The Stained Omega

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Chatper 256

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 89.

✯ Cas✩


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“It’s not that difficult, just knock on the door and ask.” I roll my eyes at Fraction as we stand in the

overly cute garden, I don’t know what Eva did to this place when she was here but the garden looks

nicer than it ever did.

“Why don’t you ask him if it’s not that difficult?” I side eye Fraction and almost laugh at the look of

horror that comes over his face.

“I said that it wasn’t difficult, not that I would do it.” He sounds exactly how I feel, with the lack of

warriors and it looking like we are facing a group of rogues, we came to the conclusion that it only

makes sense to ask the third Alpha in the area for help. It takes everything I have to raise my fist and

knock on the door, it takes even more to stand there and wait for the door to be opened.

“I expected you a few days ago,” Eric’s smug face makes me want to turn around and walk away but I

know I need him to help us get Eva and Heath back.

“Well I’m here now,” I don’t wait for him to invite us in, instead I just walk into the home forcing him to

jump to the side to allow me and Fraction to walk into the small lounge. “Where’s Sophie?” I ask him as

I take a seat on the sofa, I quickly change my mind and jump up to lean against the bookcase instead.

Fraction chuckles as he takes a kitchen table making it look like doll house furniture.

“At school, where else would she be at ten in the morning on

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Wednesday?” Eric sounds confused that I would even ask. Honestly, I forgot Sophie even went to

school, I guess it was because her mother. never allowed her to go.

“Any news on Lisa and where she took the twins?” I’m avoiding his eyes as as he walks further into the

lounge and drops onto the sofa, the room feels suffocating with three big Alpha’s in it.

“You really want to talk about that waste of space or do you want to ask me for my help in getting Eva

and Heath back? I assume that’s why you’re here?” Eric doesn’t sound even annoyed as he leans back

and spreads his arm along the sofa, I expected him to outright refuse not to bring the topic up himself.

“We think they might be at a small dive bar my mother used to

frequent.” I nod at Fraction who gets up and brings me the map Rowan dug out in the early hours of the

morning, he opens it up and spreads it on the dark wood coffee table. “It’s on a dead end road and

surrounded by woods.” I point to the spot on the map and Eric leans forward to look at where I’m


“And being nine warriors down you don’t have the bodies for a frontal attack?” I just nod my head, Eric

already knows the Pack is weakened but it doesn’t make it any easier to admit. “And you need a rogue

to walk in there?”

“Not exactly.” I swallow as I crouch down and point at the road leading to the bar, “one way in and one

way out. I want to do a stealth attack, in the middle of the night while they are sleeping. Take them all

out in one go, if we go in at night then it will give them less of a heads up to hurt Eva or Heath.” Eric is

nodding his head as he follows the line of my finger on the map.

“So why do you need me?” He looks to me and then to Fraction as if not understanding what I need

from him.




His Rogue Omega Chapter 89.

288 Vouchers NôvelDrama.Org © content.

“I need you alongside me, us.” I hold his hazel eyes as I do the one thing an Alpha never does, admits

that he needs help, not only am I doing it but I’m doing it in front of two Alpha’s.

“On one condition.” I stand up and cross my arms over my chest as I wait for Eric to ask for something I

can’t give, “I need to get back to Texas, The Elders are on my as s about it but I won’t leave my only.

family behind. I want you to release Sophie from the Pack so I can take her back with me.” Of all the

things I thought he would ask I didn’t think it would be that.

“Does she want to go?” I look at Fraction as he asks the question before

I do.

“She does, she knows her mother isn’t coming back and even if she did, she’s not exactly the nicest

woman.” Eric answers quickly, I don’t know Lisa well but from what little I’ve learned of the woman I

can’t see her as a mother.

“I’ll need to talk to Sophie, make sure it’s what she wants but yeah, if she wants it, I’ll release her from

Everfur.” I’m not in a position to argue that her staying here is a good idea when it would be splitting her

up from family, not when I’m asking him to help me get my family back.

“When do we leave?” Fraction starts to wrap up the map as I give Eric my phone number, I tell him the

plan to meet at the Pack house at nightfall before quickly leaving the cottage. Once I’m standing

outside I just stand there and look up at the sunny sky.

‘Only a few more hours.’ I can feel Storm whispering to

me, he’s certain Eva and Heath are at the bar but I have my doubts. I have this gut feeling that I’ve lost

her and I won’t find her again.

“Alpha Cas?” I’m drawn out of my day dreaming by a female voice,

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