The Stained Omega

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Chatper 247

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 80.


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“I’ve told the Pack members that the gathering will be tomorrow at sundown in the clearing, they are

aware that they will be running to honour the memory of the fallen but also that it’s a celebration.” I

smile at Rowan as Cas pulls me further onto his lap, I’m being punished for going to the cottage but I

can’t say I hate it.

“And people are onboard with it?” I understand Cas’s worry, he wants to honour the fallen warriors but

he also wants to introduce me to the Pack as Luna, even though I think we should split the two things.

“Maybe we should hold off on introducing me?” Cas grips my hip tighter and Rowan shakes his head.

“We can’t Angel, it’s in the bylaws, we need to introduce you within a month of you becoming my mate

and thanks to my injuries tomorrow is the last chance we have.” I drop my shoulders in defeat, I can’t

say I‘ m excited about being in front of the Pack again. “Tell me what’s going on in the Pack, don’t

spare any details.” Rowan looks at me and then back to Cas, he’s right to be confused, normally I’m

not involved with the Alpha and Beta chats.

“With Eva here? No disrespect intended, Luna.” I wave my hand at hist apology, I understand why he

would ask, some things are private and I don’t need to know them.

“Eva knows why she is here, maybe next time she will listen to me.” I shift uncomfortably as I feel Cas

growing hard under my ass, I can’t believe he’s getting turned on with Rowan in the room. However, it

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 80

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does seem like even a gentle breeze gets him going since his injuries, I guess it’s almost three weeks

of no release catching up to him.

“Alright then, shall we start with the harvest?” Rowan pulls out his notepad and I groan, looking at the

clock I see it’s just gone two in the afternoon, surely these meetings can’t go on for too long.

“And Elle Prescott is coming down at five to talk to you, she was the mate of Dean, he passed in the

clearing.” I yawn without meaning to, two hours they have been talking and honestly it’s been the most

boring thing I have ever sat through.

“Why is she coming to see me?” Cas pinches my arm making me jump, I don’t miss his little chuckle,

“just checking your still with us Angel.”

“What and miss all of this riveting conversation?” My sarcasm must be clear because both men burst

out laughing.

“I think she’s wanting permission to leave Everfur to go back to her birth Pack, without Dean here she

doesn’t really have anyone.” Rowan sounds sad to be losing one of our Pack members but I can

understand this woman not wanting to be here anymore if her mate died.

“Is that normal? For someone to ask permission before they leave?” I know I’m showing my little

understanding in terms of the Pack but I can’t keep myself from asking the question.

“Yeah Angel, it’s seen as disrespectful if you leave without permission and her birth Pack could reject

her due to it.” I raise my eyebrows in surprise and look at Cas, his face is set in a frown which shows

his unhappiness at having a Pack member leave.

“That’s it for me, I’ll let you guys be because Elle should be here anytime soon.” Rowan jumps up from

his chair and all but flees from the room. I can’t help but watch after him wishing I could leave too.

His Rogue Omega Chapter 80

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“You don’t need me here for Elle, it’s probably going to be really sad and she might want it to be

private.” I make my voice small so it sounds like I’m just being sympathetic with the female and not that

I just want out of this tiny office.

“Nice try Angel, I think having you here will be good for Elle actually. Another female might make it less

daunting for her.” I lean my head against his shoulder resigned in my fate, Cas decides that is the

moment he’s going to start placing kisses on my neck. “And if you behave once she’s gone, I’ll fuck you

over the desk.” I press my thighs together at the idea of having Cas back inside of me. I know I was

mad at him before but now I’ve slept and actually thought about my feelings, I realise I was more

worried than actually mad.

The soft knock to the office door cuts off any reply I have for Cas, he places one last kiss below my ear

before sitting us both up straighter.

“Enter.” He calls out in a very authoritative tone, I’ve noticed he has a different tone of voice for the

Pack than he does with Rowan or even with me.

“I’m sorry to bother you Alpha, oh and Luna.” A small blonde haired woman enters the office, she’s

wearing a simple black dress and her hair is tied back in a tight bun. Her hazel eyes are red and sore

looking, almost like she’s been crying for days.

“Elle, take a seat.” I notice Cas speaks to her like he knows her, however I don’t think he was aware of

her until a few minutes ago, “I’m sorry about Dean.”

“Thank you Alpha, that means a lot. I’m happy to see you have mended and are feeling better, I was

worried about you when I heard what happened.” She flicks her red eyes to me and I understand, she

means she was worried about me and how I would be after I lost my mate.


His Rogue Omega Chapte

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“I can’t imagine the pain of losing a mate.” Cas grips me tighter in his lap as Elle just nods her head a


“Dean died the way he would have wanted. I take comfort in that. He always said that the warriors were

his family. I know he was proud to serve you Alpha and to die protecting the Pack is how he would

have wanted to go.” I can hear the truth in her words, she doesn’t blame Cas or me for her mates

death. she’s just devastated that it happened. “I’d like permission to go back to my birth Pack. I have no

family here and only came because of Dean. I want to be with my family to grieve my loss.” She dabs

at her eyes with a white hanky I hadn’t noticed she was holding

“Are you sure that’s what you want? Where is your birth Pack based?” Elle nods her head at Cas. I

notice him move the trackpad on his laptop and pull up his emails. I see a list of Alpha names and Pack


“Blue Moon Pack, based in south Alaska.” Cas raises an eyebrow at her. “yeah I know. why leave

Alaska right?”

“It’s beautiful up there, a wolf’s wet dream. Then again. I get it, I’d follow my mate anywhere too.” Cas

places a kiss on my shoulder before scrolling through the list on his screen, “what’s the Alpha called at

Blue Moon again?” I can see he is hovering over the name and telephone number for him, I don’t

understand why he’s asking if he already knows

“It was Alpha Drake when I left but I believe his son took over last year so it’s now Alpha Logan. I

spoke to his Beta yesterday. Ben said that they are in Canada next week and if I can fly over they can

meet me at the airport” Cas nods his head and I see both Logan and Ben on the little spreadsheet,

whatever Cas was after he’s clearly got it because he smiles at Elle

“I give you permission to go back to your birth Pack pending my phone

His Rogue Omega Chapter 80

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call with Blue Moon’s Alpha. As long as it all goes well I will have Heath take you to the airport so that

someone can meet you at the other side.” Elle just nods her head and gives us both a sad smile.

“I’m sorry I’m leaving. I have a feeling Everfur is really going to be a great Pack. Maybe I’ll even come

back and visit one day” Elle stands. from the chair and holds out a hand to Cas, who shakes it quickly,

she turns to me and bows her head. “I wish you all the best Luna. I truly do.” She sweeps from the

office taking her air of sadness with her, I get the impression that she’s going to carry that grief around From NôvelDrama.Org.

with her for a long time.

“Angel. I know I promised you a special fuck over the desk but I really should call Alpha Logan and

confirm these details.” I nod my head in understanding. he’s dismissing me from the office.

“How about I shower and meet you in the bedroom?” Cas smiles at me as I stand from his lap for the

first time in hours.

“I don’t know how long I’ll be.” Cas looks sad as I blow him a kiss and start to walk from the office

“Don’t worry, Selena ordered me something to keep me occupied while you were injured. It’s proved

very useful,” I run from the office as his growl starts to echo off the walls. I can’t help but keep the

teasing laugh from escaping my mouth. I love this fun side to Cas, I’ll have to remember to draw it out

of him more often.

“If it’s bigger than me we are going to have problems.” I close the bedroom door on Cas’s shouting and

head for the bathroom, something tells me I’m going to regret teasing him but it’s so much fun.

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