The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


“I think I’d have a hard time claiming it was involuntary. He told everyone he’d changed his mind and for them to leave. I was just so pissed that he’d been planning on doing this to me for over a week. I’d just spent twelve, relatively normal hours with him after getting through his first faux pas. He blows so fucking hot and cold. I could have stopped it, but I have such a temper when it comes to assholes. I just figured I’d fuck those fuckers and I could walk out of Quinn’s life forever because he did it to me, and it was his own damn fault he made me walk. It made it easy for me.”

“So it is Quinn’s?” Randa asked.

“We learned of my pregnancy this morning, what would be the eighth day from the start of fertility. You can tell I’m pregnant two days after conception, so it seems that I conceived on the fifth day, sometime after the morning. But if semen lives for up to three days. I suppose it could be anyone I fucked from the middle of the second day onward, which includes a lot of wolves. Quinn would have had the best odds and freshest sperm on the fifth day. He bred me seven times the last day. Rene bred me four times the third and fourth and three times the fifth, a total of eleven times, and would have the best overall odds, but not the most abundant and freshest sperm the fifth day. It’s a numbers game, but any individual sperm can beat the odds. Maybe I’m giving Nat his first. I fucked him once on the second afternoon, and again on the fourth.” I hugged him. “That would be all right with me.”

“Except you’d be beating me to it,” Simone said. “I’m hoping I can give him his first.”

“Yeah, I’m guessing there’s almost no chance for the rest of you to get knocked up this time. I was surprised I got preggers on my second. My doctor made it sound like it would be my third or later. I guess you wolves just swamped my poor egg and overcame my defenses.”

The wolves all laughed. “Simone, since Nat and Daphne want to start training with Conor and Brigitte, why don’t you come tomorrow after you finish your breeding and stay a few days while they get the basics down.”

“Sounds fun.”

“Lisette and I wouldn’t mind some refresher work,” Tony said.

“I don’t have enough beds for you to stay, but why don’t you show up every day around nine AM. We’ll feed you lunch as long as all you want is raw hamburger. I’ll feed the breeders a nice salad.”

“That’s fine,” Tony laughed.

Everyone was kind of wrapping things up and getting ready to leave, though still not dressed. There was a knock on the door. It better not be fucking Quinn, I thought, yanking open the door without looking through the view hole. Oops, it was Carl.

He was staring at my naked body, and then a bunch of other naked bodies, most of the men still with erections, and including Dani, his erstwhile girlfriend. I saw his eyes pop when he saw her. I slammed the door shut in his face.

“Give us a second,” I said through the door. “We’re not decent.”

“I can see that. I need to talk to Dani.” Through the door.

What did I say? Give her a chance to get dressed, reminding him she’s in here naked with a bunch of other people?

“She’ll be with you in a moment. Just wait there.”

Everyone got dressed, including me, then I opened the door, and everyone left but me and my wolves, and Dani and hers. I invited Carl in.

“Were you all just having sex?” Carl asked.

“We weren’t actually,” Dani said. “We’re all just into nudism, so we were all sitting around naked. I’d like to introduce you to the couple I’m helping to conceive a child. This is Tony and Lisette. Tony and Lisette, this is my boyfriend Carl. At least we’ve gone on one date together and I still hope he’s my boyfriend.”

“All the men had erections,” Carl said.

“Carl, come on. You’ve seen all of the women, young and attractive,” I said. “If you were with us, you’d have had an erection too. It doesn’t mean everyone was fucking, just that they were aroused. If we were fucking, they wouldn’t have had erections any more. All of the women here tonight are doing what Dani has agreed to do, to provide a child for an infertile couple. In fact, we were kind of celebrating because I just found out I’m pregnant.”

“You’re having Conor’s baby?”

Sure, why not?

“I’m being paid to help them deliver a baby. When I couldn’t find another job, I rented out my womb. Dani was in the same employment straits as me. We got laid off at the same time. She’s doing the same. She”s being paid to help. She told you that.”

“But you’re fucking Conor and Brigitte. Is that how she’s going to have a baby too, and not artificial insemination?”

Dani needed to answer that question and she stepped up.

“I’m doing it the same way, Carl. It has to be done that way for reasons I can’t get into, but yes, Tony will have to have sex with me. And to answer the other question I’m sure you have, it’s already started because we’re trying to get used to each other and familiar with each other. To develop a friendship, because I’m going to be having a baby with Lisette’s husband, and she wants to feel like a friend, and not that I’m just fucking for money. They are not my boyfriend, or girlfriend. I don’t have a romantic interest in either one of them.

“I know that might be shocking to you, and I’m sorry if it upsets you. That’s just the way it is. I was paid a hundred thousand pre-conception. I get another hundred thousand upon delivery. At which point, I give the child to them, and they likely leave my life, although I’ve already signed a contract to do the same for another couple when Tony and Lisette have theirs. I’d really like to continue dating, but if you feel you can’t, I understand.”

“That’s why I came over. I saw your car outside and wanted to ask you out tomorrow.”

“Do you still want to ask me out, or are you done with me now?” Dani asked. “Having a child for them is independent of my romantic life, but you have to accept what’s going to happen, or we can’t be together.”

“Do you have to be with them all of the time?”

“They’re investing a lot of money in me, Carl. I already have a hundred thousand dollars of their money. They want to make sure that nothing happens to me. So they’re acting in the capacity of bodyguards to ensure nothing does happen, like Conor and Brigitte are doing for Jess. In fact, they were going to start additional training with Conor and Brigitte the day after our conception try. I’ll be coming with them so I don’t get left home alone. Why don’t you think about it, and you can tell me then if you want to continue dating, or if you know now, just tell me.”

He paused. “I’d like to think about it.”

“I understand. Thank you for at least taking the time to think about it. I know it’s not pleasant for you to imagine.”

“Can I talk to you three for a minute,” I said to the wolves and Dani. “Carl, wait here a second.”

We stepped into the living room far enough from Carl we could speak somewhat freely.

“We could throw Carl a bone,” I said. “What would all of you think of letting him fuck Lisette. He won’t be as good as werewolf sex, but he wasn’t the worst sex I’ve ever had either.”

Lisette looked over her shoulder, looking at Carl. “I’ve fucked worse.” She turned back to us. “I have no problem with it. I can’t fuck him when I’m fertile, but sure, if it helps soothe his feelings, I’m game. Do you have a problem, Tony?”

He laughed. “You’ve definitely fucked worse. No, that’s cool.”

“Do you think he should be told about wolves?” I asked.

“We don’t like to do that unless a human becomes a breeder,” Lisette said.

“I understand, don’t leave yet. I want to have a longer conversation about that when Carl is gone.”


We moved back to Carl, who looked at us expectantly, wondering what we wanted.

Dani led it off. “Carl, Tony and Lisette are in an open relationship, which is kind of why I can have sex with Tony to give them a child. If it would make a difference to you at all, Tony hasn’t got a problem with you having sex with his wife, in return for him having sex with me. Sex with other people doesn’t bother them as much as it does with most people. Probably part of the reason they don’t mind the nudity. If that would make it easier for you to accept the relationship, it’s available. I’m not saying I’m ready to have sex with you yet. I’d like to get to know you better before I commit to sex within a relationship, but when I have to have sex with Tony, you can have sex with her. Does that help at all?”

He looked shocked. “You’re joking.”

“Not at all, Carl,” Tony said. “It’s a valid offer. I just don’t want you thinking this is anything but a business proposition for Lisette and me. The sex itself is almost immaterial, as it doesn’t matter to us in the slightest, but Lisette doesn’t have a problem having sex with you if it makes you more comfortable with the thought of me impregnating Dani.”

Carl was sort of speechless. We gave him time to process. “I guess that does sort of even things out for me.” He turned to Dani again. “Do you want to go out tomorrow night.”

“I’d love to Carl. Thank you.” She smiled at him. “What time do you want to go out?”

“Six? We could go to dinner.”

“Lovely. I look forward to it. I’ll see you then. There’s only one thing more that you have to know. I become fertile starting the day after tomorrow. Tony will begin with the impregnation process on that day, which will continue for five total days. It’s possible I won’t become pregnant as I just got off birth control, so it may be required we do this again in the future. We’re going to a private location with people who can help with the conception process. Each night, I’ll come home, and we’ll make a stop at your place, where you and Lisette can have sex, before I go to my house and Tony will try one additional time each day to get me pregnant.”

“So soon?”

“It’s been in the works for over two weeks, we’ve just been waiting for my ovulation to start. If that seems satisfactory to you, we have more to talk about now, so if you could excuse us, we’d appreciate it. Jessica wanted to talk to us a little longer about this whole surrogate mother thing.

“Six it is.” Carl looked a little better when he left than when he found out his girlfriend had been cavorting naked with other people. Why not? Lisette was a hottie, much better looking than Dani, and he knew it.

I led the others back into the living room, collecting Conor and Brigitte on the way. “Rene told me part of the reason for making almost exclusive use of wolf males and human females for breeding. I want to be sure of my facts though to make sure I get this right. In addition to men not being able to maintain an erection enough to fuck a wolf, there’s also the relative problem of the volume of wolf semen to human semen, right?”

“That’s correct,” Lisette said.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

“About the problem of an erection, a couple of times, a male wolf has started fucking me in his human form, then shifted to the wolf when he was fairly close to orgasm. Is there any problem with a male starting to fuck a wolf as human, and her switching to a wolf, just before the male orgasms?”

“I’ve researched this fairly extensively,” Brigitte said. “The main problem with that is the relative biology of males and females. Until the male ejaculate is released, it remains in whatever species form the male is in at the moment. He can build up to an orgasm, and as soon as he shifts, the semen becomes wolf semen and that’s what he ejaculates,”But the female egg needs to be released from the ovaries as a wolf egg and remain a wolf egg through conception. We have no particular clue as to when that is. Once the wolf egg is released, it must remain a wolf egg until conception. She has to be in wolf form when the egg is fertilized.

“But since the egg can be fertilized at any point in it’s journey, we’d have to know exactly when an egg is released, to ensure we’re a wolf at that time, and be in the wolf form when the egg is actually fertilized, so it can attach to the wolf uterus and begin growth, which can happen any time over three days after a male has deposited his sperm in us, according to Web MD. Shifting back and forth isn’t possible as the whole time from egg release to fertilization, has to occur as a wolf. Where female wolves have been successfully bred, they’ve been in the wolf form for the entire time, then they get to shift to human form within two days of conception, and then we’re cut off from shifting to protect the fetus as it grows.

“If enough men fuck us over a relatively short period of time, and we remained wolf long enough to conceive, we can make a shift to human form after conception, which may be why we can smell a pregnancy within two days, but knowing that we’ve dropped a wolf egg, and it’s been fertilized is pure speculation and guess work on our part. It’s why it’s so damn hard.”

“What happens to you if you don’t shift to human form after you conceive?” I asked.

“A bitch gets a very big belly and will need to deliver by caesarian. I mean we heal fast enough it can probably be delivered naturally, but passing a human sized child through wolf organs is a big fucking deal, when you consider how small normal wolf pups are.”

I cringed, imagining what that would feel like. “Okay. That’s not a pretty picture. I was just hoping to maybe get some horny male fuckers juiced up enough to cum, then have the female shift to a wolf, but it’s more complex than that.”

“It really is. It’s so much easier if we remain a wolf through the whole conception process. I like that you’re thinking about it though.”

“Thinking about Carl fucking Lisette and having her shift to her wolf just before he climaxed, made me wonder. You know, all of the current breeders are in engineering/science type fields. I wonder if we could hook up a milking machine type contraption to ten or eleven cocks and pump it all into a wolf vagina?”

All of the ladies laughed a little, the men not so much. “You come up with a workable plan,” Lisette said, “I’ll run it past Rene.”

“What if we had a wolf strip club and they had wolf strippers and under the stage are a few breeding bitches. Instead of the men throwing dollars on the stage for the strippers, they hook up to a milking machine and get their cum sucked out. Cheaper for them and they wouldn’t have to pay for lap dances.”

“Damn, that almost sounds like it could work,” Lisette said, laughing.

We said goodbye with some hugs and kisses and my wolves and I went upstairs for some actual sex. I almost forgot about Quinn. Almost.


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