The Stained Omega

Chatper 167

Chatper 167

His Rogue Omega.

88 Cas 88

88 One year after Eva is released $8

“Where are you off to?” My mother asks me as I head for the front door, sighing loudly, I turn to look at

her. Since my fathers passing she has really taken this whole single female to the extreme, she’s

favoring short skirts and skin tight tops these days. If it shows legs or ti ts she has it on.

“Going to check this rogue situation out,” I turn back to the door so I don’t have to look at the cherry red

lipstick smothered on her face anymore. “How about you leave the warriors alone while I’m gone?”

“When did you turn into such a pan sy? Let the warriors deal with the rogue, an Alpha has more

important things to do.” I don’t stay to listen to her berate me anymore, it’s always the same. I’m less

than I should be, I was raised to be strong and righteous and I shouldn’t be doing jobs that are beneath

me. The only thing that woman ever taught me was how to pour a decent gin while your mate beats

your pup into submission.

A week ago I got a report of a rogue setting up in the next town over from the Pack. We are pretty close

to a human town and we have good connections with them. Of course they have no idea what we are,

they just think we’re a bunch of closed off weirdos, they are good people though so I don’t want a rogue

coming in hurting them. Vince, my Beta told me he had scouted it out and it seemed to be one female

rogue around eighteen years old and she had started work at the local strip club. Apparently she Content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

moved to town with her boyfriend, who’s a human. A shifter with a human is enough of a concern but

what really




His Rogue Omega.

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had me jumping into my car tonight is that she will be eighteen this year. Surely there can’t be that

many rogue females out there, the only way for me to know is to check it out myself.

The human town is called Midsey, it’s pretty small to be honest. A couple thousand people, they don’t

have any strip malls or factories but they do have coffee shops, cars and four different strip clubs. Most

of the men work in the mines and most of the women either stay at home with the children or run the

little corner shops selling tacky stuff no one wants. Midsey is the town where technology never quite

made it, I’ m pretty sure they are about fifteen years behind the rest of the world. This late at night the

streets are empty and the shutters are down on the main street stores, my SUV sounds like a tank in

the silence. Eventually I reach the end of the street and turning left I see the red neon lights to the strip

club Vince told me about, Dragon’s Flame. I can see two guys standing outside having a smoke while

they chat to a skinny blonde woman who is wearing a silk robe over a g-string and nothing more. Her

heels put her at the same height as the guys and I have to admit she has some killer legs, tonight I’m

here for something with a little bit more bite though.

Finding a spot to park my car I make quick work of locking it up before heading into the club, as soon

as I cross the threshold I’m assaulted with the smell of whiskey, sweat and arousal. There is a red head

dancing on the pole as I make my way through the crowd to the bar, finding a spot at the end I sit down

and lean back into the


“What can I get you?” The woman behind the bar is wearing tiny hotpants that seem to cling to her like

a second skin, the tiny crop top barely contains her breasts and her hair is teased to give her more

volume, she’s a pretty woman but the outfit and all the make up just makes her look cheap.

“Two fingers of Jameson.” I tell her before looking away to scan the





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crowd, the club is pretty busy so it’s not until after the woman places my drink on the bar that I see her.

She’s on the other side of the floor to me, wearing a similar outfit to the woman behind the bar. I can

see everything she has to offer and so can every other male in the room. She hasn’t seen me yet so I

sit back and sip my drink as I watch her move from table to table, once her silver tray is full she moves

to the bar and trades it for one with full glasses.

Eva hasn’t looked at me once, she’s either ignoring me or she has pushed her wolf so far down she

can’t smell me.

‘Get her out of here.’ Storm whispers to me as we watch Eva get her as s grabbed by some jackas s

accepting a drink from her.

‘Can’t. She hasn’t done anything.’ Eva smiles at the man before walking way, she doesn’t slap him or

even give him a stern look, for all intents and purposes she looks pretty happy to be here.

‘She’s a rogue, just take her and lock her as s down. It’s within our right as Alpha.’ Storm isn’t wrong

but I can’t lock her up again, the poor girl has been a captive at every point in her life. If it wasn’t The

Shalamayne then it was at Swiftmane, this last year is the only time she’s ever been free.

‘I won’t do that to her,’ I tell Storm as I drop a twenty on the bar before getting up and heading to the

front door. Eva has just left the main floor and given that it’s been about two hours since I got here I can

only assume that means she is on break.

Walking out of the front door of the club I push past the couple making out and jog around to the back

of the building. Hopefully I’m right and she comes outside for some fresh air, I stop when I see the

green fire exit sign. There are no lights round here so I stay next to the wall and let the night be my

cover. I don’t wait long before the door opens and the clicking of heels on concrete reaches my ears.

Eva just stands in the alleyway with her hands on her hips as she tilts her head up to the





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night sky, I watch as her breasts swell as she takes in a deep breath and releases it.

“Who’s there?” She knows she’s not alone but she doesn’t know it’s me, interesting. Stepping from the

shadows I watch her big brown eyes widen further. “Cas.” My name sounds like a prayer coming from

her mouth, she doesn’t move and neither do I. “Why are you here? Did Fraction change his mind?”

She’s nervous, I can see her hand trembling as she tools a piece of her long black hair behind her ear.

“Why are you here Eva?” My voice comes out low and even I can admit it sounds intimidating in the


“My…erm…my boyfriend owns the club. He moved us here,” she takes a step back towards the door, “I

haven’t done anything wrong. I did everything Fraction told me too.”

“He told you to start dating a human? Tell you to parade yourself around like a wh ore?” I hate myself

for calling her a wh ore but right now she looks like one with the eyeliner on her eyes and her bright

pink lips.

“It’s just a job, I have to earn money.” I nod my head at her as I take another step closer.

“And you have to do that less than a ten minute drive from my Pack? And half naked?” I ask her.

“Your Pack?” Her eyebrows draw together in confusion, “I didn’t even know there was a Pack around

here.” The sound of metal squeaking brings both our heads towards the door she came out of, it sings

open showing a chubby man in jeans and white t-shirt. I can smell the alcohol seeping out of his skin

from here, I’m far enough back that he won’t be able to see me.

“Watcha doin’?” He asks with a slur in his voice.







“I just needed some air.” Eva says in a soft voice, her voice reminds me of someone speaking to a

wounded animal

“Get yah as s inside, got tables that need a clean.” Eva looks back at me before the man grabs the top

of her arm pulling her into the building. “did I stutter?” I don’t hear Eva’s response as the door swings

closed once she’s pulled into the building

Once I’m alone I pull my phone from my jeans and dial my Beta’s number. It takes a few rings but

finally he answers.

“Yeah?” His voice sounds like he’s been running or at least exercising in some way, looking at my

watch I see it’s two in the morning.

“I need you to get a warrior to this club every night, open till close until I say otherwise.” I start walking

back to my car.

“You find the rogue?” I nod my head before I realise he can’t see me.

“Yeah I found her. Set the patrol up. I want eyes on her at all times, if she so much as sneezes I want to

know about it.” I hang up the phone before he can answer me and start my car up. It’s not that I want to

control Eva, it’s more that I want to know what she’s up to. I don’t understand why a pup is working in a

strip club and why she can’t smell me or the Pack. I also didn’t like the way that the as shole grabbed

her. he used much more force than he needed to. Eva should be cared for, protected and if he can’t do

that then I will.

Join Cs & Eva in His Rogue Omega in Spring 202388

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