The Roommate (Roommates, #1)

Chapter 28 Paige

While I obeyed, Cannon’s eyes traced my movements. This was just weird.

I lay back, propped up on pillows, and squeezed my eyes shut.

“Just relax, princess,” he said, sitting down on my bed between my parted legs.

Certain I was going to die of embarrassment, I stared blankly up at the ceiling.

“Take a deep breath and open your knees.”

Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I did as he asked.

“Interesting . . .” He hesitated, using one finger to softly touch my swollen flesh. His touch was so careful, so reverent, it made my heart swell despite my embarrassment.

“What do you mean, interesting? What the hell is it?”

He met my eyes. “How long after sex did the symptoms start?”

“I noticed it when I woke up the next morning.”

He nodded. “That’s what I figured. It’s a latex allergy.”

I sat up so I could stare incredulously at him. “I’m not allergic to latex.”

“Your vagina begs to differ. We can develop new allergies over time. You’ll be fine . . . you just need to abstain from sex until it’s healed, probably three to five days, and then find a latex-free condom alternative going forward.”

“Right. Well, thanks.” I rose and tugged my underwear back on. I guessed having a roommate who was also a doctor had its perks.

“Are you sure you’re okay? I feel bad. I was basically the reason this happened.”

His sentiment was sweet, and yeah, in a weird way, his latex-covered schlong was to blame, but I couldn’t fault him. A good time was had by all.

“I’ll be fine.” I shifted, wincing in discomfort.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

Cannon frowned. “That’s what I thought.” He piled up some pillows behind me. “Lay back down.”

When I resisted, frowning at him, Cannon merely chuckled. “You’re not a very good patient. Just chill for a minute and let me make a phone call. I can’t prescribe drugs yet, but I’m betting that when I call Dr. Haslett-”


“The attending physician I worked with in gynecology. I’m sure he’ll write you a prescription. An oral steroid will clear this up fast. You’ll feel better very soon, princess.”

At his deep, silky voice not only promising to make me better, but calling me by that endearing nickname, I couldn’t help but smile at him like a lovesick little fool.

I relaxed against the pillows while Cannon pulled his phone from his pocket and walked out into the hall to place his call.

A few minutes later he was back, looking annoyed.

“What did he say?” I asked. “Can I get the steroid?”

Cannon grunted something that sounded a lot like yeah and sat down on the edge of my bed.

“Then what’s wrong?”

He shook his head. “The bastard wanted me to take a picture and text it to him.”

“Of my vagina?” I shrieked.

Cannon’s nostrils flared and he nodded once.

“Ew. That can’t be ethical.”

“I asked him to treat you without actually seeing you, but yeah, that’s just creepy. Ethical or not, I told him to fuck off.” He pressed his lips tight, still pissed. “He saw the light pretty damn quick.”

A surge of pride, knowing Cannon had defended my wounded vagina’s honor, coursed through me.

His expression softened to return my smile. “What do you want to do tonight?”

I blinked at him, sure that he wasn’t implying we spend it together. I’d been operating under the impression that we were trying to keep our polite distance, making sure that, aside from our one-time affair, real feelings didn’t develop.

“I’m thinking pajamas, carryout, and movies. You in?”

“Only if you promise to actually wear pajamas this time.” I remembered the night he crawled into bed with me; he’d slept only in his boxers. And then, of course, what followed when we woke up was the reason I was lying here sore and on the outs.

“Where’s the fun in that?” He smirked.

I wagged my finger at him. “Oh no, you don’t. Don’t be cute and flirty when my vagina’s out of commission.”

“You think I’m cute.”

It wasn’t a question, and I didn’t answer. He was more than cute, he was damn sexy, and he knew it. Instead I just huffed, “I get to pick the carryout.”

“Deal. You pick out what you want, and I’ll run out and get it. I’ll grab your prescription from the hospital pharmacy on the way.” He offered me his hand and I took it, rising from the bed to follow him to the living room.

We ate Thai food together on the couch. Downloaded a Vince Vaughn movie that made us crack up with laughter.

“So, seriously, should I be offended that you’re not in love with me yet? Maybe I’ve lost my touch,” Cannon said, watching me with a challenging smile.

I chuckled, almost nervously, and shook my head. “Sounds to me like you’re fishing for compliments, mister.”

He shrugged. “Not at all. I just want to know, in your professional opinion, that one day when I find the right girl and unleash all this on her, there won’t be any disappointments.”

His choice of wording was spot on. Unleash was right. Cannon was a force to be reckoned with. He could have his pick of any woman he wanted, but that wasn’t what he was asking. He was obviously trying to get a rise out of me.

“I’m sure you’d make a shit boyfriend,” I said around a mouthful of pad Thai.

“Hey, I take offense to that.”

I gave him a knowing smirk.

“I’d be the kind of boyfriend who held your hair back while you blew me.” His voice was sincere, but his words were crude.

“How darling of you.”

Reaching out toward me, Cannon pinched my waist, tickling me.

“Hey!” I scooted farther away.

“So you really can’t think of any redeeming qualities that might interest the fairer sex?” he asked.

I no longer knew if we were playing around or if he really wanted to know how I felt about him. Since I couldn’t admit that yet, not even to myself, I stuck with playful, rolling my eyes.

“As if Allie would let you date.”

“Allie has no say in this. Assuming I did want a relationship.”

My world tipped sideways. “I’m not ready to have this conversation,” I said, my voice shaking.

Cannon watched me for several heavy heartbeats, and I thought he was going to press me to answer. But he didn’t.

I stood to clear our dishes and take a minute to just breathe in the privacy of my kitchen. When I returned to the living room, Cannon was holding Enchilada up, and was taking pictures.

“Did you just take a selfie with my dog?” I was a sucker for a man who was sweet to my dog.

“Maybe. Is that a problem?” He grinned at me, and just like that, our playful mood from earlier was back.

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