The Werewolf Order (Erotica)


Not even the crickets chirped.

She grabbed the trunk of the tree for support. Shit. I’ll never know his name. The tree branches were too high for her to climb, and she wasn’t confident her legs would support her even if she could reach the branches.

Her phone was in her purse, and her purse was in her car. He had a phone, right? She made her way back to his clothes. Keys, wallet. Yes, phone. She swiped the screen, but nothing happened. Dead phone? Oh, come on!

She held onto it. Could throw it as a distraction, if nothing else. She stayed off the path but near it, as she tried to escape the woods. She didn’t know where the wolf was or where the guy she’d been fucking went. Stumbling over his dead body was not on the list of things she wanted to experience that night. She’d slightly prefer to come across the wolf eating it. Then, at least, she’d know where to avoid.

Selena crept alongside the path, moving slowly, keeping as quiet as possible to avoid arousing the beast’s attention. Each step of progress became tempered with a pause as she listened before moving to the next piece of cover. She knew it could smell her regardless of what she did, but hoped she could be back in her car before it finished its meal and remembered it left dessert cowering by a tree.


How Nick always managed to sweet-talk the prettiest girls into a fuck in the woods, Ash would never know. He wasn’t a nice guy. Bit of a coward, really. But it was expected with him over the years, at least until Germany.

Ash noticed how hesitant Nick had been to go into the woods while he watched them. The girl was playful and flirty; her scent of arousal was a bit overwhelming to the wolf. Ash tipped his head as Nick finally followed her onto the path. A growl resonated in the wolf’s throat.

He felt possessive of her. It surprised him. Didn’t like his one-time friend touching her. He didn’t even know her, but something about her scent made him want her. He listened to their conversation as he followed them, carefully stepping and trying not to make noise as he stalked them along the path.

Ash liked it when she jogged down the path away from Nick. There was an urge to attack then, to take his friend down before he returned to the girl, but the wolf refrained. While Ash was confident he could give her the fuck of her life, he didn’t know if he could pass lycanthropy on through sex or just with a bite or scratch. Passing it on to her was not his goal. Still, though… a taste of her would be safe. He’d done it before many times with no ill effects.

No, he’d wait and let it play out like it did in Germany. Only, instead of Nick successfully escaping, Ash would give chase, strike, and finally get the revenge he’d sought. He wanted Nick to live that night again, the same heightened pleasure that got interrupted in a moment of sheer terror. Ash craved to experience it from the other side. The scent of fear and arousal spurred him on and encouraged him to embrace the wolf side while he stalked his friend. The wolf waited and watched them. Heat rose in his chest as he saw his friend lifting her to his face, and Ash licked his lips. Wonder what she tastes like…

Twice, he almost lunged. Her scent intoxicating to him as her arousal heightened. The scrape of her body against the tree while Nick fucked her caused tiny cuts to open on her skin. The fresh scent of her blood proved too much, and he made his approach, silently stalking behind his friend, teeth bared but otherwise silent.

Scare him off, chase him down, don’t let her see. The closer he got to her, the harder it was to focus. The twig snapped loudly beneath his massive paw, and both humans turned. Ash’s eyes turned from him to her. A light red line of blood beneath her nipple from a fresh scrape. He wanted her and was momentarily distracted.

Nick ran, just like in Germany. Ash’s focus drifted from revenge to the terrified naked woman leaning against a tree. She trembled, and he smiled as much as a wolf could smile. He’d be back for her. He reminded himself that this wasn’t about her. It was about the coward who left him to die at the jaws of a pair of wolves that attacked them.

Ash turned and ran after his naked friend. Easily outrunning him then forcing him to back up. Nick’s eyes scanned the area, looking for a way out, something he could do.

“You aren’t real. You don’t exist. Ash lost it. He killed that girl and went into hiding. Giant wolves don’t exist…”

Ash growled. “Nick ran and left his best friend to die beside her.”

Nick’s eyes widened as he stared at the wolf, “Asher?”

The silver wolf bared his teeth, a low growl resonating from his throat. “Run. Please run again, I want your fear coursing through your veins when you die.”Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Nick turned, running back the way he came, and Ash ran past, blocking the way, forcing him to turn again. It went on for a few minutes, the fear in Nick building as he exhausted himself.

It was only when his former friend fell to his knees, resigned to the knowledge he was about to die, that Ash fully attacked, knocking him to the ground and clamping his jaws tightly about his neck. It snapped with ease. It was the fear he desired, and he had his fill.

He wanted his former friend to feel the same fear he’d felt that night. The same terror of knowing he wasn’t going to escape. He got that, so he ensured Nick’s death was quick and painless. The consumption, however, was messy, bloody; it always was.

Ash had almost forgotten about the girl until her scent again filled the air. He pulled Nick from the path; he’d finish later. He watched her cowering behind trees. His friend’s shirt covering her frame almost made Ash feel a little disappointed. She had a great body; it was a shame to have it covered again. She crept to the next tree, low to the ground, and he smiled. She thought herself unseen. Did she really think she could avoid an apex predator like him?

He watched her with amusement as she crouched, creeping from one tree to the next. For a moment, he wondered if he should’ve left the body in her likely path. Put more fear into her by causing her to trip over it. But he didn’t need to. She was already fucking terrified; he could smell it. Breaking her served no purpose for him. Afraid, though? That was exhilarating. Fun to chase and lick.

She was still aroused. Her date gets hunted down by a wolf, and she’s still aching for release. Maybe he could offer her some relief. He stalked behind her for a while, moving only when she did. He let her get to within sight of the edge of the woods before he ran before her and snarled. She fell, trying to reverse course, the shirt falling open at her stomach, and he licked at the air as he bared his teeth and crouched low, moving toward her.

The girl crawled backwards, pushing away from the wolf until she backed into a tree. The edge of the woods was still in sight, but the wolf kept moving toward her, teeth exposed in a snarl.

He almost pulled away as her hand reached out, but he didn’t. He was surprised when her fingers curled beneath his chin and gave a gentle but insistent scratch as though he were a dog. He felt slightly offended for a second before realizing it felt nice. And if she could make him feel nice, he should return the favor.

His snarl lessened, and his tongue dragged along her inner thigh. His head lowered, but his eyes held hers.


Selena had almost made it out before the wolf found her and backed her into a tree. Her breathing was erratic and strained as the wolf crawled over her legs. The shirt of the guy she’d been fucking lay open between her breasts and over her stomach. She was afraid to move to close it, especially as the wolf’s breath was hot on her thigh.

She reached one trembling hand out and turned her palm upward, scratching it beneath the chin. At least I got to pet a giant wolf before dying. So soft and fluffy. Totally worth it.

Its snarl ceased, and she closed her eyes, expecting it to bite down and end things. Instead, it licked her thigh. She tensed at the unexpected touch, reflexively trying to pull back, but the tree stopped her. The wolf lowered its head, its green eyes focused on her as its tongue darted across her thigh again, a little higher. Its paws moved closer, one pressing on the ground between her legs, and the sheer looming presence of it forced her to open her legs to accommodate.

The wolf licked her exposed stomach. Its tongue slid up between her breasts, and her breath caught. Its tongue was so much larger than a human’s, rougher in texture, warmer and even slicker. She felt so vulnerable, helpless before this beast that could, at any moment, choose to end her life. She dared not do anything to provoke it. The reminder of why was literally all over its face. Blood coated its mouth, staining the muzzle darker than the rest of its light-colored face. If she didn’t comply or tried to run, she had no doubt her blood would be added to its fur. Another lick went from between her breasts up along the side of her neck, then beneath her chin.

Selena whimpered as the metallic scent caught her nose. It licked across her lips, and she had to fight not to turn away. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes. It licked her lips again, a metallic taste on her lips as she inadvertently parted them with a whimper. Its eyes showed a softness in watching her. A tenderness to the way its tongue slid across her. What did it want?

It moved its paw further between her thighs, forcing her legs wider still. It sniffed the air, and its head lowered, nuzzling between her thighs. The drag of its tongue along her pussy made her gasp. What the fuck?

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