The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


Making a Trip to Wisconsin

When I woke up, I found I was wrapped around Brigitte, snuggled up against her warm naked body. She was awake and hadn’t moved, nor had she taken advantage of my snuggling to do more.

“I’m sorry if I might have awakened you,” I said, pulling away.

“We like body contact. Ain’t no thang. Don’t trouble yourself.”

I checked my bank account and found an additional two hundred thousand dollars in it. Unless I found some other way to pay it back, I guess I was on the hook for a werewolf puppy. After a breakfast of cereal for me, and a package of hot dogs apiece for Brigitte and Conor, we went for a long run. Brigitte ran as a human companion, and Conor as a wolf, easily pacing us and doing wide circles – looking for scents, I suppose. Brigitte had a fanny pack with two guns in it, one for her and one for Conor it it was necessary.

Brigitte set a rapid pace I was unused to, and I thought I was a decent runner, then I realized I was running with a wolf and I told her to slow down. She smiled at me. We ran about five miles, then took a brief respite.

“Dogs perspire through their tongues,” I panted. “Do werewolves in human shape do the same?”

I asked this because she wasn’t perspiring nearly as much as I was.

“No, we sweat, but you did tell me to slow down. My heart rate is probably close to two-thirds of yours at the moment.”

“How fast can you run?”

“I could probably break every international world record at any distance you cared to name.”

“So I take it werewolves don’t run track then?”

“Not to win. We’re trying to keep ourselves secret. We don’t hire out to capture escaped convicts either. We let bloodhounds take that gig.”

Conor came trotting over and whined a little.

“He smells a shapeshifter, not a wolf, but we should head back anyway.”

We headed back. When we got back to my development, one of my neighbors was bringing out his trash. He was a little older than me, and unfortunately, one Friday night when I’d had too much to drink, I’d slept with him. I’d immediately regretted it, and hadn’t repeated the error, but he was always hoping for a repeat.

“Hey, Jessica, is that a wolf running with you?” Carl asked.

I almost thought he was talking about Brigitte, then realized he was talking about Conor, watching our backs.

“Yes, but he’s a tame wolf. Come here,” I almost said Conor, but realized I might have to introduce Conor in human form at some point, “Blackie, Come meet my neighbor, Carl.”

I patted my leg and Conor came trotting up to me and stuck his nose in my crotch. “That’s not very polite, boy. Don’t do that,” pushing him away.

Conor whined, the bastard.

“This is Blackie. He’s such a good boy, aren’t you, puppy?”

I patted his head and ruffled his ears. I swear he was smiling again. “You might see another one around some time, named Red Raider. I would also introduce you to my friend Brigitte, who will be staying with me awhile. I’ve got another friend, Conor, who I’m sure you’ll meet at some point. He’s probably out walking in the woods with Red Raider. I lost my job, you know, and they’re helping out with the rent until I find something else.”

Carl immediately began assessing Brigitte as a potential sexual partner. He stuck out his hand.

“Brigitte, what a lovely name. Are you dating anyone?”

“Sorry, Carl, I bat for the other team.”

“You mean you’re a…?”

“Lesbian. Yep, I probably love pussy as much as you do, Carl.”

“Are you and Jessica…?”

“Hooking up? Not yet, but I’m hopeful. How many times did you sleep with her?”

“Uh, just once.”

“No wonder she’s thinking of turning to the dark side. I’d love to chat some more, but I need to shower after that run. Can I get you to wash my back for me, Jess?”Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Uh, sure.”

“You’ll need to make copies of your house keys for Conor and me,” Brigitte said, taking my hand and heading to my door, loud enough for Carl to hear, Conor trotting after us.

After we were inside, Conor shifted. “Blackie?” he asked.

“I couldn’t call you Conor in case I later introduced you to him as a human. Having a wolf and guy both named Conor would be a little coincidental, don’t you think? Same with Brigitte.”

“Sorry to give Carl the bum’s rush, but we don’t want the neighbors getting too nosy around us,” Brigitte said. “Best to keep him at arm’s length.”

“How did you know I slept with him?” I asked.

“I can still smell him in your bedroom. What was it, maybe two weeks ago?”

“Two and a half. It was just after I got laid off and I tied one on, and he got lucky.”

Conor laughed. “If I ply you with alcohol, can I get lucky?”

“I’m determined not to drink like that again, for that very reason. I don’t want anyone getting lucky.”

Conor smirked. “I’ll keep watch down here while you two shower and dress.”

We went up to my bathroom, but Brigitte didn’t want me to wash her back. I have to admit, I was willing to. She watched while I showered, then she had me stand there while she showered. I put on jeans and a tee with some sneakers. She wore a skirt, flip-flops and tee. She grabbed sunglasses and a dog harness.

“Why are you bringing that harness?”

“Conor is going as a wolf. The only way we’re getting him into Costco is as a seeing eye dog. They can’t refuse a seeing eye dog.”

“Is that necessary?”

“Scent isn’t blocked by shelves. It’s an early warning system for anything in the store. We take our job seriously. I’m going to let you drive the Jeep. We’d probably scare the straights if I got out of the driver’s seat with a seeing eye dog.”

“I could see that being a problem,” I agreed, laughing.

“We’re going to Portland, or more precisely, Scarborough,” Brigitte said. “They just built a Costco, and we can load up on meat. We’ll buy a couple of coolers too, to haul the meat back with.”

“Instead of driving all the way to Portland,” I said, “they just opened a butcher shop in Bath, called the Kennebec Meat Company. Locally sourced meat in large quantities.”

“Will it be as cheap as Costco?”

“I’ve never shopped at a Costco in Maine, so I don’t know.”

“Let’s check it out,” Conor said. “If it’s not a big place, I won’t have to go as a wolf.”

“Fine. I’ll drive then,” Brigitte said. “You ride in the front with me and point this place out. Where can we find coolers? I know you don’t have enough room in your fridge.”

“Probably need to go to the Walmart in Brunswick.”

“I know where that is.”

Brunswick isn’t that far from Bath, so we headed down US 1 six miles to the slightly larger town in Cumberland County, that had the nearest Walmart. Brigitte picked out three sturdy metal coolers on wheels, and added a block of dry ice to each one. Since we were there, they also bought six, ten pound packages of hamburger, putting it in one of the coolers. Conor towed two of the coolers, and I towed one, so Brigitte could keep her hands free.

We headed back to Bath and the Kennebec Meat Company. It was a very nice place, and they bought lots of steaks, plus kidneys and liver (Yuck). Brigitte inquired about buying a half cow and they worked out a deal on some meat to be picked up in a couple of days. We made a brief foray to an appliance store and purchased a large chest freezer to be delivered before we picked up the half cow. When we got back to my place, Brigitte watched again, while Conor and I pulled the coolers from the Jeep.

Carl was sitting outside so I introduced him to Conor (since he didn’t know he’d already met him.) I think Carl got a little jealous of Conor who was easily better looking and much better built and stronger than Carl was.

“Is Jessica fucking you, then?” Carl asked, since Brigitte said she hadn’t.

“Not yet, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed,” Conor said. “She said she was snockered when you fucked her, and said she swore off drinking afterward. Thanks for ruining it for the rest of us, Carl. See you later.”

They were definitely giving Carl the business, and I almost felt sorry for him. It was my fault for getting drunk, so he probably didn’t deserve it, but they were right. We didn’t want the neighbors paying too much attention to what was going on in my house.

The rest of the afternoon, Conor and Brigitte showed me self defense move after self defense move and made me practice each of them until I was relatively proficient at each, and dead tired. A quick shower, followed by some supper, cooking our meat this time, so I could have some, and watching some TV, both of them lounging around on the furniture in their altogether. Once again, I became aroused at their physical and sexual magnificence, flawless in every detail.

Smelling me, Conor’s prick became engorged, eight and a half inches of sculpted penis perfection, which did nothing to ease the arousal I was already feeling, and he grinned at me, knowing the cause of it. I was about to call it a night when they had an urgent news update about a death in Portland.

Both Conor and Brigitte sat up and took notice, which made me listen closer too. Unlike a typical murder, usually with guns or knives, apparently this woman had been ripped apart by a bunch of wild dogs. Neither Brigitte nor Conor believed it was dogs.

“Werewolves,” Conor said. “One of the banished, makeshift packs.”

“That would be my guess too,” Brigitte said.

“Rene will probably put Quinn on it, won’t he?” Conor said.

“Most likely. He’s the best tracker Rene has.”

“Quinn, the wolf who killed your mate?” I asked Brigitte.

“Yeah, that’s his job for the pack. Keeping the treaty by helping the Feds corral rabid wolves.”

“They don’t really have rabies, do they?” I asked.

“We don’t get diseases, so no,” Conor said. “More like a wolf with a screw loose. Do you think Quinn will swing by here?”

“Probably; we’re on the way,” Brigitte said. “If not on the way down, likely on the way back.”


As it turned out, it was intended to be both.

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