The Stained Omega

Chatper 181

Chatper 181

‘Well this was a fantastic idea. The middle of November and you run off into the da mn forest in nothing

but a hospital gown and a man’s shirt.’ The thought keeps rolling around in my head as I curl myself

tighter into a ball, I’m trying to protect myself against the territorial rain coming down but it’s no use.

The ground below me is soggy and rain is starting to puddle on the forest floor, no matter how hard I try

I can’t get warm. I can’t remember a time I’ve ever wished for a wolf more in my life, at least with fur I

would be warm.

“Eva?” hearing someone shout my name I try to lift myself up but it’s like my body just doesn’t want to

do what I’m telling it to. “Eva. There you are, I swear you smell the earth itself.” I feel hands curl under

my body as I’m pulled from the forest floor, sniffing all I can smell is rain water, dirt and trees. Cracking

my eyes open a little I see Eric looking down at me, his hazel eyes filled with concern as he looks down This is the property of Nô-velDrama.Org.

at me. “Taking you back to my cabin.” Those six words fill me with dread and with an energy I didn’t

know I had, wriggling in his grasp I try to get him to put me down.

“No, please. I don’t want to.” It’s taken everything I have to not go back to Jeremy and even more to

refuse Cas of his offer, I can’t just let Eric scoop me up and carry me off.

“You can’t stay out here Eva, stop struggling.” His hands become tighter on me as a growling sounds

all around my little cave, for a second I think it’s Eric but then it gets louder and much stronger than a

human throat can manage. “Oh, now you show up. Four f ucking days




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His Rogue Omega Chapter 14.

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in the pis sing down rain and now you show up.” I try to look around Erie to see who he’s talking to but

he’s got me in such a strong hold that I can’t move, even if my body would let me.

“I suggest you put her down before my Alpha decides to attack.” I don’t know this second voice but

from what he says I think he might be part of Cas and Selena’s Pack.

“Iain’t doing sh it, your Pack had its chance to look after her and you failed.” The growling starts up

again, Eric turns us so quickly that the pain that has been teasing my stomach turns into a full on

stabbing pain.

“This is your last warning, Storm won’t allow you to hold her against her will much longer.” Opening my

eyes a little I see the same slate grey wolf that stepped out of the trees that day Eric left me on the dirt

road. Something in the back of my mind is telling me that I know this wolf but it takes me a minute to

remember it’s Cas. Suddenly his offer of protection doesn’t seem so bad when compared with Jeremy

and a rogue I barely know.

“Cas.” his name comes out a little slurred, it kind of sounds like I’ve been drinking which can’t be right

because I can’t even remember the last time I ate let alone drank.

“There, she’s made her choice, now hand her over.” I can’t really see the man who’s standing next to

Ca s’s wolf but I can make out that he’s tall, maybe even as tall as Cas himself.

I start to wriggle against Eric’s hold as the man starts to walk closer to us with his arms out, I don’t

know who he is and I certainly don’t want his hands on me.

“Stop Rowan.” Cas is suddenly in front of Eric, they stare at each other for a long time before I’m being

pressed into Ca s’s naked chest.




His Rogue Omega: Chapter 14.

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“Last chance Alpha.” I feel C a s’s chest vibrate against my face as he turns and walks us out of the

cave. My head rolls around as he walks us through trees and away from my little cave. I don’t see

where Eric goes but I can feel the presence of the other man walking next to us.

“Back to the Pack?” The man asks as I lay my head against Ca s’s shoulder and breath in his scent,

my nose is instantly filled with sea salt and soft leather.

“Yeah, run ahead and get the Packhosue cleared out. Make sure Selena is there to look Eva over, she

has a temperature and I’m pretty sure she has an infection.” I don’t hear what the man says in

response, Cas keeps walking as the cracking of bones fills the silent night just before I feel something

speed past us.

I’m not sure how long it’s been but I open my eyes to feel myself being placed into a leather seat. It

isn’t until the light above me comes on that I realise I’m inside of a car.

“Cas?” I can’t feel his hands on me so I try to sit up but again my body just won’t listen to what I want it

to do.

“Stay still, Angel. I’m going to get you home and then Selena will check you over.” It takes a moment for

his words to penetrate through to my brain but when they do I just become more confused.

“Home?” I feel the car rumble to life under me just before we start to move forward.

“Back to my Pack, just until you’re well.” I feel his hand run over my forehead before he sighs and the

car starts to move faster, “you’re burning up and I can practically hear your stomach growling. Running

from me wasn’t a smart idea.”

“No more pain.” I try to tell him that I just want the pain to stop when I rejected his offer but it doesn’t

come out right. Everything is getting





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jumbled up in my head, it’s like I can barely thread more than a few words together in my brain.

“Just rest, Eva. No one is hurting you, we will be at the Packhouse soon.” I don’t know why right now

but the idea of being in a Packhouse feels me with a ball of dread that just sits in my stomach. I try to

keep my eyes open so I can see where Cas is taking me but it isn’ t long before I feel my body start to

betray me again and my eyes close without my permission.

“Get her on the bed.” The female voice penetrates the fog clouding my brain just as I feel a softness

below me. “She stinks of infection, why did you leave her out there so long.” The hands on my skin feel

soft as they start to move the sleeves of the shirt I’m wearing up.

“It wasn’t by choice, I didn’t realise it was this bad until the wind changed and brought her scent to us.”

The hand that lands on my head isn’t soft at all but it is calming, I lean into the touch, even without

being able to open my eyes I know it’s Cas.

“Cas, please.” I’m not sure what I’m begging for but I try to move closer to him, I curse my body as I

just lay there unable to even lift my head.

“It’s alright, Angel. Selena is just checking you over.” I feel a pressure around me and suddenly I’m

covered in the most soothing feeling I’ve ever felt in my life. I hear some sigh and I think it might have

come from me because Cas chuckles while running his hand through my


“That’s good Cas, keep doing that. Keep her calm, Eva this is going to put you to sleep for a little bit.” I

feel a sharp pain that has me gasping before something warm starts working its way up my arm, “when

you wake up you’re going to feel much better.” I try to tell Selena that she need not bother, I don’t

deserve to feel better. I deserve everything that



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has happened to me but before I can the warmth takes over my body and I drift off into the darkness.

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