The Stained Omega

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Wisdom of the Elders.


If i was a cat I would pur that’s how content I feel sitting snuggled into Fraction in his office after James

tricked him. I was cautious and I didnt think it would work but with Winter clawing at my brain I felt like a

Hail Mary was all I had at the time. Although I don’t fully agree with the method and I still kind of smell

like James, I can’t deny it got the result I wanted. From the second Fraction’s fangs pierced my skin

Winter simmered down, all the nose stopped and my emotions all seemed to settle into one place. It

was like I was floating above my b*dy and he pulled me back into it. I meant what I said to him; I am

strong. I’ve been through so much and I’m still standing but I am stronger with him standing beside me

Fraction doesn’t hold me back,

Recharge successful! he lifts me up so I can reach new heights.

I grumble when Fraction nudges me with his nose. I am in a little contentment bubble and I really don’t Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

want to move. He took me so many times that I’m pretty sure when I do move the evidence of it will

slide down my legs. I scrunch my nose up and tighten my thighs, it’s not about keeping him inside but

more I don’t want to make a mess of his office chair.

“This is going to be messy,” I whisper against Fraction’s n*ked chest, at some point he took off the shirt

I was wearing and my blue panties lay in shreds on the office floor.

“Just means you will smell of me, little wolf,” he taps my a ss and forces. me to stand. “We have the

Luna ceremony soon.” My eyes widen as I look for a clock. We somehow spent the whole day trapped

in the office.

Wisdom of the Elders.

“Thomas?” I’m ashamed to say this is the first time my son has crossed my mind the whole time we

have been in here.

“He’s with my mother,” Fraction tells me as he opens a draw and pulls. out some joggers, I sna tch up

the shirt off the floor. When I bend down it happens, my legs part slightly and I feel us both slide down

my legs. I hear Fraction sniff deeply and sigh, “Oh yeah, I like that.” I shove my shirt over my head and

stare at him with my hands on my shoulders.

“You’re gross, I’m going to shower.” I’ve not taken three steps before he has me over his shoulders.

“Not a chance, you’re going to walk around smelling like me all night.” He lets me slide down his front

until we are face to face, he’s masking it well but I can see the worry lines on his face.

“You know it was James just trying to force you right? I don’t actually want him.” Fraction nods and

sniff’s deeply again.

“I know little wolf, doesn’t make smelling him on you any casier though,” he k*sses the top of my head.

“Just keep Leo sane, don’t shower. I have some tissues in my desk”

“I’m sorry if you felt forced into mating me.” I voice my insecurities. aloud, Fraction tilts my chin up to

him with a finger.

“Nothing was forced, I thought letting you manage this alone was the right thing to do. Now I know it

wasn’t, when did this happen?” Fraction lifts my right arm so I can see it and down it is an angry red

looking claw mark.

“I don’t know, I didn’t even feel it. She’s been clawing at me trying to get out,” I look at the mark in

confusion. “I didn’t even know it was there.”

“I smelt the blood when I came in, that’s how I knew I had taken the

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wrong path. How’s Winter now?” Fraction’s eyes are focused on my face like hes trying to see Winter.

Just as I’m about to answer there is a knock on the door. My eyes must widen in a comical fashion as I

spin and run to the desk in search of tissues because Fraction bursts out laughing. He has the decency

to wait until I have wiped myself and disposed of the tissues in the bin before he opens the door

revealing. Elder Thomas.

I quickly drop into Fraction’s chair and slam my thighs together. I know Elder Thomas probably already

knows what’s happened here but I am still trying to hide the smell. Fraction steps aside and lets Elder

Thomas in before closing the door.

“Ahh good, you mated. A wise choice, little Omega.” Fraction nose scrunches up as Elder Thomas

uses his pet name for me and sits in the chair opposite me. He waits patiently as Fraction comes

around to stand next to me, he puts a possessive hand on my shoulder. “You can stop bolstering

Alpha, I have no desire to take such an Omega from you.” Elder Thomas dips his head, almost bowing

to Fraction. “How is your wolf? Surely she has settled even now?” I nod my head at him.

“She has, she’s gone quiet. It’s the most peaceful she’s been in a long time, I think she feels the guilt of

all she’s done though.” Fraction. squeezes my shoulder in reassurance.

“That will explain why Leo is complaining that Winter won’t speak to him.” Fraction grumbles.

“It will come with time, little Omega. Your wolf was almost feral, it’s not often our wolves can hurt our

physical selves.” He nods towards. my arm as I slide it off the desk and hide it under it. “You will find

she will be alot more like her quirky old self now you are back, the Luna ceremony will offer you some

further closure.”

“Not that I don’t appreciate all you have done but why are you still here

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Elder Thomas? I thought you had left already. “I look at Fraction in confusion, surely James told him

Elder Thomas was still here.

“Your Omega was haemorrhaging emotions all over the place, your beta got the worst of it or you

would know I’m staying until after this evening’s festivities.” My eyes widen as Elder Thomas says this.

“You mean I’ve been sending out emotions? I didn’t even know I was doing it.” Fraction squeezes my

shoulder again, “it didn’t feel like it did with Ocean.” I know Fraction is dying to ask me about Ocean but

he won’t in front of a guest.

“Ocean and Lily were one of a kind, while Lily took the family route. and cared for those around her.

Ocean decided to take the Omega abilities and seek vengeance on those around her, Ocean helped

you. tap into that power.” I nod my head, I knew Ocean and Lily knew each other. She admitted herself

to stealing things from Fraction’s grandmother. “From now on you will need to take care of what you

feel around others, it will be exhausting and some days you will want to hide from the world. I beg you

to see comfort in your Alpha at those times, don’t hide away. Over time it will become easier to manage

until you are doing it subconsciously.” Elder Thomas does a half smile, “anyway onto why I came. I

have three gifts for the new Luna of Swiftmane.” Fraction leans over the desk to take a small bundle of

papers from Elder Thomas. “These are the contracts signed by the Alpha’s long ago, they are of course

null and void but I thought you would feel more comfortable having them here. The one regarding

Fraction and Faye is at the top,” I watch as Fraction flicks through the papers with a blank face. He’s

schooling his features to not let the Elder know what he’s thinking, ever the Alpha.

“What should we do with them?” I ask Elder Thomas.

“Burn them if you wish but they are apart of our history so maybe lock them au

away somewhere safe?” Fraction nods and opens a desk draw

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dropping the bundle in, he quickly closes it and stands up right again.

“I’ll find somewhere for them, little wolf.” I don’t miss the way he says my pet name, it’s like a claim and

I see Elder Thoma’s eyebrow raise.

“Secondly,” Elder Thomas says around a throat clearing cough. “It’s not. well known but as my second

gift I offer you some knowledge. While same S** fated mates are rare they do happen, they are not the

same as hetroS**ual fated mates. They take work and effort but once a mark is in place they are as

fated as any other couple.”

“Sh it!” Fraction curses so loudly I actually jump, “Leon and James?”

“Are not fated, but he does have one out there.” All the air seems to leave Fraction at once, his

shoulders slump and he looks so relieved he doesn’t have to hurt his Beta’s fated mate.

“Thank you, do you know who it is?” I ask Elder Thomas while patting Fractions hand on my shoulder.

“No but he has a fate line linking him to another, they will find each other as any other mate does.” I

have to say it’s a relief to know James. is going to have a mate one day, I can’t wait to tell him.

“Lastly,” Elder Thomas smiles at me. “You will have two more children in your life Anna. One will be an

Omega, you must raise her with the kindness and love you have experienced in this Pack. You will

break the cycle of damaged Omega’s if you do it correctly.”

“How can you possibly know that?” I feel like all the air has left my b*dy, two more pups, that’s a lot of

pushing, breastfeeding and dirty diapers.

“The fated lines of course,” every time this Elder speaks I have more questions. “Now I think I will find a

spot to watch the ceremony. Congratulations again on your mating.” Elder Thomas stands smoothly

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and quickly leaves the room as I watch open mouthed.

“Three kids is a lot of kids,” I whisper into the room.

“Maybe we made one today.” Fraction says while k*ssing my head and rubbing my stomach, I push his

hand away before jumping up from the chair.

“Keep dreaming Alpha, I bet he was just having us on.” I dodge Fractions hands as he tries to pull me

into him, “nope. I’ve got a ceremony to get ready for.” I run from the room laughing as Fraction.

grumbles loudly about blue balls and non complaint Luna’s.

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