The Stained Omega

Chapter 46

Chapter 46



288 Vouchers

I let out a sound of satisfaction at the Elder’s announcement, sure I would like to have killed the man

myself but sometimes that’s not how these things work out. I turn to Anna who looks stunned on her

little chair, the men around us are all congratulating each other on a job. well done. I kneel down so I

am eye to eye with Anna.

“You ok little wolf?” I ask her.

“It’s over?” She says, she can’t quite believe it.

“It’s over.” I say with a smile.

“Thomas is a good name.” she says as she cradles our pup.

“I agree.” Kissing her head. I stand and walk over to Darryl. I clasp his hand in mine, thanking him for

his support.

Some of the men around us have started dispersing, others are talking amongst themselves clearly

waiting for the execution. I look over at Callum’s Luna who is walking towards me and Darryl. We both

turn to hear what she has to say.

“Alpha Darryl, Alpha Fraction. I have come to ask for sanctuary in one of your packs.” She says in a

small voice.


“No.” This is from Anna; I turn to see her standing beside me. “You were there, you were enjoying what

he was doing. I will not allow you in our pack, anywhere near my pup or any other females.”

“I think Anna summed up what we both were thinking. Good luck with




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“For wantsors for our victims Justice has been done

the rogues Suzie.” Darryl says.

“Please, don’t leave me out here.” All three of us turn on the crying woman and walk towards the

clearing to see the execution. It’s being held in the next clearing over and we make it in just a few This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

minutes. Rick and Lewis are walking behind us, and I see Rick has brought the chair for Anna.

“Are you sure you want to see this?” I ask Anna as she sits down.

“Yes, I need to. I didn’t see John die and I didn’t see you exile Max. This I can see.” I nod in

understanding, she needs closure.

We all watch as six warriors drag a struggling Callum out into the middle of the clearing. They strap him

to a post that has been erected, normally they don’t retrain the one being executed but I guess they

think he will run. The warriors all stand with their hands behind their backs looking towards Elder

Thomas. We all wait for the sun going down listening to Callum screaming everything he can.

“They all deserved it. Every single one of them. Who res all of them, filthy wh ores.” I try to block out his

screams, I am very close to going over and doing the deed myself.

“Not long now.” Darryl says beside me. I feel him squeeze my shoulder, “it will be over soon.” I nod at

him and look back towards Elder Thomas. As the sun drops below the trees the Elder gives a nod to

the warriors. One warrior walks over to Callum with a knife, with one swipe the knife slices through his

stomach, a second warrior walks over and slices the same spot making the wound deeper. Callum is

screaming out in agony, the third warrior’s slice causes his internal org ans to fall at his feet. They wait

for a few seconds to let Callum feel the pain, then a fourth warrior cuts through his throat. As he dies

Elder Thomas walks into the group and inspects the damage.

“Four warriors for four victims. Justice has been done.” With that


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simple statement the Moon Gathering is over, and Anna’s torment has been laid to rest. I feel her hand

clasp mine as I look towards her.

“Can we go home now?” She asks me.

“Yes, little wolf, let’s go home.”


Once we get home it feels like nothing has changed and everything has changed all at once. We have

been home for two week and honestly, it’s been the happiest two weeks I can ever remember having. I

am sat in the giant bean bag in Fraction’s office, he is typing away on his computer when I feel it. It’s

like someone has shoved their hand in my stomach and started pulling.

“AHHH” I call out curling in on myself.

“Anna?” Fraction’s panicked voice sounds, he is suddenly next to me feeling my head. “What is it?”

“He’s coming.” I tell him as I feel another tug. “Now. He’s coming now!” Without delay Fraction scoops

me up in his arms and runs out of the office.

“JAMES!” Fraction shouts almost deafening me. I hear the sound of running and then see a frantic

James standing before us.

“Now?” He asks.

“Right now!” Fraction says walking past him and leading us out of the house. James jumps into the

SUV as Fraction folds us both into the passenger seat. I cry out in pain as another contraction hits. I

feel the car start as we sail towards the medical centre. I vaguely hear James on the phone with

someone, barking instructions.


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When we pull up at the medical centre Doctor Lee is standing waiting with a wheelchair. Fraction gets

us out of the car and walks straight. past him. He carries me past the patients sitting in the waiting area

and through some double doors.

“Right here, Alpha.” Doctor Lee says pointing to a room. I scream in pain as Fraction puts me on the

bed in the room.

“Alpha, you must leave.” Doctor Lee says as he put on a pair of gloves. “Anna, I need you to take off

your leggings and panties.” I hear Fraction growl at that. “Beta get the Alpha out of here!” The doors

open and I see the last person I was expecting. She keeps her eyes down and walks around James

and Fraction to get to me.

“Eliza?” I say through the pain.

“I’m here! There is no way your Alpha can stay in here with another man all up in you so Rick thought it

best I be here with you.” Fraction lets out another growl and I look over at him to see his eyes go


“Leo!” Fraction turns to me, “get out now so I can get our son out safely.” I cry in pain as I watch James

pull Fraction out of the room.

“Don’t worry Luna, he won’t go far. It’s just easier to do this when an angry Alpha isn’t snarling at me.”

He gets a chair and places it at the end of the bed. “Eliza, can you help me rid Luna of these


I help as much as I can, but the contractions seem to be coming closer and closer. Eventually Eliza

gets my leggings off, but I’m so overcome with pain that Doctor Lee decides to just cut my panties off

me. My legs are placed in stirrups, and I feel Eliza take my hand.

“Alright Anna, PUSH!” Doctor Lee says, I bare down with everything I have and push as hard as I can.

“That’s it, Anna. Now one more big push and we will have a head.” I feel his hands on my legs as I



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with everything I have. “That’s it Anna, keep going…nearly there. We have a head. Well done, Anna.” I

am panting as Eliza rubs a cloth over my head.

“You’re doing so well An na!” she says to me.

“Alright Anna, on the next contraction I want you to give me one last big push and we will have an

Alpha Heir.” When I feel the pain, I push with the last of my energy, just when I feel like I can’t push

anymore the blissful sound of a crying baby fills the room. “You did it Anna.” I feel some tugging and

then a very wet and gloppy baby is plopped onto my chest.

“An na!” I hear and then the door bursts open to an enraged Fraction storm into the room. The second

he spots me with baby Thomas he stops still, I see the moment he realises I am ok and that our baby is

here. “Oh An na!” He comes over to me and sweeps the hair from my face placing a k*ss on my head

and then one on Tho ma s’s head. “He’s a beautiful little wolf.”

I look down at the tiny pale bundle in my arms, his eyes are closed, and his little hands are forming fists

like he’s punching the air. He has ten toes and ten fingers, he has an alarming amount of deep brown

hair on his head, but it just makes it all the more beautiful to me.

“He’s perfect in every way,” I say to Fraction, never taking my eyes off Thomas, “I love you.”

“I love you, little wolf.” Fraction says as he holds us both.

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