The Stained Omega

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

It’s all about control.


After last night I feel closer to Fraction than I ever have, revealing part of what happened to me while

John held me captive left me feeling raw and open. Like a wound I couldn’t stop picking at, I saw the

look in his eyes as he listened. He was repulsed by what I was telling him. Later though he showed me

he is anything but repulsed by me. Just sitting. here, I can feel myself getting wet just from the memory

of his mouth.

on me.

“Little wolf, stop that. You’re going to create a scene.” Fraction is speaking low into my car. I turn and

see all the males in the doctors waiting room are suddenly snilling the air. Some are looking directly at

me, and others are pointedly trying not to look and failing. Sitting here in this stuff blue plastic chair I

can’t help but squeeze my legs, together in the vein hope of some relief, Fraction’s hand lands on my

leg. “Stop. Once we have seen the doctor, I will help you with this… issue.” I can see the grin on his

face, the hand on my leg is doing nothing to stop my arousal. Just as I’m about to pounce on him here.

and now in the doctors waiting room my name is called.

Fraction takes my hand in his and leads the way into a small office. It’s very simple, it has a wooden

desk, a chair for the doctor and two for the patients, an examination bed and a privacy curtain. I can

see degrees lining the mint green walls and the light above is one of those eht above is one of those

annoying ones that leaves the room in a yellow tinge. I take a seat and Fraction takes the one beside

me, we wait for Doctor Lee to finish typing on his computer.

“Sorry about the wait, Luna. I had a female go into early labour.” Doctor Lee says as he turns to face




“Oh, is she and the pup, ok?” I don’t know everyone in the pack, but early labour isn’t always a good

thing with wolves, so I am still concerned for the female.

“She and the pups are very well. Sometimes when it’s twins, they don’t like to wait.” He clasps hands

on his knee, “Now what can I do for you?”

I turn to Fraction, he is the one who insisted we come here, to be honest I feel great. My wounds have

healed. I’m no longer looking like a dot to dot thanks to the bruises being gone. I’m not overly sure why

we are here.

“Yesterday Anna shifted for the first time, it was very quick. Almost as quick as me and Bela James.” I

listen to Fraction, is it so abnormal that I shifted so fast? “When James demanded she shift back her

wolf refused, I had to extend my aura to get her to shift back.”

“And how did you wolf feel about shifting back Anna?” The doctor is scribbling notes in a little pad as

we speak.

“Erm, well she didn’t want to.” The doctor looks at me in surprise, “I sort of had to bribe her with a run

with Leo if she took us back.”

“Ok, and have you spoken to her since?”


“Ok Anna, if you wouldn’t mind jumping up onto the bed, I am going to take your vitals and draw some

blood.” I do as Doctor Lee says and wait patiently while he listens to my heart, checks my blood

pressure, shines a light in my eyes and ears and finally draws what I think must be about half of my

blood. “Alright Anna, you can jump down now.”

We all sit in silence while Doctor Lee labels all of the blood samples, in actual fact he only took four

vials, so not quite all of my blood.

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“So, Anna’s vitals seem all within normal range. Her blood pressure is a little high, but I think we can

attribute that to being here, we call it white coat syndrome.” He offers me a reassuring smile, “Now I

don’t expect to find anything, but I will send your blood for testing just to be sure nothing has been

missed. I honestly think the disconnect between Anna and her wolf is a physiological one rather than


“You’re saying I have finally gone crazy?” Fraction clasps my hand.

“I don’t think the doctor is saying that at all, right doc?” He looks at the doctor in a way that says, fix this

before she breaks.

“Of course not. I just mean that this was your first shift. Most wolves have had years to connect with

their wolves and then shifted multiple times by the age you are now.” The doctor walks over to this tidy

little bookshelf and selects a book, “this is a book about Omegas. You might find it useful; it also

explains a lot about how wolves can feel

disconnected from their human part. I suggest shifting more often in at safe environment.” He nods

towards Fraction, “possibly with your mate around. Most wolves are calmer and more amenable when

with their


“Alright.” I stand and so does Fraction.

“If either of you have any more questions please don’t hesitate to come. back.” We both nod and leave

the doctor’s office in silence.

We are both quiet as we drive back to the packhouse, I notice for the first time that the pack land looks

different since I left. The houses once neat and well cared for are starting to look shabby and unkept.

The ice cream parlour is closed, and the school looks abandoned. There is barely anyone walking the


“What happened?” I say aloud.

“The pack has fallen into a state of depression, at least that’s what

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James calls it.” I look at Fraction and I can see his jaw tighten and his hands grip the steering wheel

harder. “When you were taken, we lost 26 families as they felt I couldn’t keep them safe. The families

and single wolves who stayed seem to have lost the enthusiasm they once had.”

“The pack needs healing.”

“I don’t disagree little wolf.”

“I want to help. If I’m going to be Luna, I want to help with healing.” I tell Fraction as I watch the coffee

shop shutters come down.

“There is no ‘if‘, you are Luna. Once my mark is on you it will just make it official.”

“Well then we should get on with the marking.”

“Slow down little wolf. You’re not ready.” Well, that’s annoying, I cross my arms and slump back in my


As we arrive at the packhouse we see Patrick running down from the porch, we both jump out of the

car quickly and meet him on the grass.

“What’s happened?” Fraction demands in his Alpha tone.

“Rogues on the south border.” Patrick doesn’t stop, he just runs straight for his own car. Fraction puts a

k*ss to my forehead and says, “head on in i’m going to check this out. I’ll be back soon.”

“Be safe.” I whisper to his retreating form.

I head into the house and decide that while Fraction is out, I will go. and take a nice long bubble bath.

As soon as I open our bedroom the smell of artificial sunflowers assaults my nose, I sneeze and crinkle

my nose against it. After I close the door, I realise there is a very attractive.

all about control.

red headed female on our bed. She has pale skin, almost like snow, she is wearing a bright red lace

bralette and matching thong. She has the most piercing green eyes I have even seen. She just looks at

me with her head tilted.

“Erm…can I help?” I say to the female bed invader.

“Oh, I’m just waiting for the Alpha, I don’t need anything you can leave.” She has a voice like silk, it just

rolls over me like a soft caress…

She thinks I’m a servant.

“Well you are waiting for him in my bed.” I cross my arms over my chest and stare at her. “Please get

dressed and leave.”

“You can’t command me to leave. I’ve been away for a while so I’m sure Alpha wants to see me, it’s

been a while for both of us.”

“You and Alpha? You’re together?” I can’t believe what I’m hearing.

“Of course we are silly,” she giggles like a child. “who are your anyway?”

“I’m his mate.”


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It’s all about control. Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.


After last night I feel closer to Fraction than I ever have, revealing part of what happened to me while

John held me captive left me feeling raw and open. Like a wound I couldn’t stop picking at, I saw the

look in his eyes as he listened. He was repulsed by what I was telling him. Later though he showed me

he is anything but repulsed by me. Just sitting. here, I can feel myself getting wet just from the memory

of his mouth

on me.

“Little wolf, stop that. You’re going to create a scene.” Fraction is speaking low into my ear. I turn and

see all the males in the doctors. waiting room are suddenly snilling the air. Some are looking directly at

me, and others are pointedly trying not to look and failing. Sitting here in this stuff blue plastic chair I

can’t help but squeeze my legs together in the vein hope of some relief, Fraction’s hand lands on my

leg. “Stop. Once we have seen the doctor, I will help you with this… issue.” I can see the grin on his

face, the hand on my leg is doing nothing to stop my arousal. Just as I’m about to pounce on him here.

and now in the doctors waiting room my name is called.

Fraction takes my hand in his and leads the way into a small office. It’s very simple, it has a wooden

desk, a chair for the doctor and two for the patients, an examination bed and a privacy curtain. I can

see degrees lining the mint green walls and the light above is one of those annoying ones that leaves

the room in a yellow tinge. I take a seat and Fraction takes the one beside me, we wait for Doctor Lee

to finish

typing on his computer.

“Sorry about the wait, Luna. I had a female go into early labour.” Doctor Lee says as he turns to face



“Oh, is she and the pup, ok?” I don’t know everyone in the pack, but early labour isn’t always a good

thing with wolves, so I am still concerned for the female.

“She and the pups are very well. Sometimes when it’s twins, they don’t like to wait.” He clasps hands

on his knee, “Now what can I do for you?”

I turn to Fraction, he is the one who insisted we come here, to be honest I feel great. My wounds have

healed, I’m no longer looking like a dot to dot thanks to the bruises being gone. I’m not overly sure why

we are here.

“Yesterday Anna shifted for the first time, it was very quick. Almost as quick as me and Beta James.” I

listen to Fraction, is it so abnormal that I shifted so fast? “When James demanded she shift back her

wolf refused, I had to extend my aura to get her to shift back.”

“And how did you wolf feel about shifting back Anna?” The doctor is scribbling notes in a little pad as

we speak.

“Erm, well she didn’t want to.” The doctor looks at me in surprise, “I sort of had to bribe her with a run

with Leo if she took us back.”

“Ok, and have you spoken to her since?”


“Ok Anna, if you wouldn’t mind jumping up onto the bed, I am going to take your vitals and draw some

blood.” I do as Doctor Lee says and wait patiently while he listens to my heart, checks my blood

pressure, shines a light in my eyes and cars and finally draws what I think must be about half of my

blood. “Alright Anna, you can jump down now.”

We all sit in silence while Doctor Lee labels all of the blood samples, in actual fact he only took four

vials, so not quite all of my blood.




“So, Anna’s vitals seem all within normal range. Her blood pressure is a little high, but I think we can

attribute that to being here, we call it white coat syndrome. “He offers me a reassuring smile, “Now I

don’t expect to find anything, but I will send your blood for testing just to be sure nothing has been

missed. I honestly think the disconnect between Anna and her wolf is a physiological one rather than


“You’re saying I have finally gone crazy?” Fraction clasps my hand.

“I don’t think the doctor is saying that at all, right doc?” He looks at the doctor in a way that says, fix this

before she breaks.

“Of course not. I just mean that this was your first shift. Most wolves have had years to connect with

their wolves and then shifted multiple times by the age you are now.” The doctor walks over to this tidy

little bookshelf and selects a book, “this is a book about Omegas. You might find it useful, it also

explains a lot about how wolves can feel disconnected from their human part. I suggest shifting more

often in a safe environment.” He nods towards Fraction. “possibly with your mate around. Most wolves

are calmer and more amenable when with their mate.”

“Alright.” I stand and so does Fraction.

“If either of you have any more questions please don’t hesitate to come back.” We both nod and leave

the doctor’s office in silence.


are both quiet as we drive back to the packhouse, I notice for the first time that the pack land looks

different since I left. The houses once neat and well cared for are starting to look shabby and unkept.

The ice cream parlour is closed, and the school looks abandoned. There is barely anyone walking the


“What happened?” I say aloud.

“The pack has fallen into a state of depression, at least that’s what

James calls it.” I look at Fraction and I can see his jaw tighten and his hands grip the steering wheel

harder. “When you were taken, we lost 26 families as they felt I couldn’t keep them safe. The families

and single wolves who stayed seem to have lost the enthusiasm they once had.”

“The pack needs healing.

“I don’t disagree little wolf.”

“I want to help. If I’m going to be Luna, I want to help with healing.” I

tell Fraction as I watch the coffee shop shutters come down.

“There is O

‘if‘, you are Luna. Once my mark is on you it will just make it official.”

“Well then we should get on with the marking”

“Slow down little wolf. You’re not ready.” Well, that’s annoying, I cross my arms and slump back in my


As we arrive at the packhouse we see Patrick running down from the porch. we both jump out of the

car quickly and meet him on the grass.

“What’s happened?” Fraction demands in his Alpha tone,

“Rogues on the south border.” Patrick doesn’t stop, he just runs straight for his own car. Fraction puts a

k*ss to my forehead and says, “head on in i’m going to check this out. I’ll be back soon.”

“Be safe.” I whisper to his retreating form.

I head into the house and decide that while Fraction is out, I will go and take a nice long bubble bath.

As soon as I open our bedroom the smell of artificial sunflowers assaults my nose, I sneeze and crinkle

my nose against it. After I close the door, I realise there is a very attractivel

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red headed female on our bed. She has pale skin, almost like snow, she is wearing a bright red lace

bralette and matching thong. She has the most piercing green eyes I have even seen. She just looks at

me with her head tilted.

“Erm…can I help?” I say to the female bed invader.

“Oh, I’m just waiting for the Alpha, I don’t need anything you can leave.” She has a voice like silk, it just

rolls over me like a soft caress… She thinks I’m a servant.

“Well you are waiting for him in my bed.” I cross my arms over my chest and stare at her. “Please get

dressed and leave.”

“You can’t command me to leave. I’ve been away for a while so I’m sure Alpha wants to see me, it’s

been a while for both of us.”

“You and Alpha? You’re together?” I can’t believe what I’m hearing.

“Of course we are silly,” she giggles like a child, “who are you anyway?”

“I’m his mate.”

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