The Stained Omega

Chapter 11

Chapter 11

The Long Night


With Fraction gone and Winter sleeping I toss and turn, I can’t seem to turn my mind off. I decide to go NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

and see if anyone else is awake, maybe get a glass of warm milk. I’ve never had it but Momma Beth

swears by it. I get out of bed and leave my room, I’m halfway down the hall when I see James running

towards Fraction’s office. Odd why he is running around in the middle of the night, surely Fraction went

back to bed. I know I shouldn’t but I follow him. James is in such a rush he doesn’t realise he had left

the office door open a little, I shamelessly listen in.

“Yes, we found some bodies. Four females, all in shallow graves around the South Claw land. They are

among the first taken when this all started” Says someone I vaguely know the voice of, I can’t put a

name to the voice. “I’ve just been told one of the females taken is. sixteen years old.”


“Wait, so he took four females and got rid of four to make room? This wolf isn’t shopping, he’s building

a ha*em.” More she-solves have missing? This is horrible. I continue to listen with my hand over my

mouth. “Calm down Zeus,” Zeus is James’ wolf, I guess he’s mad about the she-wolves. “Darryl, can

we do anything to help?” Darryl? I think that’s an Alpha to one of the neighboring Packs.

“Not as of now I need to call the Alphas of these females and tell them and then I suggest a gathering.”

“Sounds good, keep me updated.” I hear the phone being set back on the base. This isn’t good, if more

females have gone missing this is getting worse and the wolf responsible is getting braver. Killing an

Alpha and Luna is a death offence on its own, never mind the


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The Long Night

kidnapping and murders. This wolf is going to be torn apart and there will be a line of wolves wanting to

do the job.

“What a cluster f**k.” Fraction sounds exhausted

“You’re telling me, what is this wolf up to?!”

“Anna got her wolf. She’s called Winter and she’s an Omega. Her safety has never been more

important. We know at least one of the wolves taken is Omega, maybe more.” I’m shocked at the

change of conversation, even from the other side of the door I can hear the pride in his voice.

“Little wolf is Omega?” I hear Fraction growl, “Sorry Alpha, wow an Omega. Our next…”

“Anna, what are you doing?” I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turn around and see Patrick at the end of

the hall..

“Oh my g*d you nearly killed me.” I half laugh, half shout at Patrick once I walk closer to him. “I couldn’t

sleep and I was going to see if Fraction wanted some hot milk before I made my own” I lie, I’m actually

impressed with how easily I lied.

Patrick strokes the stubble on his chin and gazes down at me, at almost six foot it’s not hard to gaze

down on a 5 foot 4 inches wolf. “I could go for some milk” Patrick leads us into the kitchen. “And Anna,

stop with Patrick, call me Rick like everyone else.”

“I can’t do that, Rick reminds me of an old man, you will always be Patrick to me or what about Pat?” I

take a seat at the breakfast bar.

Patrick looks at me in horror. “Alright Patrick it is.” He makes himself busy microwaving some milk,

once he sits a steaming mug in front of me we hear the front door slam shut. I crane my neck round to

see who it was but all I see is James heading to the kitchen.


“Alpha has gone for a run to check on the patrols” James says pouring himself a hot milk, he checks

the jug again as if wondering where all the milk is. Honestly these men don’t do well on no sleep. I get

up. refill the mug and pop it back in the microwave. As I lean against the counter I ask “Why what’s

up?” James looks at me and then Patrick “Nothing he’s just not had Leo out for a run for a bit”. Patrick

gets up and looks out of the kitchen window, “Sure and he thought 3am was the perfect time to go

running” I chuckle as I pour James a now full mug of warm milk. I’m so caught up doing the task I don’t

realise what’s happening until it’s too late.

“Anna, run!” Patrick yells as a giant brown wolf comes smashing through the kitchen window. Patrick

shifts into his jet black wolf with white socks and starts fighting the intruder. James grabs my arm and

pulls me towards the hall as two wolves come sliding into the kitchen. We are trapped. Patrick is

fighting and me and James are blocked by two wolves. ‘We have to run, I can’t shift us yet, get out

Anna’ Winter is awake and her hackles are up. One of the two wolves turns and jumps on Patrick’s

back. he lets out an ungodly howl as the wolf drags. its claws down his back. I look at James as a tall

man steps round the wolves. He’s completely n*ked, he has deep brown hair and a scar over his right

eye. He’s got blood covering his b*dy.

“No one else has to die, hand over the Omega” who died? Someone died? I look at James, James isn’t

there anymore. In his place is a giant grey wolf. Zeus is massive, I quickly move out of his way. I don’t

want to be in the way of this wolf and his prey.

“Have it your way” With a flick of his head all three wolves turn and start fighting with Zeus. In all the

chaos the stranger gets hold of me. I’m biting and scratching anything I can reach. I scream for James,

I scream for Fraction, I scream for anyone listening. I’m being pulled backwards outside and into the

night. As we hit the outside I feel a sharp sting in my neck, before I succumb to the dark I’m almost

sure I see a massive black wolf running towards us, he’s so far away though.



The Long

And then nothing. It’s just black.

When I come to the first thing I notice is that we are moving, the vibrations under my butt tell me I’m in

a vehicle of some sort. I lay still so my captures don’t realise I’m awake. There is a bag over my head

and my hands are tied behind my back, my ankles are bound together too. I couldn’t move even if I

wanted to. ‘Winter what do we do?’ I implore my wolf, I hear nothing back. ‘Winter?’ Nothing, not even

at growl. I have no idea what happened but it looks like I’m alone right now. If Fraction hadn’t been

stubborn and sworn me in I might have been able to contact a pack member, although I don’t know

how long I’ve been asleep, I could be too far away for anyone to link with me.

“I think he’s going to be happy with this one, he’s been searching for her for over two years now” It’s the

same voice from the kitchen. Oh g*d I really am being taken from my pack.

“She sure is pretty” I feel a hand on my head, I will myself to be still.

“Hands off the merchandise. You know how he feels about used product,”

“He let us use that other bi*ch up.” I shiver as this is said.

“She was a sl*ve, no one wanted her. This one will sell for a fortune. Young enough to be ripe, an

Omega and she’s a da*n knockout. No wonder those wolves fought so hard for her,” I try to fight the

urge to

be sick.

“Speaking of knockout, she’s awake,” The van jolts to a stop and I hear a door being opened and

closed. After a few seconds I hear another door being opened and the floor beneath me dips a little.

They don’t remove the bag off my head but I do feel a sharp pr*ck in my arm. “Back to sleep for you” I

hear as the blackness comes again.


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