The Wedding Night

Chapter 52- Finally over(2)

Melody POV

When I woke up, I could not move as my hands and feet were tied together. I was laying on the ground and when I looked around me, I figured I was in a basement. The room was dark and the only light that penetrated the room was the sun through a small window.

“Hope, ” I shouted for my daughter because I couldn’t see her anywhere. “Hope,” I cried out.

“It no use,” I heard a voice said from the opposite room. It was a woman but her back was facing me so I couldn’t see her face. Her feet and hands were also tied together but she looked comfortable.

“Where is my daughter?” I shouted.

“She is fine,” she replied calmly.

“Who are you?” I asked her.

“You can’t tell?” She questioned and I shook my head. “I guessed staying here for days really could change my look.” The woman turned to faced me and I gasped when I saw her. Her green eyes had lost all life in them.

“Marissa,” I shouted in disbelief. I didn’t expect her to be in a basement. I expected the opposite. The clothing she wore had torn in the chest part revealing her underwear. Her face had lost the sophisticated complexion. She also had a cut on the left side of her cheek. “What happened to you?”

“I guessed it the price I have to pay for my sins” she smiled but behind that smile, I could see that she wasn’t happy.

“Why is he doing this? I thought you loved each other.”

“Love?” She scoffed and shook her head. “I don’t love that monster. A monster like him has no feelings.”

“What about my daughter?” I panicked.

“Don’t worry, she is fine.” She assured me but I didn’t trust her words. “I know you probably hate me for all the pains I’ve caused you. All I can say is that I am sorry,” she apologized.

I couldn’t believe my hearings when Marissa apologized. The Almighty Marissa Aderemi was not so bad after all.

“I pretend to be cruel but I’m not. Beneath this facade, there is a broken woman who has to pretend to be happy when she is not.” I stared at her as she tells her story. It was sad that she had to experience all of that but still pretends to be happy.

“I was supposed to marry Benjamin. We were in love and when I got pregnant with Giovanni, I couldn’t be happier. ” she sniffed.

I didn’t realize that she was crying and when I did, I wanted to console her but she needed to let it all out.

“George had always envied his brother and when he heard that we were getting married, he threatened to kill Benjamin if I didn’t marry him. I was scared for my baby, myself, and Giovanni. I broke my engagement with Benjamin the next day and got married to him. When he found out that I was pregnant, George was happy that he had everything that was supposed to belong to his brother. He told me he couldn’t procreate because he had an accident when he was young but I didn’t care about him because he was a monster. ” Marissa paused and coughed out.

“We lived as a happy family for two years and I also found out that Benjamin had gotten married a year after George and I got married. I was devastated and cried for days. I thought George had change for those two years we were together but everything turned around when he found out that his father was handling everything over to his brother. He got angry that day and raised his hands on me.  As if that wasn’t enough, he began to rape me repeatedly for days and while raping me, he made sure to bite my flesh which always result in scars and more scars.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It was just too much. How could someone be as wicked as that? I’ve heard of psychopaths but in George’s case, it was worst.

“I couldn’t tell anyone about the abuse because of my son. My family was powerful in Italy but I couldn’t do anything because I feared for my son. He killed his father and when his mother heard about it, she died due to the shock. George threatened Benjamin’s family if he didn’t let go of the inheritance. As if that wasn’t enough, he forced Benjamin to Copulate with me again and I remember him watching us and mocking us. It was shameful but I had no choice!” She cried. “I didn’t know what to do and when Lorenzo found out about the secrets we were hiding, he began to abuse the boy.”

“I’m so sorry about everything that happened to you.” That’s was all I could say because no matter what I said, it couldn’t erase the memories of the past. “How can someone be as cruel as that?”

“He isn’t just cruel. He is inhumane. “Marissa declared.

“I….,” just as I was about to say something, the door opened and a man stepped in. It was George.

“Now look who we have here.” He grinned as he walked closer to me.

“Where is my daughter you monster?” I shouted.

“I have no idea,” he answered and then burst into laughter. “Your daughter might be dead for all I care.” He began to laugh.

“What is your problem? What are you so afraid of?” I asked him and just as he was about to answer me, he remembered something and bought his phone out of his pocket. He dialed a number and began to pick up whosoever was on the phone. With the way he spoke, I knew he was talking to Giovanni. After saying what he wanted to say, he faced me and rushed to me. He forcefully placed the phone in my left ear and ordered me to say something.

“Now,” he whispered.

Giovanni,” I shouted. “He has us, Giovanni. He has hope,” I cried out.

“Melody, I will find you and get you out ” I promised. “H… how did he find you?” I could hear Giovanni’s voice shaking and I felt sorry for him. Before I could reply, George removed the phone from my ear and began to speak with Giovanni. After he was done, he grabbed me by my arm and pulled me up.

“Listen, you are going to follow my instructions or I’ll kill your daughter and make you watch,” he threatened.

I glared at him but didn’t say as he dragged me out of the room. “Why are you doing all of this,” I asked.

“Because it all mine,” he said and coughed out. He continued coughing as if something was in his throat.

“Are you alright?”

“None of your business,” he said through the coughs. “Don’t you dare question me again little girl,” he warned and pushed me forward.

We came out of the basement into another room I couldn’t recognize. It was a bedroom that has a king-sized bed. A closet filled with women’s clothing.  I saw a small figure laying on the bed. It was hope and she seemed to be sleeping. “Hope,” I wanted to shout but George clasped a hand on my mouth.

“Don’t wake the little one. Now that’s you’ve seen your daughter in a good condition, follow me and do everything I order you to do.” He whispered. “If you go against me, I’ll cut your daughter open and make you drink her blood.” He threatened and pushed me out of the bedroom. He pushed me towards another door at the end of the hall. The door leads to grand stairs that we took it down to the living room.

The living room was packed with hefty-looking men. There were ten of them and every one of them had a masked on. In the middle of the living room were Lucas and Benjamin. They were both tied up together. George pushed me towards them and I landed next to them.

“Now we wait for the party to start. Gideon,” he called and one of the hefty men stepped forward. “Go to the basement and bring my wife,” he ordered.

The man left and a few minutes later, he returned with Marissa. George ordered him to untie her and after doing that, he pulled her towards him and made her seat beside him on one of the white couches that’s was in the living room. “A husband seat beside her husband or what do you think Brother?” he asked Benjamin.

” you are just acting like this because you are scared that you will be abandoned by everyone,” Benjamin replied.NôvelDrama.Org © content.

George burst into laughter and stood up from his seat. He rushed to Benjamin and began to punch him in the face until he got tired. “Damn! My hand hurt,” he groaned out in pain and began to cough again.

“You are sick ain’t you?” I asked him because I could see him spitting out blood. “You are sick right?” I asked again.

“You catch on quickly little girl.” George grinned at me. “I’m sick but I’m not going down without a fight.”

The door to the mansion opened wide and Giovanni and Lorenzo made their appearance. They both looked like they came for a fight. A fight that was going to end up nasty.


Giovanni POV

I wanted it all to end. I was ready to face the fight and end it once and for all. I was getting tired of not be able to sleep at night. The ride from the land road to my parent’s mansion was silent. Lorenzo and I didn’t say anything as we await what George had in plan for us.

As the gate leading to the estate opened wide, the panic attack I always get anything I visit the mansion tried to surface but Lorenzo seemed to notice as he grabbed my free hand. “It’s going to be okay. Breath Giovanni,” he squeezed my hand gently.

I took a deep breath before driving into the estate.” whatever happens make sure you help melody and my daughter.” I was pleased because most times certain things happened and it the ones you least expected.

“We are all going to be fine, “Lorenzo smiled at me and I returned it. “It all going to be over soon.”

I wished

After ten minutes, of an uncomfortable ride from the gate to the mansion, we arrived at the building. I was quick to get out of the car and rushed into the mansion.

“Welcome my two lovely sons,” George rushed to us and hugged us as if he cared. I tried to push him off but he didn’t budge.

“Where is everyone?” My eyes roamed around until they finally landed on Melody whose hands and feet were tied. Uncle Benjamin was also tied up but my mother was sitting on the couch and seems to be in a good condition. I couldn’t find hope and wondered why she could be.

“I have what you want. Let’s my family go.”

“That’s very good of you son but, before we get to it, I think I should have fun with you. I need to make you suffer for wasting my time.” Before I could understand what he meant by that, two hefty-looking men rushed to me and began to punch and kick me.

“What are you doing?” I heard melody cried out. ” he has what you want so please let him go.” She begged.

“I’m having fun,” George laughed. “Blood makes me feel happy!” He declared.

“You are a bastard!” Lucas shouted, “you don’t deserve happiness.” He said.

My family was in a great conflict and I should be the one helping them but I’m getting beaten up like a wimp.

Is it going to be over????

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