The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


“Finally, something happened in that hot tub we can talk about,” he said with a laugh.

“DAAAAAD, we don’t want to know!”

“Why, I’m pretty sure you were con…” He stopped as she slapped her hand over his mouth.

“Never… speak… of … that… again.”

I was laughing my ass of at the exchange when we heard the door open. The members filed out, and Chairman Francois shook our hands. “Your proposal was unanimously approved. Congratulations.” The four of us were congratulated by all, but time was short. We had to head down to the funeral, and after that a Pack Run was planned to honor the lost. The grounds for these events were three hours away, and we would leave immediately after dinner.

I was a weepy mess by the end of the ceremony as the fires reached high into the sky, carrying their souls to the moon above.

Tomorrow would be a new day, and we would have our new positions announced.

Larry’s POVProperty © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

I had spent two weeks since arriving at the Kstovo Pack trying to get my head around the idea of who my mate was and why. Alpha Viktor had shown me copies of her confession; her trial today was just a formality, she was guilty and everyone knew it. The flight to Germany for the trial was a blur, as was the drive into the Bavarian countryside. What do you say to your mate before she dies? The question rattled around my head as we walked into the Justice Hall of the European Council Headquarters.

I got a seat in the front row behind the defendant’s table and waited with Alpha Viktor and Luna Marina. The hall soon filled, almost all people hostile to her and wanting to see her punished. Her brother sat in the front row as well, but instead of being here for her, he was sitting behind the Prosecutor’s table. I shot him a glare, she had given up everything for him and now he couldn’t even support her in her time of trouble. I was soon joined in the row by John and Jessie, now officially Betas in the Moscow Pack. I was happy for them, they would be fine Alphas in a few months. The hall filled to overflowing and the bailiff called for everyone to stand.

The Council members filed in, taking their places at the elevated table at the front with Chair Francois at the center. They were all present this time, and they would both decide on her guilt and her punishment. They sat, but we remained standing as Elizaveta was brought in.

My heart leaped at the sight of her, and my wolf growled at her appearance. She wasn’t the beautiful young woman I had marked and mated; she had lost weight, she hadn’t slept, and she looked utterly hopeless. Her eyes found mine, her wolf surging forward to greet mine but the silver bindings kept her back. She shuffled forward in her overalls, her feet shackled by a chain and her hands shackled to a chain about her waist. As she was walked to the table, her eyes stayed on me. “I’m here for you,” I said quietly, “I will always be with you.”

“I love you,” she said as she was turned to face the panel.

“The trial of Elizaveta Klimova is now in session,” the bailiff said. “Be seated.”

Chair Francois looked directly at the defendant’s table, fixing his eyes on my mate and then to her lawyer as they stood. Charles Thompson, Jessie’s lawyer from the St. Croix Pack, had volunteered to help her since none of the European Packs wanted to be seen helping her. “My understanding is that the defendant has a plea?”

“We do, Mr. Chairman.”

“Very well. Miss Klimova, you have been charged with seven counts of accessory to murder, four counts of accessory to assault, and four hundred and eighty-seven counts of attempted murder, along with eight counts of attempted murder of a visiting Alpha and two counts of attempted murder of a Council member on official business. How do you plead?”

“Guilty, sir.” Her voice trembled and I could see her shaking as she stood in front of everyone.

“The plea is accepted. Defense may be seated. Prior to sentencing, we will hear victim statements from those who wish to be heard.” The next two hours was spent listening to family and friends talk about the damage she had done, the lives that had been ended, the people who had been endangered. She sat at the table throughout, unable to look in their eyes as they condemned her. Finally, it was time for me. “All those who would wish to speak in favor of the convicted may now be heard.”

Three people spoke. Alpha Viktor read into the record the letter he and his family had signed, then John spoke about what happened when they caught up to Elizaveta that night. He ended by saying he and Jessie were asking for mercy upon her. Finally, it was my turn. “Mr. Chairman, members of the Council, I beg you today to show mercy on behalf of my mate. The events she was caught up in were not because she was an evil person, nor were they for her own gain. She did everything to save her brother, and incurred a debt she could never repay.”

I looked into her eyes, filled with tears and love, as I continued. “Beta Polina saved her brother and put her hooks into my Elizaveta in return. Once she passed the first information to her, she was guilty of treason and Polina had leverage over her. She was scared and could not go to anyone. In the end, she hated herself for what she had done. Her confession and warning saved hundreds of lives. I know she must be punished, but she is my mate and I beg of you to find a way to spare her life.”

I was excused and walked back into the audience, my eyes on her until the Chair called for silence. “The Council will go to chambers to determine the punishment.”

“All RISE!” I stood to my feet as they filed out.

The Enforcers guarding Elizaveta stood her up, and one looked to me. “You can hug her once, and talk to her until they return,” one said with sadness in his eyes. I leaned across the rail, taking her into my arms as she broke down, carefully avoiding contact with the silver with my bare skin.

“I wish you had killed me when we met,” she sobbed into my shoulder.

“I wish we had more time, love, but I will never regret the time we had.” I had to let her go, and we talked quietly as the people around us turned or moved aside to give us some privacy. It seemed like only minutes before the Council returned, but it had been almost twenty minutes. The Enforcers pulled her back to the table as we all stood.

Elizaveta remained standing as the grim-faced Council members took their seats. Chair Francois looked her in the eyes. “Elizaveta Klimova, for your crimes you have been sentenced to be whipped to death with silver, said sentence to be carried out immediately. This trial is closed.”

He banged the gavel, and I watched as Elizaveta’s legs gave out, a wail of pain being let out as she was dragged off by the Enforcers to her death.

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