The Twin Brothers

Chapter 33: Claiming The Queen

Her fever getting worst. Day by day, the twin will come to her room to check her daily. Her body heat wouldn’t leave her alone. She keeps crying over her fever. Whenever she gets up, the headache will come. Sometime, her panic attack will come. They have been gone to the doctor and they said, Liana, has a bad fever.

The twin never takes their eyes off of her. They become even more possessive. Right now, she laying on her bed, breathing heavily and sweating. The doctor finishes the check-up and turns to the twin.

“She’s fine actually. But, maybe because of the stress of something or depression on something, she getting herself sick. You know emotion can get you sick.” The doctor explains.

“So, do we have to give the same medicine that you gave us?” Enzo asks.

“Yes. But… what she needs right now supports.” He went toward them and pats Enzo’s shoulder. “She needs comfort, attention, and love from people like you two. I’m sure she needs you guys more than you know.” The doctor give them one last smile and went out, escorted by the guards.

Leo sighs and sits on the bed beside his little one. “I know it is hard for you, darling. But we’re here for you. Okay?” He brushed her wet hair because of her sweating hair.

“I–I… hate this f–fever.” She cried.

“We know you do. So do us. We want to see a bright and joyful princess.” Enzo spokes sitting on the other side of the bed. “I promised you will heal in a few days.”

“I miss m–mum and dad with I–Ivan…” She bursts into tears. “Why… W–Why it must be t–them!?” Seeing her in this state, make the brother’s heartbreak. Leo brings her to his lap and makes her straddling on him. “It was m–my fault!! I–I shouldn’t have been t–their adopted family!! I shouldn’t h–have!!” She cried on his neck, gripping his shirt tightly.

“No. None of it was your fault. You know that. None of the people’s fault.” Enzo sternly spokes. “I know how to hurt it is losing someone, love. But sometimes we have to accept fate.”

Leo kisses her head. “Remember, we are always by your side. We’re sorry for not coming early.” He sighs.

“N–No. Like you said… n–none of this people f–fault.” Liana sniffed wiping her tears. She puts her little hand on Leo’s cheek while her other hand is on Enzo’s cheek. “T–Thank you.”

There’s no need explanation for what she thanked them. The twin already knows what she thank of. “Aww, baby. You don’t need to thank us. We should be the one who thanks YOU. For existing.” Enzo smiles.

Liana chuckles and leans on Leo’s chest. The medicine she ate this morning kicked in. Sleep slowly takes over her. “Is it wrong if I say I love both of you?” She mumbles before closing her eyes, going to sleep.

Meanwhile, the twins stiff hearing what she just said. For the very first time, she didn’t stutter. Even more shocked, did she just say, she love both of them? Enzo clears his throat, “That was… unexpected.”

“Really. Unexpected.” Leo agreed.

“Do I have to go to check my ears? Or do we both need it? Since we heard something that we wish we heard it but at the same time can’t believe it.” He keeps tapping his ears like an idiot.

“You look so stupid.” His brother bluntly said. “No. We don’t need an ear to check up. Don’t be an idiot. You know both of us heard it.” Leo sighs.

It is silent for a minute. Suddenly, Enzo jumps out of the bed, doing his happy dance. He keeps his voice volume down, scared if he wakes the little girl up. He jumped, punching the air and having a big smile on his face. Leo who saw it just shakes his head with a smile.

“Why does she has to sleep right now!!??” He grunts.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“Shh. You will wake her up.” Leo scolds him, slowly laying the girl in his arms on the bed. “Besides, we will talk to her about this when we got the right time,” He said.

“Oh come on!! Can’t we talk about it tomorrow morning!!??” Enzo whines.

He rolls his eyes and grabs his collar, dragging him out. “Don’t be a baby. Let’s go, we got work to do.” They went downstairs and saw two of their best friend.

“There you guys. Some–What the hell happened?” Felix frowns, seeing Leo dragging his brother towards them. “Where is Dar? Is she fine?” He asks looking behind them just in case Liana hiding behind them. There’s been a few times, Liana hiding behind them trying to joke around even in her worst fever.

“Liana say something making us excited so Enzo was trying to wake her up. He wants to talk about it just in case we misheard it.” Leo explains.

“Oh well, whatever Liana said, I’m sure it makes you guys happy.” Adam chuckles.

“You wouldn’t believe it!? Oh my gosh!! I will ask her tomorrow!! Or I will buy her favorite sweets!! Even better, I will spoil her till she doesn’t know what to do!! That will be–” Enzo got cut off by his twin.

“Chill down, big daddy. We haven’t had a serious talk about our relationship yet with Liana.” Leo said.

“Look like the queen got herself a king. More precisely, kings.” A voice makes their silence. The twins turns around and saw a guy around 30 above that. “Hello, gentlemen. Lieto di conoscerti.” The guy added. (Nice to meet you)

“Adam. Felix. Who is this guy?” Enzo’s expression changed into seriousness.

“Believe it or not, he’s Thaver’s right hand. He comes here to claim the queen, Darliana.” Felix explains. The brothers frown.

“Explain yourself.” Leo spokes.

“My name is, Alfano Graze. I’m Thaver’s right hand. I come here to fulfill my promise with Thaver. Since everyone already knows who Rosie is, we will take over this.” He said. “We need her for our clan. She needs to be there to be our capo.” He added. (Boss)

“What you trying to say?” Enzo narrows his eyes on him.

“Look. Rosie will be the next heir of our clan. I appreciate you guys protecting her with all you can. But, she is in danger state. Everyone can take advantage of her and kidnap her.” Alfano steps forwards, and sighs. “It’s not that I underestimate your ability to protect our queen but she’s the only child that Thaver has.”

“Then why now you coming? Why not the time when she was abandoned by her parents!? Why not when she is on her knees!?” Leo raises his voice.

“Thaver and his wife wouldn’t abandon their child. She’s precious to them.” The guy sternly said as if he hate it when someone misunderstand their boss and lady boss. “They have reasons why they left her alone. I didn’t come for her because it was his order. She needs to be hidden from all the bad people who wanted her. That’s why you wouldn’t see any of her information anywhere.” He explains.

“Wait. You are the one who deleted her information? Even in the hospital?” Enzo asks.

“Yes. I have been watching her from afar. I know I’m not being there when she is on her knees. But right now, everyone knows, so we want her back. I know she is the safe hand so I want to thank you for that.” Alfano bowed a little bit.

“Why did her parents leave her?” Adam joins the conversation.

Alfano sighs. “I want to tell you guys that but I need Rosie here also.”



“Her name is Darliana,” Leo said.

“Her name is Rosie. She will be our queen.” Alfano talks back.

“Hold on. Did you just say you want to take her back?” Felix asks with nervousness. Well, he loves to have Darliana’s company.

“Yes. We need her.”

“Hell, not. She staying with us. Besides, you haven’t told her about this and asked her opinion about this. You can’t just take her away from us!!” Enzo burst out.

“Look. I know you guys love her. But, you know we need her. To take over this clan.” Alfano glares at him, “You know how important is for a clan to have their leader? I hope you understand since you are the leader also.” He points out.

The living room door opens catching their attention. There she is, walking with her eyes half-open. Liana looks around with narrow eyes since it is so bright. Leo rushes to her and picks her up to his hip. “Hey, little one. You suppose to rest. Not get up from your bed.” He said.

“I–I’m hungry.” She mumbles on his neck.

Alfano smiles seeing Thaver’s child. As Liana lifted her gaze, she met with a stranger’s eyes. She frowns and tilted her head as a sign of confusion. Meanwhile, Alfano is mesmerized by this kid. She had everything from her parents. Both of their eyes, remind him of Thaver and his wife.

“W–Who is this, Leo?” She whispers.

Leo sighs, rubbing her back. “Do you mind if we wait for a while?” He asks Alfano.

“Sure. I’m Alfano Graze, my lady.” He bowed.

“I’m D–Darliana.” She smiles.

“No. You are Ro–”

“We will have lunch. Do you want to join Alfano?” Enzo stops him making the guy glaring at him.

“I would love to.” He harshly said.

Liana who notices the tensions between the two decides to ask Leo. “Are they okay? T–They look… tense.” She whispered.

“They’re okay. They just… well… have a little argument.” He shrugs his shoulder. “Now. What do you want for lunch? Everything is already prepared. Just need you to choose.” He brings the girl to the kitchen leaving those two behind.

“I–I love spaghetti. You know t–that.” Liana grins.

“I am.” He smirks.

The lunch was silent. None of them talk. Adam and Felix wish they could escape from this tension. They just carry out their duties. Liana who stuffing herself with spaghetti keeps looking at Enzo, Alfano, and Leo. Three of them seem like holding something or hiding something. She leans back on her chair and crosses her arms.

“What’s g–going on here?” She asks.

“What?” Leo acts dumb.

The girl raised her one eyebrow with the look ‘I’m serious’ look. He sighs and nudges Enzo to talk since he doesn’t want. He is rather silent and speaks when he needs to.

“Great. It’s always me.” Enzo mumbles. He puts down his utensils and focuses on the girl. “Baby, do you remember the time when we ask you about Rosie Thaver?” She nods. “Well, you know you are Rosie, the daughter of Thaver. Your real parents.”

Real parents?

That mean, the picture of the man she stole from Enzo’s office, is her father? No wonder why it feels familiar and connected. But they also dead and abandoned her.

“You are Rosie Thaver. That’s the reason why I come here. To get our queen back. The next heir of our clan.” Alfano spokes.

“N–Next heir? You mean… Thaver, m–my father want me to b–be the next l–leader?” She frowns.

“Yes. We know this is sudden but everyone already knows who is Rosie and where she is. It will be dangerous for you.” He continues.

“BUT!!” Enzo presses the word. “… You can choose whether to be or not to be one. It’s one of the rules. It supposes to be the man to take over. If it was a girl, she can choose to be one or not. You have the right to reject.” He said.

“Before you make your decision, please think wisely.” Alfano immediately spoke and glares at Enzo before turning to her back. “We need you there, Rosie. Your father counts on you to take over the clan.”

Liana clenched her fist under the table. “My p–parents… you close with them?”

“Like family. I’m your father’s right hand. The time where he left you, he ask me to protect you. I watch you from afar and deleted everything about you even in the hospital. So that, none of your father’s enemies can find you. This whole time, we try to hide you. But, it seems like fate didn’t let us.” He sighs and leans forward.

“W–Why he left me then? Abandoned me?”

“Your parents didn’t leave you for fun. You have to understand.” Alfano sternly said. “They did that because of that time… they are being chased.”

He looks behind and saw those men still struggling to find them. “We need a place to hide.” His eyes fell on his daughter.

They get in the alleyway. Her wife stops when he stops her. “… drop her here.” He whispers.

“W–What?” She frowns.

“We can’t bring her along, honey. She’s not safe with us.” He holds her shoulder. For people who haven’t known him, they wouldn’t see the pain and sadness in his eyes.

“N-No!! We can’t leave her here!!” She holds her daughter tightly. “She needs us, we need her. It’s dangerous to leave her here!!” Her tears dripped from her cheeks.

Her husband grabs her face, “It’s more dangerous if they got her! You want them got her!? He yells. That’s when it hit her. She slowly looks at her daughter who sleeping soundly. She doesn’t deserve this, she deserves to be in the lovely world and not this cruel world.

“Love…” He caresses the wife’s cheeks, “I know this is tough. For her sake. I know someone… someone will take care of her and treat her like how she deserved.”

The statements only make her cry. What he said was true. She slowly put her daughter in one box, “I’m sorry, sweetie. Me and your daddy sorry for not growing with you.” Tears dropped on the baby-soft cheeks.

“But we’re promised we will look after you from afar. Remember…” He and his wife smile. “… We always love you, Rosie. ” They slowly get up and runs.

Thaver make a call, “Alfano. Delete all the information about my daughter. Don’t leave anything about her even her birth certificate.” He said.

“Thaver, where the fuck are you!? We are on our way right now!!” Alfano yells.

“NO!!” He yells back. They stole one of the unlocked cars and get in. Shots were fired at their car. Thaver didn’t waste their time but pressed the gas and drove. “Listen here, Al. I want you to take care of my princess. I drop her somewhere and I can’t tell you where. Just please, once you found her, watch her from afar and make her stay away from all of this.” Tears already sliding down his face.

“Thav, please, don’t do anything dumb. We will come for you–”

“Thank you for always being there for us, Al. We really appreciate everything you did.” He chuckles sadly. “Sadly, it is time for me to retire with my wife.” He turns to his wife who already crying but smiling sadly.

Alfano already panic when heard he him say that. “DON’T BE STUPID, THAVER!!”

“Tell our little princess that we love her very much. Daddy and mommy plan a lot to spend our time with her. Playing at the playground, having tea time, being the real princess, dressing up, and anything else. Daddy and mommy love her so much.” Thaver cried along with his wife.

The car sped up and jump straight to the river.

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