The Stained Omega

Chatper 178

Chatper 178

“Hello?” I shout out into the room but no one answers back, I’ve never been in here before, I don’t

recognise the room at all. I know it’s a bedroom because there is a bed big enough for a giant, it’s solid

wood with little wolves engraved in all four of the bedposts. The mattress looks plump like it would offer

you all the support in the world while being super comfortable. The silk sheets-and comforter are black

at night and look as if they will feel great against my smooth skin. I know that laying down on it I will

look like a ghost with my pale skin.

Turning on the dark hardwood flooring I look for a door or window but I can’t see any. I can feel my

panic rising as I realise I’m trapped inside this room, I don’t understand how I got in if there is no way

out. There are no pictures or personal things that tell me who this room belongs to, all I know is that I

have never been here before.

“Hello?” I scream at the top of my lungs, maybe I’m just not seeing the door for looking so hard and

someone will come racing in. When no one does I drop myself onto the floor and curl into a ball, this

must be a new game. A new punishment Jeremy and Cyrus have come up with. The last thing I

remember is Cyrus beating me in the kitchen and feeling more pain than I have ever felt in my life.

Which is saying something considering the scars marking my back.

Hearing a small whimper I sit up and hold my breath, after a second I hear it again.

“Hello?” This time I speak softly in case I spo ok whoever is





His Rogue Omega: Chapter 11.

288 Vouchers

“Is he gone?” The voice that answers back sounds familiar but I can’t quite place it.

“Is who gone? There is only me here.” looking towards the massive bed I try to see around it, there is

nowhere else to hide but under there.

“I don’t want to hurt anymore, I had to make it stop.” I go to my hands and knees, crawling across the

floor, I try to push down the fear flowing through me. The voice sounds like it belongs to a small child

and I can’t sit by and watch Jeremy and Cyrus hurt someone so young. “I told you to run but you don’t

hear me, you never hear me.”

“I hear you now.” I say as I try to see under the bed, it’s so dark under there that all I can make out I’d a

dark shadow. “Please come out.”

“No, safe here. Always safe here.” Sitting back on my a ss I try to figure out how to get the girl out from

under the bed.

“What’s your name?” I figure if we get to know each other maybe I’ll be less of a stranger and she

might come out.

“Ghost.” Odd name but I go with it, I met an Alpha called Fraction once so I guess there are many

strange names out there.

“I’m Eva.” It feels odd introducing myself to someone I can’t see

“I know who you are and you know who I am. We have known each other for a long time, Eva.” I lay

myself flat on the floor again so I can pull myself under the bed, as I get closer to the shadow I hear a

growl that seems to make the floor vibrate.

“Ghost? Who are you?” The growling gets louder so I hold myself still, I know a warning when I hear


“It’s time to go Eva,” I look behind me expecting to see some feet at the




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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 11.

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end of the bed but there is nothing there. “I’m always here, you just have to listen. When it’s time you

run, run to him and he will keep you safe. I swear it, it’s fated.”

I try to ask Ghost what she means but there is a sudden sharp pain right in the centre of my chest, my

head starts to throb and a beeping sound surrounds me. The floor beneath me seems to vibrate as the

sounds around me start to get louder and louder, clasping my hands over my ears I try to block it out. I

don’t know what’s happening but I know it can’t be good.

“Eva, can you hear me?” Another voice I know but this time I know exactly who is talking, sniffing I’m

confused by what I smell. “Eva, if you can hear me squeeze my hand.” Instead of squeezing her hand I

pull my hand from her grip and open my eyes to see Selena standing over me in blue scrubs. Her hair

is pulled back into a tight ponytail and the bags under her deep blue eyes, the thing that confuses me is

the scent of Pack shifter rolling off her. “I know this is confusing Eva, you were hurt very badly. Do you

remember?” She holds up a little metal tube and tries to shine the light into each of my eyes.

“You’re,” my words get stuck in my throat so I swallow a few times before trying again. “You’re a

shifter.” Selena looks stunned for a second before lowering the little flashlight and stepping back


“I am.” She at least has the decency to look embarrassed at being caught in her lie.

“How? I’ve never smelt you before.” I try to pull the cover up but there are wires attached to my chest

and a needle in my arm which stops much movement. “What is this?”

“I used a spray to hide their scent, we didn’t know who you were or if you were dangerous.” Selena

takes a step closer to me but I just scoot back on the bed a little, right now she’s coming off as the





His Rogue Omega: Chapter 11.

288 Vouchers.

one. “You’re in the hospital, you were beaten pretty badly and it’s taken almost four days for me and

your wolf to fix you.”

“I don’t have a wolf,” I shake my head as I feel a clawing somewhere in the back of my head. “You lied Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

to me, you were my friend. My only friend and you lied to me.” I can stop the tears from rolling down my

face as I realise everything I thought was mine and mine alone was all a lie, one that Cas made up to

keep an eye on me. “Cas did this.”

“No, Eva.” Selena glances at the door before looking back at me, “it’s not like that I swear.” I pull at the

wires on my chest and Selena looks like she wants to stop me but she doesn’t.

“I’m leaving, you can tell Cas that if he has a problem with me he can come and see me.” Pulling the

needle from my arm I clap my hand where it came out to stop the blood that suddenly starts to flow.

“Eva, you had a really bad brain bleed. You should really stay here so I can keep an eye on you.” I

shake my head at her as I look around the hospital room looking for some clothes, I’m in a hospital

gown and I don’t really feel like running around with my as s hanging out. “Eva please, the person who

hurt you is still out there.”

“I know who hurt me, I deserved what was done to me.” I have my back to Selena so I don’t see her

come closer to me, I turn to look at her as she places a hand on my arm in a comforting gesture.

“No one deserves what they did to you.” I shake her off and stand up from the bed, my legs are shaky

but I push myself to ignore it.

“You don’t know the things I’ve done,” spotting a shirt hanging on one of the chairs I slowly shuffle over

to it and pull it onto my shoulders. It must be a man’s shirt because the smells coming from it are all

masculine, it also comes down to my knees. “I’m leaving, don’t try to stop me.”






His Rogue Omega: Chapter 11.

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Opening the door to the room I turn left and almost cry in relief as I see Eric sitting in a blue chair.

“You shouldn’t be up.” He jumps up and runs over to me, he wraps his arms around me just before I

lose the strength in my legs. “Come on, back to bed.”

“No, I need to get out of here.” Eric looks like he wants to argue with me but as a door opens behind

me he just nods his head.

“Yeah, alright. Come on, I’ll get you someplace safe.” I don’t know if I can trust Eric, he is a rogue after

all but at least he hasn’t lied to me like Cas and Selena. Wrapping my arms around Eric’s neck I let him

carry me out of the hospital, he might be a rogue but then again so am

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