The Twin Brothers

Chapter 23: Their Princess

“I want you to meet our girl. Let’s go.” Enzo spokes.

The two-person look at their boss in shock. Did they misheard or something? Their boss never brings any women here nor their one-night stand. Without any words, they follow the twin.

“She is a shy person and has social anxiety. So, go slowly on her.” He warns.

“Not going to be rude, capo. But why we should know her?” Cara asks in curiosity.

“Because she will be here always.” Enzo answers.

As they are on their way downstairs, they could hear laughter fill the house. They open the door to the living room and saw all their men dancing as if they were at a royalty ball.

“Okay. This is weird.” Kelvin mutters.

Who wouldn’t? Seeing intimidating men dancing so royalty is surprising. Leo and Enzo look around and found their little girl in the middle. She giggled playing with their men. Some men twirled her around, picked her up, and bowed to her like a princess.

“Want a dance, princess?” One man bowed and asks.

“Sure.” She giggles. Since when was she wearing snow-white clothes? The men around her can’t help but melt in her cuteness act. She looks like a baby there since shes’ the smallest.

“They sure having fun.” Leo chuckles.

“Yeah. Look like there’s no problem leaving her here.” His brother agreed. But something off. She giggled, acting weird. “Is it only me or Liana slipping into her toddler space?”

Leo sees her asking one guy to pick her up. “Yup. She is.”

Enzo goes to turn off the music causing everyone attention to him. All men stood straight, putting their serious and intimidating faces. Cara who saw it, bursts into laughter. How can one little girl make these men follow what she wants?

“What’s going on here?” Enzo crosses his arms.

The room was silent, only filled with Liana’s giggling and playing with the guy necktie who holding her right now. “No one answer? No one gonna explain why you guys dancing like Disney type of dance?” He asks.

“W–We just… uhh… playing with the princess, sir.” Another guy answers.

Leo chuckles and steps forward. “It’s fine. Look like you have so much fun, little one.” He cooed at her from far. “Are you in toddler space, darling?” He asks again.

Liana didn’t answer but nibbled on the guy’s necktie. That guy didn’t mind. They really enjoy her company. “You guys just like a babysitter.” Cara laughs.

“We enjoy it though.” They chuckle.

“Enough. Kelvin, Cara. This is Darliana. She is our girl.” Enzo walks toward the guy who’s holding her. “I expect you guys to give her the same treatment.” He stroked the girl’s hair.

“Are you kidding me, sir? Of course, we will treat her better!! Look at her!? Who can hurt that cute little face!!” She squealed brightly, shaking Kelvin vigorously. Kelvin grunts and pushes her away.

“So this is her?” He asks as he pats his arms.

“Yes.” Enzo nods. He turns to her, “She has little space problem. But not in baby age but in toddler age. So, please understand her.”

It back to silence. Cara was busy squealing over the little girl, Kelvin was still curious and the other men were eager to continue to play with Liana. She taps Enzo’s shoulder, pointing at Cara and Kelvin.

“That’s Cara and that is Kelvin, baby.” He answers.

“Want to play?” She raises her hand.

“HELL YEAH!!!” Cara yells.


Liana fell asleep on the couch with a soft blanket and bunbun in her arms. Their men keep sneaking to take pictures of her and cooing over her. They have been warning not to make any sound. Leo looks outside.

“It getting dark. Look like we have to sleep for tonight.” He spokes.

“YES!!!” Their men cheer in happiness but soon faded when saw a glare from their boss. Liana move a bit in her sleep.

“Look like she has a lot of fanboys.” Cara chuckles.

The twin smiles. They feel glad the others like her. If not, they have to face them. Then, the door opens and reveals the person they have been waiting for. Matthias looks over at the girl and smiles.

“Such a soft scene to watch.” He states.

“Take a seat, Mat,” Enzo said. The guy sits across those twins. “Mat, we got the news. Bad news and good news. Before that, we’re sorry for calling you tonight.” He apologized.

“It’s fine. You save me from my troublemaker son. He getting on my nerve.” The man chuckles.

“Great. The good news is, that my hacker already contacted the doctor. The blood sample has Thaver’s DNA. They found one person with who same DNA as her–” Enzo got cut off.

“That’s great!! Where is she now!?” Matthias asks.

“That’s the problem. We can’t find her yet. Thaver’s personal doctor said Thaver didn’t let her make any document about Rosie.” He answers.

“How about the person who has the same DNA as her?” Mat frowns. “Can’t we check whether it was her or not? Or the hospital didn’t let you?”

“They let us. But none of them remember that person. The document didn’t say much but only said she is under her foster parent’s name. There’s no name in it nor anything that can help us. As if… someone did it.” Leo turns to answer. He leans his back. “We know she might be in an orphanage.”

“Do you guys know the foster parent’s name?” Mat asks again.

“They say the document vanished from their system. They just remember it under her foster parent’s name. It’s weird for the hospital system to be deleted just like that without them knowing.” Enzo sighs.

Matthias rubbed his face. He couldn’t believe finding someone’s lost daughter is hard like this. But, at least they are getting closer. He sighs before talking, “Thaver really doesn’t want anyone hurting his daughter until he vanished everything about her daughter.”

“A lot of people want Thaver’s throne. You know that.” Leo stood up and walks toward the little girl. “Being one of the members of the round table is a bless for them.” He kneels in front of Liana, running his finger in her hair.

“Give me the update about this net time.” Matthias reminds. The twin just nods. “So, the bad news?” He arches his eyebrows.

“There’s a rat in your house.” Enzo clenched his fist.

“My house doesn’t have rat–”

“Not an actual rat, Mat. There’s a spy in your house.” He corrects his sentence.

Matthias frowns. Knowing all his men are loyal and trustworthy. Hate to say it but including his son. “Are you sure it was my men? How do you know about this?” He throws the question.

“Damien call me and he did say something about Thaver’s daughter. He knows it is not ‘he’. It was ‘her’. No one told him that unless your men since we keep talking about it at your place.” Enzo explains.

His explanation makes sense to Matthias. He messages his temple. “I’m sorry about that. In the future, we will have a meeting at your place. I will find that rat.” His expression becomes stern. He hates it when it comes to betrayal. Especially his men.

Enzo just gives him a nod.

Suddenly, Liana woke up from her short sleep. She rubbed her eyes and saw Matthias. Since she is still in her toddler space, she still feels energetic. The guards around them were ready to play with her.

“Papa Mat!!!” She waved excitedly.

“Hey, sweetie. Nice sleep?” Matthias chuckles.

She nods vigorously. She was still in her snow-white dress. Before Leo could pick her up, she rush towards their men. “Let’s play!! Let’s go!!” She held one of the men’s hands while jumping. They pick her up and play with her.

“You got a lot of babysitters.” Matthias laughs.

“I can’t believe my men can be that soft.” Enzo sighs.

The next morning, the twins send Liana off to her apartment. She enjoys her time with their men. Even though they look intimidating, they still play with her until late at night. Leo and Enzo have to stop them with all they can.

But she still remembers in her sleep, they talking about Thaver again. Liana laying on her bed, thinking about Rosie Thaver’s name. And she also an orphanage. Liana takes Thaver’s picture that she takes from Enzo’s file.

“There’s something about this old man that makes me curious and interested in their problem.” She mumbles to herself. The eyes of that man were green. Beautiful green. Same with her left eye.

Suddenly, her phone rang. She picks it up. “Hello?” She called.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

“Hey, sweetie.” Her mother answered.

“Mum. How are you doing?” Liana sits up and dropped the picture.

“I’m fine, sweetie.” Her mother paused for a while before continuing. “I’m… I’m sorry for the incident during dinner, sweetie. I really am. I shouldn’t have invited aunt Tailor.” She sounds guilty.

“It’s okay, mum. It was your sister so who am I to stop you. I just… adopted member.” She chuckles.

“No. You are our family too!! My daughter.” Her mother firmly said. “You adopted or not, you are still our family. Remember that. If we don’t love you, we wouldn’t take care of you till now, sweetie.”

“Mum. Sometimes, I’m thinking what aunt Tailor said. She’s right though. I’m adopted. I just… someone who just overlaps love and place.” Liana felt tears form in her eyes.

“Sweetie. Please. You didn’t overlap anything. You got our love naturally. If you don’t think so, then why was Ivan excited when found you? He should have left you in an orphanage and walked away.” Her mother already crying.

Found her?

She frowns, “Mum. Ivan found me?”

“Yes. He found you in one box and bring you to my orphanage. Since then, I’m really happy I have another child. We really love you. You are something precious, sweetie.” She states. While her mother crying, Liana thought about what she just said.

She is found by her stepbrother. “Mum, where did he find me?”

“Not far from my orphanage. In the alley of 21 street. Why, sweetie?” Her mother already wiping her tears.

“Nothing. Mum, I have to go. I got…. something to do.” Liana gets up, taking her bag and jacket. “I will call you later.”

“Okay, sweetie. Take care and stop things like that again, okay?” The woman said.

Liana just reply with hummed and said goodbye not before saying ‘I love you to her mother. She locks her apartment door and goes to where Ivan found her.


Damien looks at Thaver’s information. He couldn’t believe his child is a girl. That just makes it easy for her. Girls can’t handle any mafia business so he has a reason. But the problem is, the twin. Matthias hand it over to them. If Thaver’s daughter agreed with it, everything ends for him.

He has to handle the twins first. Even if it will end his life

“A penny for your thought?” A guy asks.

“What do you want, boy.” Damien grunts.

“Woah. No need to be grumpy. You don’t want to lose the only guy you can rely on right now, right?” He chuckles and takes a seat in front of him.

Damien looks at him. “I can shoot you right now. If you don’t bring any good news right now.” He bring his gun out and twirled it in his hand. “Speak.”

The guy in front of him just has a blank look. He knows Damien wouldn’t dare shoot him for some reason. His lips slowly turn into a smirk. “Are you going to end the twin’s life?”

“Not sure. You know how good they are. If not, they wouldn’t be in the round table.” Damien rolls his eyes.

“While you’re not. That’s why you want Thaver’s clan.” The guy bursts into laughter.

His words only make Damien fill with anger. He aims the gun at his forehead. “I don’t have the mood to handle your joke, boy. Better tell me why you come here before you become a dead body.” He gritted his teeth.

“We both know you can’t do that.” He chuckles. “But fine I will tell you. The twins got something new in their life. Don’t you want to know?”


“It was a girl.” The guy said.

“I don’t have fucking time to with a cagna.” He growls. (bitch)

“Cagna? Dude, she’s not a cagna. She was something else to the twin. Something precious to them.” The guy said.

Something precious? Damien slowly lower his gun, “The twins got a girl for themselves? That was new, huh?” He scoffs.

“Her name is Darliana. She’s adopted by Jerry’s family. I don’t know but maybe your brain has something else to plan once I told you this.” The guy stood up. “But be careful. That girl got power over those twins.”

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