Why would I trust her judgment on who to hire, that just sounds stupid.”

“Wait, Justin, I don’t think you are an idiot. I made a big mistake. I jumped to conclusions and that isn’t right of me. I’m the screw up this time.” He made it sound like Justin usually screws up. That isn’t exactly the way to apologize, especially to your brother. I wouldn’t be happy to accept that apology. Justin seems like a really good guy. I wouldn’t want to make him feel bad. I have a feeling he does his best around here. He doesn’t seem like the type of guy to flake off his duties, even if his heart isn’t in it.

Justin just glares at David. “Maybe it would be best if you just give us some space today. I think we all need to cool down. Just go back to your office and let us do our job.” I took a glance around and a few people stopped to stare, clearly this blow up will be the talk of the office. Just great, that is exactly what I wanted on my first day of work. Clearly I am cursed. Sure I feel proud that I got the job, but I am starting to feel like maybe I should have found another, there wouldn’t have been these problems if I did. I just kind of thought of it as a sign that it was Jasmine’s hometown and her brother’s company. I don’t really have many friends, Jasmine is mostly it. I was glad that I would be going somewhere that I would have a friend. Now, I’m not so sure.

Justin turns and goes back to his office, leaving me with David. David turns to me and I can see the regret on his face. Only now it feels a little too late. “I really am sorry.”

I cast my gaze down. “I think it is best we just take some space, like Justin says. Besides, it’s not like you really need to look over my job anyway. I’m not even sure why you are here.” Plopping back into my chair I start clicking on my computer to view the report I was working on again. I will just have to show everyone that I truly deserve this job, and then there will never be a doubt again.

He stands there for a few minutes before he slides his hand across my desk and leaves. Only then can I breathe a sigh of relief. David is one man that I need to avoid for so many reasons.

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