The Stained Omega

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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 109.


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“How many warriors do we have and how quickly can we get them ready for a full attack?” A burp leaves me as I try to stop the room from spinning. I'll admit that at this point I'm mostly full of Jameson.

“I think you should sleep on that plan.” Rowan says as he drops himself in the chair across from me, I don’t miss the way he eyes the bottle I'm holding. “No glass?” He nods at the bottle, I gave up and just started drinking from the bottle.

“It was just holding me back, now the warriors, how many do we have?” I start mentally calculating but I lose track quickly.

“We have twelve including Ben. I really think you should reconsider a full attack though, The Elder's warriors are legendary, our guys are good but they aren't that good.” I sag in my chair as Rowan tries to be my voice of reason, lifting the bottle I take a deep drink, the burn in my throat is barely noticeable.

“I thought she would be back by now, it's been three weeks and all I know is that the Council meeting will be some time next week.” It feels like I have this pit inside of me that keeps getting bigger each time day goes by without a phone call from Eva or The Elder's I figured she would be gone for a day maybe two but now it's been weeks and I'm seriously regretting not putting more of a fight up.

“These things can take time, have you called Darryl for advice?” I shake my head, how am I meant to call Darryl and tell him I lost my mate to The Elders.

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 109

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“What if they have already killed her and just haven't told us.” Rowan leans across the desk and grabs the bottle out of my hand.

“That's enough of that, if you're so drunk you don't even know if your mate is alive then you've had enough.” I growl at him as he stands with my bottle and heads for the door, “if she was gone you would feel it and sober Cas would know that.” He slams the office door behind him leaving me alone, swaying on the chair surrounded by silence.

“So this is us now? We just get drunk and wait, so much for being an Alpha. I groan as I slide my chair back and slam my head onto my desk. Storm has been saying the same thing for three weeks, all he does now is torment me and bring up my failures as an Alpha.

“What do you suggest? We take what's left of our Pack and attack The Elders?"

Closing my eyes I try to make the room stop spinning but all it does is make me feel even more nauseous.

“How about you pick up your pride and call for help, you can't be the only Alpha who has been in this situation.“ Not wanting to deal with Storm and his suggestion I push him away as I feel myself falling asleep.

THe sound of my phone ringing sounds like a damn jack hammer in my head, I must have fallen asleep because Storm is finally quiet and the room has stopped spinning.

“What?” I growl into the phone without lifting my head from the desk, moving seems like way too much effort right now.

“How many bottles in, are you?” At first I don't recognise the voice being all judgmental over the phone.

“Who is this?” I sit up and have to place a hand on the desk to stop


His Rogue Omega: Chapter 109

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myself from falling from my chair.

“So several bottles in then, you need to sober up if you want to get Eva back.”

Pulling the phone from my ear I check the name on the screen to make sure my ears aren't lying to me.

“I thought you had your own shit to deal with Darryl.” I can’t keep the annoyance out of my voice, I've called him multiple times but haven't been able to get past his Beta, Lewis.

“I am but I have some time to talk to you now or do I need to come round and dunk you in the shower like we did with Fraction?” Darryl's deep laugh down the phone does nothing for my mood.

“I really don't give a shit what you do.” I know I'm being a dick but right now I couldn't care less, “unless you have my mate or know how I can get her back then I really don’t care what you have to say.”

Slamming the phone into the desk I disconnect the call, right now I just can't be bothered especially if all he's going to do is make smart ass remarks.

“He's going to be pissed." I growl at Storm, it seems everyone wants to get on my last nerve today.

“Ask me if I care. Yawning, I close my eyes getting ready for another nap when my office door flies open.

“You hang up on me boy?” I sit up in my chair so quickly that I slide off the side and land on my ass. Darryl suddenly appearing in my office has me confused, I can't understand where the hell he came from.NôvelDrama.Org content.

“What the hell?” I ask as I rub my chin where it smacked ofl my desk, he doesn’t answer me, instead he storms towards me with a scowl hidden behind his ever growing beard. I barely have time to react when he grabs two fistfuls of my shirt, drags me off the floor and pins me to

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with your shit.” I growl at him as he shouts at me, little specks of spittal landing on my cheek. His brown eyes are blazing with a tinge of yellow showing me how close to the edge

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his wolf is. “Don’t you dare growl at me. I raised you with more respect than this. Want to drink yourself into


a hole then go ahead but don't be surprised when you look in the mirror

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and see Carlos staring back at you!” I feel my shoulders sag as he


compares me to my father, he's not wrong this is exactly how my father spent his days.

“Let me go.” I try to push him off me but I have zero energy so he barely moves. I try again but he just tightens his hands in my shirt and slams me back into the wall.

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Your mate is gone, she’s carrying your pup and you are in here getting ,

drunk off your ass. You're lucky you have a good Beta or you would lose

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your Pack too.” Looking past Darryl's rage filled face I see Rowan and Heath standing in the lounge beyond my office. Both look like they want to intervene but neither make a move towards Darryl, I guess neither of them want to get between two

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“Fine, you've made your point. Let me go.” I push at his hands again but he just shakes me making me bang my head off the wall.


Shower, brush your damn teeth and then get your ass out here. You have

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ten minutes. I'm waiting.” He holds my eyes for a second longer before quite literally flinging me to the side, I land on my ass but thanks to the way

) . p he's looking at me I don't hang around. Scrambling from the floor I dash to my room, keeping my eyes on the floor 1 avoid looking at my Beta and Head Warrior. I feel completely ashamed that Darryl has had to come out here to kick my ass into gear.

“Can't believe you let Darryl kick your ass. I wobble under the warm

1200 Vouchers water of the shower as Storm berates me, “we are Alpha it's time you started acting like one!’ I nod my head at him as I let the water wash down my back.

“You're right, I need to get Eva back." I can't help but feel like I've let Eva down as well as my wolf and Darryl, “I can't believe Darryl came out here.

“Neither can I. his wolf is in some serious turmoil. I don’t know what's going on with him but it's serious.’ I step from the shower and wrap myself in a white towel, noticing Eva’s toothbrush on the bench I get a lump in my throat.

I've abandoned her,’ I pick up her bamboo eco—friendly toothbrush and lift it to my nose, all I can smell is peppermint and a subtle scent that is all Eva.

“Then make it right. Looking in the mirror I see my eyes flash to yellow as Storm makes himself known, nodding my head at him I start to brush my teeth so I can go out and discuss how to get Eva back.

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