The Stained Omega

Chatper 209

Chatper 209

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 42.


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Waking up surrounded by Ca s’s scent confuses my brain for a second, pushing my face deeper into

the pillow, I can smell him like he was just here. It’s intoxicating, it’s actually scary how quickly I’m

becoming addicted to this man’s scent.

‘Stu pid girl.’ I roll my eyes at Ghost as I enjoy the scent of Cas, something about him just calms me. All

I need is his scent and this raging turmoil inside of me just simmers until it’s almost gone. I can almost

pretend I’m a normal girl laid in the bed of a man she sort of likes.

‘You’re really grumpy in the morning.’ I complain as I stretch and yawn, the bones in my legs and arms

scream after being laid down for so long. ‘I don’t think I’ve slept that well or that deeply in forever.’

‘You’re meant to be putting distance between you and Cas not pawing all over him in the night.’ I roll

my eyes and sit up in bed, I sort of expect the bathroom door to be closed telling me Cas is inside but

it’s open and the light is off.

“Cas?” I shout loudly in case he’s in the office next door, I’m not sure if he will hear me but it’s worth a


‘He left.’ I don’t know why but that kind of annoys me, it’s not like I open myself up easily and sleeping

in the same bed is kind of a big deal to me.

“When did he leave?’ Ghost just shrugs her shoulders refusing to tell






His Roque Omega: Chapter 42

288 Vouchers

me anything, sighing I climb from the bed intending to get dressed and go hunting for Cas.

‘Or we could go and shift and get the hell out of here before they put a collar on us and teach us to sit

or some sh it.’ I can’t help the laugh that leaves my mouth, I don’t understand Ghost’s distaste of

Packs. Other than Alpha Fraction banishing me I’ve not actually seen them do anything bad, Cas

particularly seems rather in touch with rogues and how they are.

“This Pack isn’t so bad, look at Eric.’ I remind Ghost of the rogue leaving just outside of the Pack land

as I pull on some clean red panties and a pair of leggings. ‘He lives just outside of the Pack and they

aren’t hunting him and me, they didn’t exactly drag me here and lock me up.’ I expect Ghost to come

back with some witty response but she’s still silent by the time I pull my t-shirt on and slide my feet into

some flip-flops.

Heading for the lounge I decide to check Ca s’s office to see if he’s in there before I venture up into the

Pack house. It’s not that I’m scared to go up there anymore, there are just so many of the Pack I

haven’t met yet and the unknown fills me with nerves. I’m really confused when the office door opens

but Cas isn’t inside, I’ve seen and heard him lock this door so many times, I don’t know why it would be

unlocked now.

‘Might as well have a look around while you’re here.’ My first instinct

to dismiss Ghost but my name on a piece of paper has me intrigued enough to walk into the office and

close the door behind me. The entire room smells like him and for a second I just stand there with my

eyes closed and enjoy the smell.

‘I’m not snooping.’ I tell Ghost as I sit down in Ca s’s oversized chair and pull it towards the large oak

desk that he sits behind to do his many Alpha duties. The whiskey glass has a couple drops of amber




14:46 m)

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 42.

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liquid in it and the laptop is still open and powered up. The desk is littered in note pads, coins and

empty plates. I’m actually surprised he gets anything done in this mess. The empty bottles of Jameson

on the floor are a testament to how much time he actually spends in here. I often fall asleep listening to

him type away on the laptop.

‘Doesnt matter how hard he works when he’s trying to contain me. what does it say?’ Picking up the

piece of paper that caught my eye I see it’s actually a list of a few different things, my name is number

one, it looks like he’s written over it several times. It makes the writing standout much bolder than it

should, like he was pondering something while writing it and got lost in the thought. Number two is my

name again but with a little dash after it and ‘human/drugs’, it looks almost like he’s listing all the things

he has going on at the moment.

‘Why would he put my name next to human and drugs? I don’t have anything to do with the drugs.’ I

ask Ghost as I trace over where my name is written.

‘Maybe he thinks you are connected.’ I shake my head at Ghost, I told him I didn’t know anything about

the drugs and what little I did know I told him. Number three says rogue/murderer and number four is

new Head Warrior, I put the paper down and lean back in the chair. I try to think of what all the things

have in common with me or why he would pair them with my name.

‘Why would he need a new Head Warrior? Rowan is really good, he’s nice and I kind of like him.’ Sure

I’ve only spoken to him a few times but that’s more because I keep myself locked away. When I have

spoken to Rowan nothing about him has set off any alarm bells and I’m naturally wary of men anyway.

‘I think the bigger question is why does he think you killed someone?’ I feel my brow furrow as I look

down at the paper again, I haven’t killed anyone that I know of, surely I would know if I had done that.





His Rogue Omega Chapter 42

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‘I didn’t kill anyone.’ Ghost doesn’t answer me, instead she just growls as the office door opens and

Sookie’s fake blonde hair appears as if checking whose in the office. She looks a little surprised to see

me but she quickly masks the shock and her face settles into a fake niceness.

“What are you doing in here?” Sookie’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me and I can’t help but

cringe as I scramble from the desk chair.

“I was looking for Cas.” I keep my head high, I refuse to bow down to this woman, she thinks she rules

this place but I’ve heard how the others talk about her.

“So you came into the Alpha’s office to look for him and decided to just take a seat at his desk when he

wasn’t here?” Sookie just makes a tsk sound with her mouth as she walks closer to the desk and picks

up the paper I was looking at. “Or you thought you’d do some snooping. Well isn’t this interesting, looks

like Alpha doesn’t trust you as much as he would have you believe.” I feel like someone has just thrown

cold water down my back, believing Cas doesn’t trust me is one thing but having this woman throw it in

my face is too much.

“Where is Cas?” I resist the urge to scoop up the paper as Sookie lets it float back down to the desk.

“Alpha,” I look around Sookie but don’t see Cas, I assumed she was addressing him.

“What?” I’m thoroughly confused, it’s like this woman is having two different conversations at once.

“It’s Alpha, it’s really rude to call him by his first name unless you’re familiar with him.” Sookie crosses

her arms over her chest pushing her already ample cleayage up under her chin, “he went to Mary

Nickels farm, I don’t know why. They used to play together as pups, everyone





Hic Rogue Omega: Chapter 42.

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thought they were going to be something once upon a time.” I nod my head at Sookie and try not to

show the disappointment on my face as I walk from the office, “you know, one girl to another, that Alpha

has plenty of other women around. Maybe you should just shoo away in the night, make it easier on

yourself.” I don’t answer her, it feels like someone has just punched me in the gut, I just walk out of the

office and back into the bedroom, closing the door behind me I slide to the floor and start to cry.

‘I told you he was no good, da mn Packs. Stop crying Eva, you’re stronger than this.’ I rub at my face This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

but the tears won’t stop coming, I don’t think I realised how much I was actually starting to like Cas until

there in that office with Sookie.

‘He’s my mate, surely it should just be me?’ I can’t say I’m fully up to date with how mates work but I

have a basic understanding.

‘Not all men are cut from the same cloth, maybe he wants his cake and to eat it too.’ I sniffle as I look

around at the bedroom, sitting here on the floor it clicks where I’ve seen this bed before.

“This was the first place I really heard you.’ It’s the angle I’m sitting at, the little wolves scratched into

the bedposts and the wooden floor, the only difference is the personal knick knacks, the chair and the

fold out bed.

‘I’ve always been here Eva, me and you are forever. I won’t ever leave you,’ I have to admit that is

oddly comforting, knowing I will always have someone at my back.

‘Think we can make it out there?’ Ghost just nods her head at me as I get off the floor and start looking

for something to put some clothes in. Locating a backpack in one of the drawers I quickly start to pile in

the clothes that Cas got for me.

‘We can do this, no more men and no more lies. Me and you against



His Rogue Omega: Chapter 42.

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the world.’ I smile as I drag the bag onto my shoulder and open the bedroom door, now I just need to

get out of the house before someone

sees me.

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