The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


“And yours?”

“I can get mine.”

“You’re going to run once you get them, aren’t you?” He stepped closer and put his hand beneath her chin, lifting her face before he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers.

She could’ve pulled away, but she didn’t. And when she didn’t, he parted his lips and pushed his tongue into her mouth, taking the kiss he’d wanted since he saw her in the bar. She accepted his intrusion and returned the desire he offered. Even allowed his hand to caress the back of her neck and hold her in the kiss. She broke away from the kiss, her eyes downcast, “I won’t run,” her voice was soft, uncertain.

“Please don’t run,” he said before he turned and headed down the trail toward the clearing.

She looked back toward the edge of the woods. She could’ve run, but she walked down the trail behind him. Her skirt was the first thing she saw, still on the rock she’d placed it on the night before. She backed up, retracing her steps. She knew she’d taken her shirt off first.

She looked around, moving off the trail and looking in the brambles around the trees. One arm still covered her chest as she looked for the shirt. Ash was walking back toward her, his victim’s jeans covering him and a backpack slung over his shoulder. She sighed. She’d hoped she’d be dressed before he got back. Kinda wanted to run after getting dressed.

In a moment of desperation, she tipped her head back, ready for a silent prayer to wish the whole night away, promising to be good and go to church and no more midnight fucks with strangers in the woods if she could just not be a werewolf somehow? And her eyes caught the fluttering of her shirt, hooked on a branch well above her head.

It was out of her reach.

He was smiling as he approached her, “You didn’t run.”

She pointed up, “I can’t reach my shirt.”

“Oh, I can reach that.”

She perked up a little, “Really?”

“Yeah. If you tell me your name.”

Her smile faded, “You want my driver’s license so you can have my address as well?”

“I’d settle for your phone number,” he said as he held a phone out to her. “And I need a name to put you in as a contact.”

“I thought you were calling me kitten?”

“I checked and there are four kittens in my phone. I’d like to not lose track of which one you are.”

“How about ‘wolf-kitten’ or have those other four been scratched accidentally by you as well?”

His smile faded, “No. I’ve never scratched anyone else. I’ve always been very careful about that.”

The look on his face seemed like genuine upset to her, “Selena,” she said.

“Is that actually your name?” he chuckled as he entered it in before handing his phone over to her to put in her number.

“Selena Lux Hart.”

“Your name is moon light heart? No wonder I was so fucking drawn to you.”

“No, it’s Selena Lux Hart. No other meanings to it, just my name.”

“Okay, kitten.”

“You said you wouldn’t call me that if I told you my name,” she whined as he started climbing the tree.

Her head tipped as she watched him, Fuck, he’s hot. The jeans he’d taken from his dead friend were too big on him and hung low on his hips, causing the hem to hang below his feet, though if he’d pulled them up to his waist, they would be much too short on him. The way they fell exposed the muscles around his hips, and they flexed as he twisted and climbed into the tree.

Yeah, I’m gonna fuck him again… definitely going to suck his cock, too.

She bit her lip and watched as he grabbed her shirt, climbed back down, and handed it to her. She got it on just in time for an older man to jog past, smiling at them as she buttoned the top enough to cover her breasts.

“I have to go to work Monday. You can stay with me over the weekend,” she offered.

He shook his head, “You need to take next week off of work, Selena.”

The way he said her name caused butterflies in her stomach, and she almost didn’t catch the rest of what he’d said, “What, why? I have a deadline coming up.”

“Do you work with guys?”


“Do you have any interest in intense cravings to fuck the men you work with?”


“Okay, then you need to take the week off and spend it with me, because I know you want to fuck me again, right?”

She wanted to look offended, but she just blushed and lowered her eyes to the ground. Shit.

He moved closer to her, his lips near her ear, “If it makes you feel better, I want to fuck you, too.”

The blush of her cheeks deepened, and she made herself lift her eyes to him, “One week?”

He nodded, “After that, if you want me to leave, I’ll leave. If you want me to come back, I’ll give you my number and you can call me and I’ll come back.”

“Okay. One week. You can stay with me for one week.”

They made their way back to her car. It was a largely silent ride, save for the small whimpers she made as he stroked her upper thigh while she drove.


Teasing her was exhilarating. She reacted to everything with ease. The lightest touch of his fingers on her thigh made her visibly tremble, her breath shudder. He contemplated letting his fingers trail to her inner thigh, but he was sure she’d close her eyes and crash the car.

Once she pulled into the parking garage, though? There was a minute for him to lean over and hold her by the back of the neck as he kissed her. Her scent was still intoxicating, her arousal prominent in the air. He still wanted her to be his. Still wanted to lay over her and claim her as his. But there was more to it than that. He wanted to be hers, too.

He was gentle with her. Pushing down the urges that wanted to rise up in favor of a sweet, loving kiss. Maybe it wasn’t what she wanted, but it was what he wanted. Slow, methodical, gentle and deep. He moaned against her mouth, and she whimpered into his. It took all he had to pull himself away from her. “We should go inside, right?”

She nodded, “Mmhmm.”

He leaned in and kissed her again. Her hand moved to the back of his neck while the other slid up his inner thigh. His hands mimicked hers, a gentle caress of her neck and no fabric between his fingers and her body. He growled against her lips and forcefully pulled away, “We need to go inside.”

She bit her lip, and they got out of the car. She dragged him across the parking garage toward the elevator that led to the apartments. His hand stayed beneath her skirt, gently caressing her ass while others got on and off the elevator with them. The flush of her cheeks and little whimper that escaped her lips when his fingers slid lower nearly gave his game away a few times.

It seemed like she couldn’t get off the elevator fast enough when they got to her floor. He chased behind her, and she struggled to get her apartment door open as he kept turning her away from it and kissing her.

They stumbled into her apartment, and he picked her up, turning with her. Her back pushed against the door and slammed it shut with their weight leaning into it.

Sweat beaded on her forehead and neck as he pulled down his stolen pants and worked himself into her. She whined, and he thrust hard, slamming the door against the jamb. You were supposed to be gentle, go slow.

She pulled his hair and bit his lower lip as he thrust into her while his hands supported her ass, “Harder,” she whimpered.

He thrust harder, pushed deeper. Asher bit her lip then forced his tongue into her mouth in a deep, wanton kiss.

Selena tugged his hair, and he groaned, “Harder,” repeating her request.

She pulled his hair harder before kissing the front of his neck.

Sweat glistened on her skin, and he pulled on her top, getting it off her shoulders with one hand as the other continued to support her. She was beyond needy, but a sharp pain cut through her stomach. She cried out as he continued to fuck her.

“Stop,” her voice was barely audible.

She put her hand on his jaw, tears in her eyes as she looked at him, “Stop, please. It hurts.”

He snapped out of it, the redness of her face and chest, the shine of sweat on her skin. “Shit,” he lowered her to the ground and pulled himself free of her. The look on his face seemed full of concern as she clutched her stomach.

“It hurts,” she cried.

He nodded, “I know. I’m sorry. The first few days are the worst. I’m here. You’re safe, Selena.” She gasped, and he stroked her hair, “You’re safe. It gets better, I promise.”

A scream tried to break free, and he clamped his hand over her mouth while grimacing. She cried out, muffled beneath his palm. It felt like her entire body was on fire. As if her muscles were being torn apart and her skin flayed in small patches across her body.

He caressed her, “I’m so sorry,” he whispered as he tightened his grip on her mouth.


He knew exactly what it felt like and hated that he’d inflicted that upon someone else. It had taken him over a day to ride through the worst of it, and in that time, he’d contemplated ending his life; the only thing that prevented him from it was an inability to get off the floor. He’d eventually passed out from the pain and woke up at least a day later. He hoped it would be the same for her, and her breaking point for pain would come sooner than his had.

But hours passed, and she still winced and writhed in his arms, crying out beneath his palm as it muffled her. She wasn’t passing out. She was staying awake. He’d already stripped her to keep her temperature down. A cloth lay in ice water nearby, and he used that to soothe the worst of the burn on her skin, easily spotted by red patches that were hot to the touch.

She grabbed his hand and pulled it away from her mouth; he only reluctantly released his grip on her. “I think… if you fucked me, it might distract me from the pain?” she said, her expression one of need and fear.

“You want me to fuck you?”

She nodded, “Yeah. It’ll give me something else to focus on.”

His eyebrow arched, “I wanted to kill myself and you want me to fuck you.”

Selena laughed, then clutched her stomach, “You haven’t noticed that I respond to anything uncomfortable with sex, yet? There’s very little trouble that I can’t fuck my way out of.”

“I’m starting to pick up on that about you. Are you sure?”

She nodded, “It’s duller. The burning is the worst of it right now. A distraction would help, I think.”

His hand caressed her cheek, and she closed her eyes, leaning into his palm. Her skin was hot against his for a moment before he felt it cool beneath his fingertips. Ash leaned down and kissed her.

She still tensed in moments of pain, but they lessened as his kiss deepened. While he wanted to get lost in her kiss, he stayed in the moment, aware of her movements and reactions. He didn’t want to miss a sign of her distress increasing again.

Selena’s hand moved to the back of his neck, fingers sliding into his hair. He moaned against her as she tugged slightly. It wasn’t enough to hurt, only enough to get his attention. He broke away from her long enough to pull his jeans off.

She was beautiful, lying on the dark wooden floor, her knees leaning to the side as she propped herself up with her hands slightly behind her. A sheen of sweat coated her skin, which visibly tensed from the hits of pain traversing her body, and her breathing was erratic as she fought against the first round of changes her body would endure.

The positives that came with the infection were improved night vision, heightened healing of bruises and minor cuts, and an acute awareness of scents, touch, and tastes, the last of which could also come as a negative. The main negative was hours of intense pain, which Selena seemed to be handling with relative ease as he watched her reactions to his touch.Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Her breathing steadied as he kissed her, the warmth of her skin faded to normal as his hands slid over her body and caressed her, and the sporadic tensing eased to that of a rhythmic internal ache for release as he entered her. His movements were gentle, kisses deep and needy as she pulled him to her.

The more she moaned against his kiss and tightened her hands on his ass, holding him to her, the more comfortable he got with thrusting harder and faster. It wasn’t long before they returned to the rhythm they’d started when her back had been against the door.

Sweat beaded along his forehead, and her cries became those of a woman in sheer ecstasy. She bit his neck, and for a moment, he contemplated stopping her, but her hips moved against him, and he moaned as she bit harder.

He tilted his head, and she kissed down his neck as he thrust deeper into her. His moan caught him off guard as she bit hard along the crook of his neck, “I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that, Selena.”

He felt her smile, and her teeth bit down a little harder. His hands slid over her thighs, and he pulled her tightly against him. “You want me to cum then?”

She rocked her hips against him and licked up the front of his neck before biting down on that sensitive spot again.”

A growl resonated from his throat as he came in her and held her body tightly to him.

She whimpered, her arms wrapped behind his back, holding him to her until he softened.

“Feel better?” he asked, his lips close to her ear.

She nodded, “Doesn’t hurt anymore…”

He started to pull back, but she held him to her, not letting go. “Why does it sound like there’s a but at the end of that?” he asked, stroking her hair.

“Kinda wish you hadn’t scratched me…”

“Yeah. I do, too. I really didn’t mean to do that.”

She pulled her head back and looked him in the eyes. Her eyes were half-open, a lustful look twisting her features, “Not for the same reasons, I bet.”

“What’s your reason?”

“Being a wolf means I’m not going to get to fuck the wolf again as a human and I think I really wanted to suck his dick.”

He whined, “Did feel real nice being inside of you like that…”

She tipped her head back and smiled, “Yes it did. This felt nice, too, though. Right?” her eyebrows lifted, questioning if he felt the same.

“Very,” he said with a smile.

He brought his lips down on hers again.


The same thought ran through each of their heads with that kiss: Mine.



There, I hope you enjoyed yourself. If you’re not quite finished enjoying yourself, or if you’ve enjoyed yourself once already and were building up a second wind, BUCKLE UP and check out the next chapter.

It get’s more hotter..

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