The Wedding Night

Chapterde 50- I want Happiness

“This is a battlefield and I intend to win.”

Giovanni POV

The deadline ended two days ago. After the attempted attack on Melody and hope, I made sure they were heavily guarded by security. I took time from the office for those two days and also postponed the Chinese project that Melody was in charge of. For those two days, I tried to come up with something to lure George out and sent him to prison once and for all but none came. No ideal came for those two days and I got frustrated to the point that I locked myself inside my room for twelve hours until Melody came to find me. When I opened the door for her and she saw my state, she gave me a warm hug.

“It’s going to be okay, ” she assured me.

“I just want this to be over with,” I confessed. “I want everything to end so we could pick up from where we ended things,” I poured out my mind because that’s was how I felt at that moment. I wanted the emptiness that had been in my heart for a long to be filled with warmth.

“I’ll always be there for you,” Melody’s word sent an assurance to me that everything was going to be fine but I had a mixed feeling that something was bound to happen.

“I just want to be happy,” I confessed. I wanted to have what others have. The family that loves them, the money, and happiness. I just want all of it.

“You’ll be happy. ”

I hugged her tightly as I thought about how it would have been perfect if nothing had to us on our wedding night. As I drowned in my thoughts, my phone rang on the desk beside my bed and I rushed to pick it thinking it was George.

“Hello Kendra,” I answered the call.

“Giovanni, I’ve found a way to get George.” Kendra sounded excited on phone and I couldn’t wait to hear what she had to say. “Set a meeting with your family. Lara has offered to help in tracking down George so I’ll come over with her to your office tomorrow. ”

“Thank you,” I appreciated.

“Come along with Melody tomorrow. I want to see her,” she requested and before I could argue, she ended the call.

“Who was it?” Melody asked.

“Kendra. She said she has an idea to get George.” I informed her.

“I’m coming with you.” She offered and I nodded in agreement. I couldn’t argue with her because Kendra had requested that I let her come with me.” we are going to be fine.”

“I hope so,” I replied with a smile. Ever since we found out the truth about ourselves, we acted more like a stranger meeting for the first time than people who used to be in love. I wanted everything to be the same again once everything ended.

The next day came as fast as it should and by the time melody and I arrived at the office, my family, Kendra, and Lara was already around. I ushered them into my office and requested that Anita served everyone a cup of coffee and biscuit. Uncle Benjamin, Lorenzo, and Lucas sat on one of the couches while Kendra, Melody, and Lara sat opposite them. I took my seat behind the desk and waited for what Kendra had to say.

“I purposely called this meeting because I know how to catch George,” Kendra began.

“And we are listening,” Lucas replied sarcastically. The truth took a great toll on him as he was still finding it hard to believe that he was my half-brother. “You didn’t call us here to listen to your pep talk did you?” He questioned.

“If you would let me say what I have to say then we won’t have a problem.” Kendra retorted.

“Lucas,” uncle Benjamin called, “let’s hear what she has to say.” He stated.

Lucas mumbled a curse word and looked away.

“As I was saying,” Kendra continued. “The only way to catch him is by the bait.”

“Bait? how do you mean?” Lorenzo asked in confusion.

“It means to set him up,” Lara explained, and then she stood up from the couch. “Catching the bait is something I learn from Kendra,” she said with a proud smile.

“So we play George to his own game?” Melody questioned.

“Yes.” Kendra began to lay out the plan in catching George. “If we do this then we apprehend him and everyone is free.”

“You think your idea is going to work?” Lucas stood up and paced around the office. ” your stupid plan is going to make things worst. You think George would believe you” he asked and then he chuckled, “you must be fools to believe that it would work out. ”

“You have a problem with my idea, pretty boy?” Kendra asked him.

Lucas walked to where Kendra stood and faced her. I watched as they both exchange words like little kids. It was fun to watch them but then, it was somehow stupid.

“Enough!” Lorenzo shouted. “Stop arguing like children. This is an important matter that we need to settle.”

“If you call me a bitch again, I’ll explain the word to you.” Kendra threatened while ignoring Lorenzo’s pleadings.

“What are you going to do about it? Bitch!” Lucas made sure he emphasized the word bitch.

“Really?” Kendra scoffed and in a blink of an eye, she had grabbed Lucas’s hand and flung it over her shoulder.” you still want more?” She got on top of him and twist his shoulder.

“Ouch,” Lucas cried out. “Somebody stop her, ” he pleaded but nobody answered because he deserved it.

“Apologies,” Kendra said to him. “If you apologize, I’ll let you go.”

“Wh… Why would I apologize?” He managed to say and then he screamed out in pain.” lets me go!” He yelled.

“Lucas, apologize to the lady. ” uncle Benjamin implored.

“Fine,” Lucas grumbled and muttered an apology.

“I can’t hear you.”

“I’m sorry!” He shouted and Kendra let go of him.

“Now, ” Kendra exhaled. “Who has a problem against my idea?” She asked and looked at everyone’s face. Nobody said anything because we all feared Kendra’s anger. “Very well then, we’ll go with that.” She concluded.

The meeting ended and everyone soon talked about something else except me who sat down with my eyes closed and thinking of what would happen next. I was anxious and it made my heart beat faster than usual. The rate at which I beat could cause a heart attack.

“Giovanni,” I heard uncle Benjamin called. He stood at the front of my desk and stared at me with a worrisome look. “You okay son?” He asked and I gave him a nod.

All my life I had hated my uncle thinking he was the evil one but the man was just a victim of his brother. He suffered throughout his life and had no moment of peace. He deserved happiness after everything he had gone through. This uncle I resented so much, was my real father, and to think that he still smiles after everything that had happened to him bought tears to my face.

“Are you okay?” Uncle Benjamin asked with a concerned tone.

“I’m fine,” I tried to mask off my but he sensed it. He walked to where I stood and pulled me into a fatherly hug. I didn’t care about who was in the office with us as I burst into uncontrolled tears. “I’m sorry,” I sobbed and hide my face in his arms.

“Everything will be okay son,” he pats my back in reply.

The only way everything was going to be alright is making sure George suffered for all the pains he had caused everyone.


Melody POV

“How is Lorena?” Kendra asked as soon as We walked out of Giovanni’s office to give and his real father space to bond.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“I don’t know Kendra. She hasn’t woken up and it’s killing me.” I confessed.

“Lorena is a strong woman. I’m sure she’ll wake up soon.”

“I hope so. ” I whispered.

“Can I talk to you for a second Kendra,” Lara, the detective that offered to help in catching George walked up to us and greeted me with a smile? “Hello,” she bows her head…

“Hi,” I also bow my head as a sign of respect. “Thanks for offering to help.”

“No problem. I have to help those who need help.” She bows again and then walked away with Kendra.

I walked to my old desk and say behind it. I missed the office. The way Giovanni shouts my name like a maniac and the way he bosses me around, I missed everything. I wanted everything to end so I could go back to normal life. I wanted Lorena to wake up and also have a happy life because she deserved it. I wanted Giovanni and me to come back together as husband and wife. I wanted a lot of things.

“Melody, ” Anita squealed and rushed to hug me. “I’ve missed you. When the boss told us that you weren’t coming again, I was devastated.”

“Awww,” I smiled. ” it’s nice to see you again,” I confessed.

“So are you back now?” She asked but I shook my head. “Not yet?” she questioned and I nodded in response. ” whenever you come back, I’ll be here.”

“Of course. How is the team?” I asked

“Lindsey has some business meeting outside the office, Ken is busy in the office but he sent his regards while Peter is somewhere, and right now, I’ve got to go.” She announced and rushed into the elevator.

Anita is one hilarious woman.

I stood up from my desk when I heard Benjamin and Giovanni coming out of the office. They both whispered some words before parting. Benjamin waved at me as he walked towards the elevator while Giovanni called me into his office.

“Hey,” I greeted.

“Hey,” he answered back.

“I…” We both said at the same time and burst into laughter.

“Ladies first,” he said.

“Okay.” I smiled. “Are you okay?” I sounded concerned like I should be.

He nodded but I knew he was trying hard to hide his true feelings. “I know how you feel Giovanni but we are going to get through this,” I told him.

“We will,” he agreed.

“What do you have to say?” I asked and instead of replying, he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the couch. We both sat side by side.

“Tell me about us.”

“Us? I thought you remembered. ”

“My memory is still hazy but I know who you are now. I just want to hear it from you.” That’s word bought a big smile to my face. I was grinning like an idiot.

It felt good to remember the past again.

I looked at his face and began the story about how we met. It was a lovely morning and he was driving while I was trying to cross the road. Our eyes met briefly but there was a moment in our brief meeting. A month passed before we met again and this time, we spoke for a long and he asked me out on a date. We went on the first, second, and third date before he finally asked me out. We dated for a year before he introduced me to his family and that’s was when the hatred started. I told him about our wedding and the promises he made on that day.

“We had such a moment together,” he commented.

“Yes,” that’s was all I could say.

“I want to start over with you again melody. When all of this is over, I want us to get married again.” I confessed.

“Giovanni, I….” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Although I wanted him back I didn’t expect him to talk about marriage like that.” you want to marry?” I questioned and he answered.

“Yea, I want you, Melody. I want you and hope in my life. I want us to be a family again. ” he stated and that’s was just what I needed in my life. I wanted happiness and getting my family back is great happiness. “I’ll let you think about it.”

“Sure,” I was still shocked but I was happy.

“Melody,” the way he said my name made me want to wrap my hands around his neck and kissed him until we were both out of breath.

Wait, what?

“There is one more thing,” he said and my heartbeat against my chest. The sexual tension between us was increasing and if we don’t stop staring at each other like horny teenagers, we might probably become one. “Can I kiss you?” He requested.


I blinked twice and was unable to form words. I didn’t believe that he just said that. our eyes and I knew that he was waiting for the answer. We both stared at each other until he decided to lean in. Our lips met and I welcome the kiss.

Oh, how I missed his lips.

Our lips fought for dominance as the kiss deepened.

That’s moment, all I could think of was how his mouth tasted like strawberries.

It was just the happiness that I wanted.

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