The Stained Omega

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

No rest for the Luna.


Waking up was the easy part, staying in bed while being poked by needles and people flit in and out of

the room less so. I’ve been awake for about s hours and I’m surprised that Fraction hasn’t been to see

me yet. From what I understand, Momma Beth and Lizzie were all poisoned. I assume by something

we ate but I can’t imagine what. Sure we all ate the chocolate cake but I’ve had that cake every week

since I had Thomas, it’s sort of a running joke between me and Fraction. There is no way that cake

could cause this so it must have been something else.

“When can I go home?” I ask Leon as he walks back into the room.

“We just need to run a few more tests, you were hit particularly hard.” Leon says while writing

something in my chart, he looks up at me and smiles but his smile doesn’t reach his eyes.

“Is Fraction around?” I ask with a sigh, I’ve tried using the link but he’s blocking me for some reason. I

can only assume he’s doing something Alpha related as he doesn’t normally block me.

“I’ve spoken to him but he hasn’t been by yet. I think he’s busy with something.” He’s being very vague

but I don’t push any further as he jabs a new needle into my arm and draws yet more blood. Sighing I

lean my head back and let him get on with his work in quiet. He must be frantic at the moment yet he’s

still here doing his job, that says a lot about who he is as a person to be honest.

“All done, Luna.” He says putting a little puffy ball of cotton where he teases the needle out. “Patrick is

outside, he is waiting to see you if

Norest for the Luna

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that’s ok?” I nod at him while adjusting myself into a sitting position.

As I wait for Patrick to come in I try to contact Fraction again. I don’t understand why he is not here, it’s

not like I want him sulking at my bedside but he’s always around. Even the times I didn’t want him there Material © NôvelDrama.Org.

he was still there. When I reach out to him I hit a misty wall, it’s like he’s fully blocked me out. He’s

there. I can feel him physically holding the mist in place. Blinking my eyes rapidly I try to shift the pain I

feel at being blocked by my mate.

“Luna.” Patrick greets me formally, I raise an eyebrow at him.

‘So formal.” I giggle as he closes the door and stands at the end of the bed. He’s dressed in jeans and

a button down with a very serious expression.

“What’s happened?” Something about the way he’s holding himself has me instantly on edge.

“Nothing. I came to give you this.” He hands me a small black file. I take it from him and open it,

scanning the first page.

“Training schedule?” I look up at him before flicking to the next page, “wait. This is for me?”

“It is. I have put this together specifically for you with Alpha Fractions input.” Again he sounds so

formal, it instantly puts me on edge.

“Patrick…what is this? What’s going on?” I ask him, closing the file I put it on the bedside table.

“Nothing, Luna. Once you are given the all clear we can begin your training.” He says turning and

opening the door.

“Don’t turn away from me.” I shout, I draw on Winter to put the full force of my Luna powerless behind

the voice. Patrick instantly stops. and I can see the moment he loses the battle within and closes the


No rest for the Luna

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door. My Luna Aura is less than an Alpha but still effective. “Now tell me, what is going on?” Crossing

my arms over my chest I await his explanation. When he doesn’t offer it I let Winter push the Luna Aura

out again and I watch as Patrick flinches and rubs at his forehead.

“Luna…Anna.” He says with a deep sigh, “I don’t know what’s going on. All I know is that Alpha has

locked himself in his study and unless it’s to see Thomas he doesn’t come out. He handed me this and

said I was to start your training immediately and that I was to give it my full and undivided attention.” He

seems to say this all on one breath like he’s trying to get it out as quickly as possible.

“Where is James?” My Fractions Beta can shed some light on this insane change in behaviour around


“I don’t know right this second but I can find out? I’m not sure he even knows what’s going on.

Something has ruffled Fraction and for

whatever reason he’s blocking all.” I nod at him and drop my Aura. He seems to take a breath for the

first time since I told him to stop. Nodding at me he quickly runs from the room.

‘What’s happening?” I ask Winter.

‘I don’t know. Something is wrong though, maybe the training is a good idea? She replies quickly. Of

course Winter thinks training is a good idea, she loves to fight and hunt. She is always at her most

happy when we run through the forest and hunt small animals or even the odd deer. Closing my eyes I

try again to contact Fraction.


Holding Anna out of the mind link is really starting to drain me. Leon called me a few hours ago to tell

me she was awake and he’s been calling me every hour since with an update on her condition. She’s

recovering well which is good.

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forest for the Luna.

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Patrick should be with her soon to give her the training schedule. I’m sure she has a thousand

questions as to why she is starting training but right now I have no answers for her. If I go to her she

will know about Faye and she will see it in my face. I just know it.

For now I will trust James and Patrick to guide her, I need to keep my distance. From Anna and Faye.

Pouring myself two fingers of whiskey I lean back in my desk chair and close my eyes. I can feel Anna

pushing on the mind link, I can feel her confusion and sadness that I’m not with her. I shut her down

and hold the wall up between us, one day she will realise I have done this to spare her feelings. I can

only hope she forgives me.


Thume thump Luna on her as s.

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