The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


Quinn nodded thoughtfully. “Would anyone like dessert?” Quinn asked

“What do you have?” I asked.

“Tiramisu for you, a specially spiced beef jerky for the wolves.”

“It sounds delicious, thank you.”

Quinn got up and got everyone some of his desserts. When I took a bite of mine, I asked, “Did you make this yourself?

“I did. Instead of using just coffee, I use coffee with a bit of Irish whiskey, and a dash of Bailey’s Irish Cream.”

“Very good,” I said, taking another bite.


We helped clean up.

“Where are Conor and I sleeping?” Brigitte asked, wiping the last dish.

“Why don’t you both sleep in the master bedroom with Jessica.”

Both of them looked at Quinn, then me again. We were all confused.

“Quinn, am I still in estrous?” I asked. “If you’re a tracker, you must have a good nose.”

He shifted and sniffed at my crotch, then licked me, quickly switching back.

“You’re still fertile,” he said, quietly.

“I promised Rene that I wouldn’t fuck Conor again while I’m fertile. He hasn’t earned the right to breed me yet. If I’m going to fuck someone, I need to fuck you. I promised. Show them the spare bedroom.”

Quinn showed them where they’d be sleeping, then I took his hand and led him back to his bedroom. He bred me three more times that night, all in a row, then he licked both of us clean, (thank you for small favors), then shifted and I went to sleep in his arms, exhausted and satisfied. So satisfied, I woke him up with a blow job in the morning, and we fucked as humans to completion for the first time. Quinn was a fantastic lover, the best I’d ever had.

We all ran in the morning and we’d showered and eaten. Everyone was in a good mood. At ten in the morning, there was a knock on the door. Despite my nudity, I answered the door because I was closest. I opened the door, and there were eight people there, six men and two women.

“Can I help you?” I asked.

They all looked me up and down, and several of them sniffed, by which I assumed they were wolves, taking my scent.

“You must be the new breeding bitch,” the man in front said. “Quinn invited us over to have some fun and games with you for eight hours. We’ve been working our asses off for a week having contests to see who the best eight trackers were. The best eight get to fuck you all day. I’ve got to say, I’m really looking forward to it. You’re hot.”

One step forward, two steps back.

“By all means, come in.”

I stepped away from the door and they came in and started stripping. Quinn was standing across the room, a horrified expression on his face.

“I changed my mind,” Quinn said. “It was all a mistake. You need to leave now.”

“Nonsense, Quinn. You heard them. They’ve been working their asses off for a whole week, vying with others for the privilege of fucking moi. These are the winners, and they should be rewarded for their hard work. Where are we having this party then?” I asked.

“Quinn has a playroom,” the leader said. “We’ve played there a few times. We just can’t hurt you.”

“Goody, since you’ve been there before, why don’t you lead the way.”All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

The eight wolves led me to Quinn’s playroom downstairs, a well equipped bondage dungeon. At least I knew Quinn wasn’t an amateur when he put a collar on me. For the next eight hours, I was fucked, a lot. I had my first double penetrations, triple penetrations, I was fucked in the ass by a wolf, not knotted, thankfully, while fucked in the pussy by a human. I licked lots of pussy, and the females donned strap ons and fucked me with those. The wolves also licked my pussy many times, which is probably the only way I got through eight hours of non-stop fucking. At one point, I had cocks in all three of my orifices while I jacked off a couple other cocks, who readily sprayed my face with cum. I must have swallowed a quart of the stuff. I would have been a cum covered mess if not for their propensity to lick me clean as needed, something they were very good at.

Brigitte and Conor came in every so often to check on how I was, Conor with an erection every time, smelling the fucking orgy. I was sore, and so fucking pissed, but I didn’t take it out on the wolves fucking me. Uh-uh. I gave them every hole they wanted, gladly.

No sirree, Bob, the fucking furnace of rage burning inside of me was for fucking Quinn, who couldn’t act like a decent fucking guy for two days straight, without royally fucking up.

After eight hours, Brigitte came in and kicked the fuckers out. She led me to a big open shower near the playroom where she thoroughly washed me, using a convenient bidet hose to wash the cum out of my pussy and ass, then a jacuzzi tub where hot water was already bubbling merrily away. She held me gently, and I bawled my eyes out, our arms around each other, she softly cooing mothering sounds to me.

It washed away more than what the shower left behind. It washed away the soreness and whatever faith I had that Quinn would ever be more than he was – a broken wolf. It took about an hour, but finally, I felt quasi decent. We got out, Brigitte dried me off, giving me a kiss. When we went upstairs, Quinn was nowhere to be found, the fucking coward. Brigitte and Conor helped me pack up the stuff I brought and we left, locking the door behind us.

When we got back to my townhouse, the front entryway was loaded with flowers. Flowers in vases, planted in pots, in arrangements, in just about every way flowers could come, including a single rose laid on the welcome mat. It looked like a florist shop had been emptied at my front door. There was a card taped to the front door. I looked inside.

Please forgive me, Quinn.

I took one flowering plant for each of my breeding buddies, Brigitte, and a philodendron for Carl, and threw the rest in the trash, with Conor’s help. I went inside, determined I’d never have to think about Quinn again for the rest of my life.


It was the second morning following that I got the worst news of my life, worse than getting laid off, although I didn’t realize it at the time. At first, I thought it might be good news. We’d gone running and Brigitte was running as a wolf, while Conor and I ran together as humans.

Brigitte suddenly woofed, and Conor stopped dead. I halted and looked around, wondering if trouble was coming.

Conor said, “You’re pregnant.”

“What the fuck! You better be joking.”

“No, Brigitte smells it. She’s not joking.”

Please, God. Don’t let it be Quinn’s, or that fucking orgy I had.


“I didn’t smell it yesterday when we ran, so it couldn’t have been your fourth day of fertility, or the morning of the fifth. It had to be the evening of your last day.”

“What about that orgy I was in? If it was from that, it’s probably a human child.”

“You weren’t fertile then. Brigitte would have smelled it during our morning run that day, and never would have allowed you to participate. I mean if fertility schedules are that precise. I’m no doctor, so I don’t know. Maybe?”

“So you’re telling me that it’s God damned Quinn’s!”

“Unless you fucked someone else, it almost has to be. Stranger things have happened, I guess, but the nose says it’s likely Quinn’s from the timeline.”

See what I mean about the worst fucking news of all time.

“Are you going to tell him?” Conor asked. Brigitte whimpered.

“No fucking way. We can tell everyone you smelled it yesterday.”

“You mean lie?”

“Through our fucking teeth, and if Rene wants to know why we didn’t tell him yesterday, tell him I asked you to wait until we were absolutely sure because I didn’t want anyone’s hopes up. Fuck! Let’s go back. I need to think and make phone calls.”

We cut our run short and went back home. Conor shifted and did the smell test after my shower and confirmed I was knocked up. Brigitte called Rene and told him I was pregnant. He said he and Sasha would be here as quick as they could. I called the other breeders and let them know, making plans to meet tonight, then I called my parents.

“Jessica, darling girl, how are you?” Mom asked as soon as she answered.

“Is Dad there?”

“Tennis tournament.”

“I’m pregnant. Going to have a wolf,” I said.


“Apparently you can’t hide anything from a wolf nose.”

“My goodness. That was fast. I thought it would be the next time at least.”

“So did I. Apparently, that wolf cum works hard to overcome any barrier to pregnancy.”

“How are you feeling about it?”

“On the whole, okay. Specifically, not so much.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I think the wolf that knocked me up is someone I fucking hate with all my heart.”

“What happened?”

I gave her the quick run down on the entire sorry episode, from the time Quinn was going to impregnate Brigitte, to my holding a knife against his throat, and agreeing to let him try to breed me my fifth day if he left her alone, to the gangbang he’d arranged in my honor, which I’d participated in because he was such an asshole.

“He tried to stop it?”

“Half-heartedly. He told them to leave, but this is something he’d worked on for a long time, even having the wolves compete to see who were the best trackers, picking the eight best for the debauchery. I was so fucking pissed, I did it to spite him.”

“You know, there’s an axiom about biting your nose.”

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