The Twin Brothers

Chapter 40: Blinded By Anger

“Again,” Enzo said.

A small hit was launched to the punchbag.








Liana whines, and falls to the ground. Enzo is in charge of training her fighting skill. After she is good at it, she will slowly move towards shooting skills. Enzo smirks.

“What’s wrong, little baby?” He asks.

“I’m tired. C–Can we take a break for a while?” She pouted.

“Baby. We just started 10 minutes ago. And your punch didn’t give any impact at all. I’m sorry to say this but it is too weak. Like a cute small baby fist.” Enzo cooed at her.

“B–But that’s how it is.” She sits up.

“How about we try again? This time, I will guide you on how to punch correctly.” He holds her hands and gently makes her stand up. Liana just whining. “Come on, baby. We can do this.”

Liana sighs. He standing behind her, holding her arms up. “Your position must be like this. Move your leg behind a bit too stable your body.” His warmth and veiny hands holding her waist. The other hand holds her arms. Not gonna lie, it makes the girl flustered.

She can feel his hot breath on the side other ears. Bonus for her, Enzo shirtless. His muscle makes contact with her body. It just makes her excited. “Are you even paying attention, darling?” Enzo spokes.

“Huh? Y–yeah.” She clears her throat. Enzo knows something is wrong with her. He saw the tip of her ears turn crimson. Oh. Smirks appeared on his face. His hands start to roam on her waist gently and slowly. “E–Ennie?”

“Shh. Focus, love.” Enzo kiss at the back of her neck causing her to shiver through her spine. His hands caressing her stomach. Liana couldn’t help but squirm in his hold. “What’s wrong, love?”

“Mmm…” She whines.

Out of a sudden, Enzo steps away with a smirk. “If you can focus on this type of thing, that means you can focus on that punchbag also.” He chuckles and ruffles her hair before going to the opposite way of the punchbag.

Such a tease.

She huffs in anger. It only makes her look adorable. “Aww. My cute little fighter.” Enzo pinches her cheek with a laugh.

“En, enough teasing her.” Leo spokes. He’s busy with his laptop, doing his work.

“I’m sorry. Let’s start.” He chuckles.

Liana let out a heavy sigh. She raises her boxing fist. Don’t know how it happened but the face of her loved one appeared. It only makes her fume in anger. The second after, she punches the punchbag with anger. Now, it gives impact like how Enzo wants.

The problem is, that she seems like throwing her anger out. The twin exchange look worried. Terry and Asher walk in and saw their leader punching the punch bag. Terry jaw-dropping. “Wow. She looks so scary and at the same time innocent.” He whispers. Ash scoffs.

“That’s enough, baby.” Enzo holds her wrist. “Good punch. I’m proud of you.” He praises.

“Thank you.” She said breathlessly.

“You want to try again? We will learn other methods.” He states. She nods excitedly. Looks like, thinking of her loves one makes her fire up.


She laying on the ground. The twin has some work to do so they ask her to stay there first. Now, she is in the ring, laying down. These past few days, she learned so fast. Everything is the same. Leo will tell her to jog first and build strength before going to Enzo. It just likes her routine already. She hasn’t touched the gun yet. Since Enzo said, she’s not ready for that yet.

“Do you think you will be the great leader of this clan?” Ash appeared.

Liana sits up. “W–Why do you think that?”

“Don’t you see yourself?” He gets into the ring. “You just a weak little girl. I don’t believe you are Thaver’s daughter. Even you are, you are not even a little bit like him.” Ash snaps.

“I know I–I’m not like my father. But it doesn’t give you the right to talk like that to me.” She stood up and glares at him. For the first time, she fights back.

“Thaver is a strong man. You are not. Don’t even think you will earn my respect just because you are a leader!!” Ash push her shoulder harshly with his pointing finger.

“Everyone can be a leader if they want t–to.”

“Leader wouldn’t stutter.” He chuckles.

“It’s a habit. And I–I’m fixing it.” She stomps her feet.

“R–Really?” Ash mocking her. He crosses his arms. “I know you just agreed to be the next leader because it was your father. You don’t have any guts to fight back.”

“You… You don’t know w–what I have been through.” She looks down.

“Yeah right. Now you want to use your so-called bad past on me.” He rolls his eyes.

Liana clenched her fist. Why can’t people give her strength and support her? “Trust me. None of your family members will happy with this. Having you as their weak–” Without a second thought, she kick him in the stomach.

Asher falls to the ground and the girl straddles him. A pocket knife that Enzo gave to her as protection on his neck. The sharp knife pressed on the guy’s neck. The burden in her heart makes her act out of herself.

“You don’t understand!! How much pain inside of me!!” Tears slid on her cheeks. “I’m tired. Do you think I want this? But this is the only thing my father left for me.” Her other hand clutched on his collar while the other held a knife.

“And you think you can handle this job? Don’t you see how soft you are? Besides, Sir Thaver never thought of giving you this. He wants someone else and not someone like you. You are not the only one who should handle this.” He narrows his eyes on her. His words make Liana even madder.

“People can have many s–side.” She presses the knife further into his neck.

The door opens and reveals the twin, Alfano, and Terry. Once they saw those two near killing each other, they rushed toward them. Leo pulls her up and Enzo takes the knife from her.

“What is happening here!?” Alfano asks.

“Ask the leader.” Ash taps his clothes. He wipes the blood on his neck.

“Rosie?” Al called. She is still in Leo’s arms which prevents her from moving.

“Is it true… my father d-don’t want me to be the leader?” She asks slowly.

Al glares at Ash. He wants to tell her this at the right time. Look like someone asking to be beaten. “Rosie. It not that he don’t want.” He sighs. “There’s something I want to tell you. How about you calm down first, go take a shower and fill your stomach. Then, we talk.”

Leo caressed her cheeks. “Anyway, someone wants to meet you. You don’t want that person to see you like this, right?” He said. “Calm down for us, sweetie. Anger just makes you blind. Remember that.” His soft word makes Liana realize.

Enzo grabs her hands and brings her out. Leo follows closely behind.

They close the door, Liana smartwatch starts beeping. The twins quickly look at the girl with worried. “Baby, what’s wrong!?” Enzo bends down to her height.

“I… I–I almost… kill him!?” She burst out. Her panic attack comes again. After so long, it comes back. Leo picks her up to his hip.

“Go bring food. I will calm her down.” He spokes. Enzo just nods and rushes outside.

Leo brings the girl to the bathroom and sits her down on the counter. She looks so hard to breathe as if something is stuck in her lungs. He went outside and went through her bag. Once he finds her inhaler, he rushes back to the bathroom.

“Here, little one.” He brings it to her mouth. Liana inhales it quickly. “Slowly. Calm down.” Her breath becomes stable and her smartwatch stops beeping.

Liana pulls away, “Lili, I–I almost kill h–him!!” She cried.

“Shhh. No, darling. You didn’t kill him.” He brings her into his arms.

“B–But I put the k–knife on–”

“I don’t know what happened but I’m sure you wouldn’t do that. Too innocent to do that.” Leo mumbles the last part. “The important thing is, you are just blinded by anger. There’s too much pain inside you and you wanted to let it out. You don’t have any intention of killing him.”

“I–I’m scared…”

“I know. That’s why we take it slowly. Okay?” Leo said while pulling her clothes off. He has been bath her once when she is a little space. “How about you slip into little space. It will make you feel better.” He spokes, trying hard not to look down.

She nods. The bathing session went smoothly. It is easy for her to slip into little space since her emotion not stable. She plays with the bubble once in a while and splashes the water toward Leo who soaking right now.

After a while, they have finally done. He picks her up and wrapped her in a fluffy towel. “Come on.” Leo puts her down on the bed. “I need to go to find Enzo to tell him to bring milk. You wear your clothes, okay?” He demands.

“Okay, daddy!!” She giggles.

Oh yeah. They haven’t talked about this matter. They thought they want to wait until everything settle down. Leo pats her head and went out not before locking the door. Who knows? People might get in while she on her way wearing clothes.

Liana already wearing her new clothes. It is just simple sweatpants and a big sweater. They don’t bring much stuff here. Around 10 minutes like that, the twins come back. Leo holding a tray of food with a milk bottle on it. How do they have it? Don’t know.

“Milk!!” She makes grabby hands.

“Aww, look who’s in little space right now.” Enzo picks her up and brings her to his lap. He tickles her making her laugh. “Let’s eat, little baby.” He takes the tray from Leo before putting it on the girl’s lap.

Leo sitting beside them. “No. Don’t drink your milk. Eat your food first.” He pulls away from the milk away from her.

“Okie.” She grins.

After she ate everything, Leo finally give her the bottle. She drank, laying on Enzo’s chest with heavy eyes. “Don’t fall asleep. We need to go downstairs. Someone so eager to meet you.” Enzo starts.

“Mmm. Nap. Nap.” She whines. It is true her nap time has arrived. But, someone wants to meet her.

“I’m sorry, baby. No nap for today.” Leo caressed her cheeks.

Enzo is about to say something but the door bursts open. Liana flinches and starts crying. Leo was about to scold that person but stop when saw it was their uncle Andreas. “Oh gosh…” He mumbles.

“Leo!! My sweet niece Leo!!” Andreas rushes to him and ruffles his hair.

“Yeah no. I’m not 10 years old Leo. Thank you.” Leo pushes him away.

“No need to be rude, Leo.” Andreas chuckles.

“Didn’t we tell to you wait downstairs?” Leo frowns.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I’m too excited to meet you both!!” The crying sound catches his attention. He turns his attention and saw a little girl in Enzo’s arms. He tried to calm her down. “Who is this?” He points it out.

Enzo turns the girl around. “Darliana. Aka Rosie Thaver.”

Andreas jaw-dropped. He leans forward to the adorable girl. “She really looks like her parents. Especially Thaver.” He mumbles.

“She slips into her little space for comfort. Sorry to introduce her at this state.” Enzo apologized but his baby need rest for a while.

“Are you crazy!? She looks so adorable!! People might not take her seriously if she looks so cute like this.” He jokes a little.

“We know that.” Leo rolls his eyes.

“Hello. I’m Andreas. The king.” He ruffles the girl’s hair.

“Andy?” She titled her head.

“Andy—what? You know what, never mind. Yeah, Andy.” Andreas chuckles. “Just gives her a nap. I will wait until she wakes up. We need her in her big space if we want to talk about it.” He states.

“Sure, king.” The twin nods. “Wait. Did you come alone?” Enzo frowns.

The old guy just smirks. “I’m a king. My men are everywhere. Besides, even though I’m old, I’m still the young Andreas.” He walks away while dancing like a crazy person.

Liana bursts into laughter.

“Oh gosh. Liana, love. Go to sleep.” Enzo bounced her.

“Uncle!! We trying to get her sleep!!” Leo scolds his uncle. For the first time, Leo raised his voice. Andreas just burst into laughter and close the door. Even his laugh can be heard still.

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