The Unknown Billionaire Alpha

75、No hope

He started off, “The concept of a physically transforming from a human into a wolf or wolf-like being, is a little unbelievable.

Also consider that, especially in times past, before we had the education level and the instant access to information we enjoy in the modern world – people believed in such things because The Church said they existed and that’s where most dependable information came from.

Also, pagan religions often had witches/witch doctors and shamans, who often used hallucinogenic compounds’ peyote, marijuana and other things. This would make people highly susceptible to mass suggestion – The ancient, wizened, wrinkled woman, who has provided for the health and assured the successful hunt for the tribe for as long back as you could remember, sits by the fire and tells everyone in her quiet, crackling, voice that she shall transform into a wolf to go check out the invading white men. Then proceeds to chant and throw magic powders in the fire – then sure, enough, she morphs into a wolf and heads out into the night.

Apart from that, you can find some people who believe just about anything. Some people believe they have love affairs with extra-terrestrial aliens. Some people believe in black magic. Some people believe that the particular position of Earth at the time of birth influences their future. Some people believe that they have a different kind of self that can be detached from their body and move around freely. Some people believe they can see dead people who for some reason have clothes on. And so on, the list of ridiculous things people believe is long, and it’s possible you believe in one or more of these ridiculous things. It’s nothing special, people like to be fooled, people like to believe, people like to fantasize. Some take it more seriously than others. ….

In conclusion, its odd to see people who believe that there are humans who can change their shape if the moon is out. Seriously, it sounding ridiculous, moonlight causing major anatomical changes which are reversible is fabricated stories.” He finished and sat down. Another student stood up.

“Yes indeed they are outside of the movies. There are reports ranging from lots of different countries. These creatures we class as werewolves.

We do not know if transformations are possible, it is only that we can assume there is something more out there. If life has taught me anything so far anything is possible, no matter how strange or ridiculous. Nothing is impossible. But everything can be questioned. Humans can and do like any creature have the ability to evolve, so the idea of a wolf into a human or vice versa could be possible via a virus. And really im not talking about the movies, there are virus’s around we dont know about so why not.

The existence of man to wolf is very controversial. But werewolf like creatures do exist, for centuries they have been roaming about generally harmless. The idea of being born a werewolf this would be genetic. The werewolf gene or virus would have to completely alter dna body structure etc.

If we were to argue how body mass and that the body heat skyrocketing would make the human body basically melt. But the werewolf gene would be evolved to cope with this feature, thousands of years of evolution would have made it this way. There are many factors we could argue with the werewolf gene and virus. But another we may consider is body to. Even if the human does stay in its own form it can posses another body. Such as that of a wolf or wolf like creature. Another consideration is that these creatures are inter dimensional like bigfoot they strangely vanish out of the blue.

There are two things to consider from this they are in fact entering and exiting threw portals or they are part human. However these are only theories. If however we are looking at a unidentified creature, then i too have many questions on that. Questions like where does the creature disappear to?. It cant be a earth bound creature if its never found. Does it hide in the forest if its never found then what about when tracks are found that just disappear without explanation?. Why is there no body found?. Is it a government cover up? Its something we just may never know.” He finished and sat down.

“Yes they exist but I’m pretty sure that they live inside the full side of the moon.” A guy said from nowhere and the students started laughing.

“Nobody knows for sure! But we can pretend by getting a dog that looks kind of like a wolf, such as a husky, and get them to stand on their hind legs. Young huskies are especially playful, if somewhat over-enthusiastic and would likely make excellent and willing candidates. Boom Homemade werewolf!” Another student yelled and the laughter increasedThis belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Technically, no. But come on! Just because we’ve never seen one doesn’t mean they aren’t real? That’s what I keep telling myself, at least.” An unamused student threw.

“Okay okay.” Mike tried to silence the noise.

“I will like to hear from someone. She haven’t answered or even laughed at the jokes.” Jennifer knew he was talking about her. He turned to Jennifer and asked, “Miss Orton, what do you think? Do werewolf exist, if they do. would you Make friends with them?

Mike wanted to know how she would feel or react of he opened up to her and tell her everything. She doesn’t want to say anything but she have to talk.

“I have not seen them before but I do watch them on movies. But one thing I know is that there is nothing that cannot happen in this world we are. I’ve never met one but I’ve encountered enough weirdness to believe that anything is possible.” She was talking with a cold voice.

“Personally, I have to believe and wish they’re not real. I’m irrationally afraid of werewolves and I’m not sure I could stand to live in a world where they’re real.”

Her answer didn’t give Mike any positive hope. It was obvious to him that she would ran far away from him if he tell her the truth.

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